EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 1998 Num. article: 1998/02

Tilletia indica and Diabrotica virgifera are absent from the Netherlands

The Plant Protection Service of the Netherlands has recently informed the EPPO Secretariat that surveys have been carried out on Tilletia indica (EPPO A1 quarantine pest) and Diabrotica virgifera (EPPO A2 quarantine pest).
In 1997, a national survey was conducted on wheat diseases. In total, 125 fields were visually inspected for bunt and smut symptoms, including those caused by T. indica. No symptoms of Karnal bunt were found. It is concluded that T. indica is absent from the Netherlands. This survey will continue in summer 1998.

As soil attached to military vehicles returning from Bosnia-Herzegovina can be considered as a potential way of introducing D. virgifera into the Netherlands, a survey was carried out using 50 Hungarian pheromone traps, placed at 25 different sites, mainly near airports and in maize-growing areas. From the end of June until the beginning of September 1997, these traps were inspected every two weeks. No D. virgifera was caught. This survey will continue in 1998, as more military vehicles will return from Bosnia-Herzegovina.


Plant Protection Service of the Netherlands, 1997-12.