EPPO Global Database


Reporting Service articles

Num. Title year-month
2025/016 Update on the situation of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands 2025-01
2025/006 First report of Pochazia shantungensis in Hungary 2025-01
2025/004 First finding of Scirtothrips aurantii and new finding of Scirtothrips dorsalis in the Netherlands 2025-01
2024/239 First report of Hemadas nubilipennis in the Netherlands 2024-11
2024/245 Eradication of Meloidogyne enterolobii from the Netherlands 2024-11
2024/212 Pests recently intercepted in the Netherlands 2024-10
2024/227 Findings of tobacco ringspot virus in ornamentals in the Netherlands from 1997 to 2020 2024-10
2024/224 First report of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in the Netherlands 2024-10
2024/134 First report of American plum line pattern virus in the Netherlands 2024-06
2024/107 Update on the situation of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Meloidogyne fallax in the Netherlands 2024-05
2024/106 Update on the situation of Callidiellum rufipenne in Europe 2024-05
2024/043 New findings of cowpea mild mottle virus in the Netherlands 2024-02
2024/001 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2024-01
2023/254 Update on the situation of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in surface water in the Netherlands 2023-11
2023/243 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2023-11
2023/236 New viruses of vegetable crops: Physostegia chlorotic mottle virus, African eggplant-associated virus, and African eggplant yellowing virus 2023-10
2023/180 First report of Pochazia shantungensis in the Netherlands 2023-08
2023/165 Update on the situation of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in surface water in the Netherlands 2023-07
2023/144 Finding of tomato ringspot virus in the Netherlands 2023-06
2023/095 Tomato mottle mosaic virus in seed accessions in Europe 2023-04
2023/093 First reports and eradication of cowpea mild mottle virus in Germany 2023-04
2023/052 Mislabelling of Salvinia plants in trade in the EPPO region 2023-02
2023/053 Inspections for regulated aquatic plants in the Netherlands 2023-02
2023/046 First record of Meloidogyne enterolobii in the Netherlands 2023-02
2023/019 Update on the situation of Synchytrium endobioticum in the Netherlands 2023-01
2023/010 New finding of Scirtothrips dorsalis in the Netherlands 2023-01
2023/005 Update on the situation of Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato in Europe 2023-01
2022/229 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2022-11
2022/244 First record of sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus in the Netherlands 2022-11
2022/204 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2022-10
2022/180 Myriophyllum rubricaule a parrot’s feather look-alike only known in cultivation 2022-08
2022/168 First report of tomato mottle mosaic virus in the Netherlands 2022-08
2022/152 Interception of tomato fruit blotch virus in the Netherlands 2022-07
2022/153 First report and eradication of cotton leaf curl Gezira virus in the Netherlands 2022-07
2022/082 Update on the situation of Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato in the Netherlands 2022-04
2022/056 First finding and eradication of an Apriona sp. in the Netherlands 2022-03
2022/028 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2022-02
2022/042 Update on the situation of tobacco ringspot virus in the Netherlands 2022-02
2021/242 First report of Eotetranychus lewisi in the Netherlands 2021-11
2021/200 First finding of pathotype 38 (Nevşehir) of Synchytrium endobioticum in the Netherlands 2021-09
2021/179 Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the Netherlands 2021-08
2021/113 Artemisia princeps in the EPPO region: addition to the EPPO Alert List 2021-05
2021/108 Lettuce necrotic leaf curl virus: a new torradovirus found in the Netherlands and France 2021-05
2021/078 First report of Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and cf. Cryphalus sp. in the Netherlands 2021-04
2021/086 Update on the situation of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands 2021-04
2021/021 Artemisia princeps in Western Europe 2021-01
2020/247 First report of Stigmaeopsis longus in the Netherlands 2020-11
