EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 04 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/79

Eradication of Thrips palmi in the EC (Netherlands)

Outbreaks of Thrips palmi (EPPO A1 quarantine pest) in The Netherlands have been reported in the EPPO Reporting Service 93/017 (1993, No. 1). Dutch authorities have now informed EPPO that these outbreaks have been eradicated by the Plant Protection Service of The Netherlands. All in all 1.3 million ficus plants and 6 000 mý of Rosa plants for cutflower production were destroyed and the glasshouses of the three establishments where T. palmi was found were disinfected. Furthermore, a survey of the neighbouring establishments was carried out with no further finds of the pest. Additionally, surveys were carried out in high-risk establishments which import Ficus spp., chrysanthemum cuttings, carnation cuttings and other plants from Guatemala and other countries where T. palmi occurs. After the eradication programme and the surveys for T. palmi the Dutch Plant Protection Service considers T. palmi as eradicated. The establishments involved in this incident were officially released on 1993-02-08. The total costs involved in this eradication programme was announced as 8 million NLG.
More detailed information on the eradication programme can be obtained on request from the EPPO Secretariat.
In connection with the successful eradication of T.palmi Dutch authorities have additionally informed EPPO that a T. palmi outbreak has occurred in 1988 in the Tiel district of The Netherlands. The firm concerned had grown 4 000mý of Cactaceae and was placed under official notice after the T. palmi finding. The infestation was eliminated by means of crop destruction. A similar eradication programme had been applied as in the 1992 finding.


Ministry of Agriculture, The Netherlands (1993-03)