EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/245

Eradication of Meloidogyne enterolobii from the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the root knot nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii (EPPO A2 List) was first detected in January 2023 on ornamental potted plants of Ficus microcarpa in the premises of one retail company (EPPO RS 2023/046).

Tracing back and trace forward activities allowed the further detection of the nematode in 12 places of production in total. M. enterolobii was detected on F. microcarpa plants in March 2023 in two additional companies importing plants from China. In April 2023 a specific survey targeted all similar growers in the Netherlands. M. enterolobii was detected again: twice on F. microcarpa and once on plants of Zelkova[1]. Subsequent inspections at these locations also detected the pest on plants of Sageretia1 and Syzygium1. During the same period two more findings occurred: one on Callistemon1 plants originating in another EU Member State and one on F. microcarpa. Further findings occurred during export inspections in October and November 2023, and early 2024 on F. microcarpa, as well as on Syzygium in August 2024.

All findings were linked to traded material from a third country and one EU Member State. Eradication measures were applied in each outbreak. More than 300 000 plants of infested lots were destroyed. For other lots of plants for planting which were connected to the same watering system at infested places of production, a quarantine period of at least 10 weeks was imposed. Those plants were released following meticulous checks of the root systems. The NPPO confirmed that eradication of the pest was achieved in October 2024.

The pest status of Meloidogyne enterolobii in the Netherlands is officially declared as: Absent, pest eradicated.

[1] It may be noted that no Zelkova or Sageretia species were previously listed as hosts in EPPO Global Database, and only Syzygium aromaticum was listed in the genus Syzygium. No Callistemon species are recorded as hosts, but Melaleuca citrina (which is often marketed as ‘callistemon’) is.


NPPO of the Netherlands (2024-11).