2020/225 Update on the situation of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands 2020-10
2020/059 First report of Gymnocoronis spilanthoides in the Netherlands 2020-03
2020/038 Update on the situation of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands 2020-02
2020/040 Eradication of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the Netherlands 2020-02
2019/205 First report of Thrips parvispinus in the Netherlands 2019-10
2019/209 First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands 2019-10
2019/208 Eradication of Tetranychus mexicanus from the Netherlands 2019-10
2019/207 Update on the situation of Aculops fuchsiae in the Netherlands 2019-10
2019/182 First report of Scirtothrips dorsalis in the Netherlands 2019-09
2019/034 Dead beetle of Popillia japonica found in trap at Schiphol airport (NL) 2019-02
2019/024 Interception of invasive alien plants as contaminants in potted plants from China 2019-01
2018/228 Tobacco ringspot virus and Tomato ringspot virus found in the Netherlands 2018-11
2018/223 First report of Tetranychus mexicanus in the Netherlands 2018-11
2018/131 Invasive alien plants along roadsides in Europe 2018-06
2018/090 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2018-05
2018/108 Interception of Pepper chat fruit viroid in the Netherlands 2018-05
2018/068 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2018-04
2018/057 First report of Viteus vitifoliae in the Netherlands 2018-03
2018/037 First report of Tomato chlorosis virus in the Netherlands 2018-02
2017/200 Update on the situation of Potato spindle tuber viroid in the Netherlands 2017-10
2017/190 Aculops fuchsiae found again in the Netherlands 2017-10
2017/059 First report of Thekopsora minima in the Netherlands 2017-03
2017/017 Updated situation of Ralstonia solanacearum in the Netherlands 2017-01
2016/170 The Hemitarsonemus species recently found in the Netherlands on Platycerium alcicorne is H. ganeo 2016-09
2016/176 Isolated finding of Potato spindle tuber viroid in potato breeding material in the Netherlands 2016-09
2016/166 First report of an unknown Contarinia species on Alstroemeria in the Netherlands 2016-09
2016/136 Ralstonia solanacearum found in Solanum melongena in the Netherlands 2016-07
2016/132 The identity of the Hemitarsonemus species recently found in the Netherlands on Platycerium alcicorne remains to be determined 2016-07
2016/076 The presence of two species, Contarinia pseudotsugae and Contarinia cuniculator is suspected in the Netherlands 2016-04
2016/083 Update on the situation of Potato spindle tuber viroid in the Netherlands 2016-04
2016/071 Eradication of Anoplophora glabripennis from the Netherlands 2016-04
2016/054 First report of Hemitarsonemus tepidariorum in the Netherlands 2016-03
2016/055 First report of Hercinothrips dimidiatus in the Netherlands 2016-03
2016/053 Aculops fuchsiae detected and eradicated in the Netherlands 2016-03
2016/021 The influence of mowing regime on the soil seed bank of Ambrosia artemisiifolia 2016-01
2016/020 Potted plants as pathway for introducing invasive alien plants 2016-01
2016/008 Presence of Contarinia pseudotsugae suspected in the Netherlands 2016-01
2016/005 Presence of Rhagoletis completa suspected in the Netherlands 2016-01
2015/182 Ralstonia solanacearum (race 1) detected in Rosa in the Netherlands 2015-10
2015/164 Ralstonia solanacearum (probably race 1) detected in ornamental Anthurium plants in the Netherlands 2015-09
2015/150 Incursion of Platynota rostrana in the Netherlands 2015-08
2015/135 Diaporthe vaccinii is absent from the Netherlands 2015-07
2015/128 Dryocosmus kuriphilus found again in the Netherlands 2015-07
2015/109 Updated situation of Thrips setosus in the Netherlands 2015-06
2014/207 Updated situation of PSTVd in the Netherlands: eradication of the two outbreaks found in 2013 in tomatoes and Dahlia 2014-11
2014/181 First report of Thrips setosus in the Netherlands: addition to the EPPO Alert List 2014-10
2014/192 Ralstonia solanacearum (probably race 1) detected in ornamental Curcuma plants in the Netherlands 2014-10
2014/153 Pathway analysis: terrestrial plants imported from East Asia into EPPO countries 2014-08
2014/131 Detection of Potato spindle tuber viroid in potato breeding material in the Netherlands: an update 2014-07
