New tospovirus in chrysanthemum
Until 1994, tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV - EPPO A2 quarantine pest) was the only tospovirus reported on chrysanthemum in the Netherlands. However, since then an aberrant tospovirus has occasionally been found. Affected plants showed severe stem necrosis, partial wilting and chlorotic to necrotic spots on some leaves. These symptoms are similar to those of TSWV but are generally more severe, and serological tests failed to detect TSWV. Further studies have revealed the presence of a distinct tospovirus, tentatively designated as Ch-1. At three locations the first symptoms of this new tospovirus were found in chrysanthemum cultivars raised from cuttings originating from a nursery in Brazil. In addition, this virus gave a positive reaction with the antiserum to a Brazilian tospovirus of chrysanthemum (Chry- virus, see EPPO RS 96/082 and 96/198). The authors concluded that Ch-1 may originate from Brazil.
Verhoeven, J.T.J.; Roenhorst, J.W.; Cortes, I.; Peters, D. (1996) Detection of a novel tospovirus in chrysanthemum.
Acta Horticulturae, no. 432, 44-51.