2014/133 First report of Cryptostroma corticale in the Netherlands 2014-07
2014/126 Eradication of Thaumatotibia leucotreta from the Netherlands 2014-07
2014/111 Incursion of Tetranychus agropyronus in the Netherlands 2014-06
2014/102 First report of Meloidogyne mali in the Netherlands: addition to the EPPO Alert List 2014-06
2014/084 Situation of Phytophthora lateralis in the Netherlands 2014-05
2014/088 Incursion of Potato spindle tuber viroid in potato breeding material in the Netherlands 2014-05
2014/059 An updated guide on invasive waterplants in the Netherlands 2014-03
2014/058 An updated assessment of Cabomba caroliniana in the Netherlands 2014-03
2014/024 Anthonomus eugenii eradicated from the Netherlands 2014-02
2014/030 First report of Erwinia pyrifoliae on strawberries in the Netherlands 2014-02
2014/031 Update on the situation of Fusarium foetens in the Netherlands 2014-02
2014/005 Update on the situation of Blueberry scorch virus in the Netherlands 2014-01
2013/220 Eradication of Dryocosmus kuriphilus from the Netherlands 2013-10
2013/194 Potato spindle tuber viroid detected for the first time in Dahlia sp. in the Netherlands 2013-09
2013/148 Incidental finding of Potato spindle tuber viroid in tomatoes in the Netherlands 2013-07
2013/127 Pepper chat fruit viroid a new viroid of capsicum and tomato possibly transmitted by seeds 2013-06
2013/115 RINSE: a new EU project 2013-05
2013/104 Diaporthe vaccinii detected again in the Netherlands 2013-05
2013/071 Assessment of the ecological effects of Mimulus guttatus in the Netherlands 2013-03
2013/070 Update on the Code of conduct on invasive alien aquatic plants in the Netherlands 2013-03
2013/073 Mini datasheet on Lagarosiphon major 2013-03
2013/072 Assessment of the ecological effects of Vallisneria spiralis in the Netherlands 2013-03
2013/041 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2013-02
2013/037 Eradication of Blueberry scorch virus from the Netherlands 2013-02
2013/016 World distribution of Baccharis halimifolia 2013-01
2012/203 First report of Anthonomus eugenii in the Netherlands 2012-10
2012/210 First report of Drosophila suzukii in the Netherlands 2012-10
2012/173 Management methods for Cabomba caroliniana in the Netherlands 2012-08
2012/160 New isolated outbreak of Anoplophora glabripennis in the Netherlands 2012-08
2012/072 Incursion of Helicoverpa armigera in the Netherlands 2012-04
2012/070 Dutch interceptions of cerambycid larvae in wood packaging material with stone products from China 2012-04
2012/037 Pests newly found or intercepted in the Netherlands 2012-02
2012/044 New decision-support systems for the control of invasive alien macrophytes 2012-02
2012/012 Luperomorpha xanthodera: a new flea beetle recently introduced into the EPPO region 2012-01
2011/252 Myriophyllum aquaticum in the Netherlands 2011-11
2011/251 Myriophyllum heterophyllum in Belgium and in the Netherlands 2011-11
2011/209 A Dutch animated film on invasive alien species 2011-09
2011/157 Tomato apical stunt viroid detected for the first time on tomatoes in the Netherlands 2011-07
2011/166 The Netherlands: national initiatives on Code of conduct 2011-07
2011/140 Batocera rubus detected in a bonsai plant in France 2011-06
2011/122 Interactive identification key for seeds in birdseed 2011-05
2011/089 Interception of Astylus atromaculatus and Tetranychus fijiensis in the Netherlands 2011-04
2011/087 Tobacco ringspot virus detected on Phlox subulata in the Netherlands 2011-04
2011/082 New pest records in EPPO member countries 2011-04
2011/050 Eradication of Anoplophora glabripennis from the Netherlands 2011-03
2011/063 New organizational structure of the Dutch Plant Protection Service 2011-03
2011/028 Phytophthora lateralis detected again in the Netherlands 2011-02
2010/200 First record of Anoplophora glabripennis in the Netherlands 2010-11
2010/196 Raising public awareness on Ambrosia in the Netherlands 2010-10
2010/151 First report of Chalara fraxinea in the Netherlands 2010-09
2010/168 A new field guide on aquatic invasive alien plants in the Netherlands 2010-09
2010/134 First report of Dryocosmus kuriphilus in the Netherlands 2010-08
2010/122 Anoplophora chinensis eradicated from the Netherlands 2010-07
2010/106 Diaphania perspectalis continues to spread in Europe 2010-05
2010/069 Risks of introduction of alien plant species via seeds imported for fodder and birdseed 2010-03
2010/075 A New Code of conduct on aquatic plants in the Netherlands 2010-03
2010/025 Anoplophora chinensis found again in the Netherlands 2010-02
2010/013 Isolated finding of Thaumatotibia (Cryptophlebia) leucotreta on Capsicum chinensis in the Netherlands 2010-01
2010/015 Hypercompe icasia intercepted on pot plants in the Netherlands 2010-01
2010/014 Incursion of Stathmopoda auriferella in the Netherlands 2010-01
2010/010 Oxycarenus lavaterae found for the first time in the Netherlands 2010-01
2009/192 Leptodictya tabida, a sugarcane lace bug detected in the Netherlands 2009-10
2009/190 Aceria ilicis, a gall mite found in the Netherlands 2009-10
2009/173 Anoplophora chinensis found on Cornus and Crataegus in the Netherlands 2009-09
2009/180 Successful eradication of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in the Netherlands 2009-09
2009/178 First report of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni in the Netherlands on ornamental Prunus laurocerasus 2009-09
2009/130 Isolated finding of Diaporthe vaccinii in the Netherlands 2009-07
2009/142 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2009-07
2009/105 Tuta absoluta detected again in the Netherlands 2009-06
2009/082 Diabrotica virgifera virgifera eradicated from the Netherlands 2009-05
2009/033 Eradication of Tobacco ringspot virus from the Netherlands 2009-02
2008/204 Isolated finding of Blueberry scorch virus in the Netherlands 2008-10
2008/197 First report of Diaphania perspectalis from the Netherlands 2008-10
2008/205 Situation of Iris yellow spot virus in onion crops in the Netherlands: 2008 situation 2008-10
2008/206 Colombian datura virus: an emerging disease? 2008-10
2008/111 Landoltia punctata, a new record for the Netherlands 2008-05
2008/060 New findings of Iris yellow spot virus in the Netherlands in 2007 2008-03
2008/002 Anoplophora chinensis found in the Netherlands 2008-01
2008/005 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis found in the Netherlands 2008-01
2008/010 New host plant records for pospiviroids 2008-01
2007/211 First report of Mycosphaerella pini in the Netherlands 2007-11
2007/187 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2007-10
2007/181 Legislation on Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in the Netherlands 2007-09
2007/173 First record of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in the Netherlands 2007-09
2007/143 Lysichiton americanus eradicated from the Netherlands 2007-07
2007/107 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2007-06
2007/090 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis found in the Netherlands on tomato plants for planting 2007-05
2007/064 Database of alien plants in Ireland 2007-03
2007/007 Detection of Tobacco ringspot virus on ornamental plants in the Netherlands 2007-01
2007/008 Iris yellow spot virus detected on Eustoma in the Netherlands 2007-01
2006/229 Further finding of Potato spindle tuber viroid on ornamental Solanaceae in the Netherlands 2006-11
2006/180 Joint PRA carried out for Meloidogyne minor by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom 2006-09
2006/162 Incursion of Helicoverpa armigera in the Netherlands 2006-08
2006/168 Interception of Metamasius hemipterus in the Netherlands on imported palm trees: addition to the EPPO Alert List 2006-08
2006/103 First report of Ciborinia camelliae in the Netherlands 2006-05
2006/099 Anoplophora chinensis eradicated from the Netherlands 2006-05
2006/102 First report of Phytophthora ramorum on Fagus sylvatica in the Netherlands 2006-05
2006/031 Strawberry is a host plant for Meloidogyne fallax 2006-02
2005/174 A survey of weeds that are increasingly spreading in Europe 2005-11
2005/165 Diabrotica virgifera found again in the Netherlands 2005-10
2005/145 Ericaphis fimbriata occurs in Europe 2005-09
2005/067 Viroids detected on tomato samples in the Netherlands 2005-05
2004/087 Rhagoletis cingulata occurs in the Netherlands, but not R. indifferens 2004-06
2004/058 Situation of Diabrotica virgifera in the EPPO region 2004-04
2004/002 Finding of Anoplophora chinensis in the Netherlands 2004-01
2003/142 First report of Diabrotica virgifera in the Netherlands 2003-10
2003/113 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2003-08
2003/037 News from the Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium (Monterey, US, 2002-12-15/18) 2003-03
2003/014 News from the Diagnostic Centre of the Dutch NPPO - 2001 2003-02
2002/046 Incursions of Scyphophorus acupunctatus in Italy and in the Netherlands: Addition to the EPPO Alert List 2002-03
2002/035 New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List 2002-03
2001/188 News from the Diagnostic Centre of the Dutch NPPO 2001-11
2001/124 Other reports of Ralstonia solanacearum on Pelargonium 2001-07
2001/045 Phytosanitary incidents reported on bonsais and pot plants in the Netherlands 2001-03
2001/041 EU survey on Pepino mosaic potexvirus 2001-03
2000/165 Outbreak of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in the Netherlands 2000-11
2000/174 Cameraria ohridella continues to spread in Europe 2000-11
2000/032 Details on glasshouse quarantine pests in EPPO countries 2000-02
2000/005 News from the Diagnostic Centre of the Dutch NPPO 2000-01
2000/003 Addition of pepino mosaic potexvirus to the EPPO Alert List 2000-01
1999/128 Characterization of iris yellow spot tospovirus 1999-07
1999/064 Establishment potential of Diabrotica virgifera in the Netherlands 1999-04
1999/056 Isolated finding of ring rot in Dutch potato crop 1999-04
1998/182 Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae found again in the Netherlands 1998-10
1998/130 New tospovirus in chrysanthemum 1998-07
1998/81 Phoracantha semipunctata and apple proliferation phytoplasma found in the Netherlands 1998-05
1998/02 Tilletia indica and Diabrotica virgifera are absent from the Netherlands 1998-01
1997/214 Findings and eradication of Plasmopara halstedii and Xanthomonas fragariae in the Netherlands 1997-11
1997/204 Xanthomonas campestris pv. dieffenbachiae found in the Netherlands 1997-11
1997/205 Present situation of Ralstonia solanacearum in the Netherlands 1997-11
1997/216 No Thrips palmi found during the 1997 survey in the Netherlands 1997-11
1997/24 Situation of Ralstonia solanacearum in the Netherlands - harvest 1996 1997-02
1997/26 Update on the situation of Thrips palmi in the Netherlands 1997-02
1997/29 News from the Diagnostic Centre of the Dutch Plant Protection Service 1997-02
1997/01 Recent studies on Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax n. sp. 1997-01
1996/194 Recent findings of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, plum pox potyvirus and Xanthomonas fragariae in the Netherlands 1996-10
1996/193 Eradication of further outbreaks of Thrips palmi in the Netherlands 1996-10
1996/182 Situation of Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum in the Netherlands 1996-10
1996/01 Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum found again in the Netherlands 1996-01
1995/48 Thrips palmi eradicated from The Netherlands 1995-03
1995/23 International course on 'Modern crop protection: developments and perspectives' 1995-01
1994/193 News from the Diagnostic Centre of the Dutch Plant Protection Service 1994-10
1994/107 New findings of Thrips palmi in the EU (The Netherlands) 1994-06
1994/22 International crop protection course 1994-02
1993/70 Further outbreaks of brown rot of potato (Pseudomonas solanacearum) in the EC (BE, NL) 1993-04
1993/79 Eradication of Thrips palmi in the EC (Netherlands) 1993-04
1993/17 Thrips palmi discovered in the EC (NL) 1993-01
1992/04 Interceptions in The Netherlands in 1989 and 1990 1992-03
1991/02 Interceptions in the Netherlands in 1991 1991-09
1990/07 International Course on Glasshouse Crop Production 199l-05/20-06/16 1990-07
1990/04 Distribution of Liriomyza huidobrensis in the EPPO region 1990-02
1989/08 Results of questionnaire on distribution of Bemisia tabaci in EPPO countries 1989-01
1988/11 A new powdery mildew disease of tomato 1988-06
1988/02 Up-date of summaries of the regulations of EPPO Member Countries 1988-04
1988/03 Thrips palmi on chrysanthemums from Japan 1988-01
1987/01 Status of Opogona sacchari in EPPO region 1987-16
1987/01 Non-occurrence of Peronospora tabacina in Netherlands 1987-09
1987/01 Non-occurrence of Ceratitis capitata in Netherlands 1987-08
1987/01 American lupin aphid in Europe 1987-02
1979/04 Studies on Dutch elm disease 1979-01
1977/03 Amendment to Dutch Health Regulations Order 1977-01