EPPO Global Database

Crinivirus tomatichlorosis(TOCV00)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Capsicum annuum (CPSAN) Major host
* Fiallo‐Olivé E, Navas‐Castillo J (2019), Tomato chlorosis virus, an emergent plant virus still expanding its geographical and host ranges. Molecular Plant Pathology, 20: 1307-1320. doi:10.1111/mpp.12847

* Gavrili V, Lotos L, Katis N, Maliogka V (2022) First report of tomato chlorosis virus in pepper in Greece. Journal of Plant Pathology 104, p 439.

* Lozano G, Moriones E, Navas‐Castillo J (2004) First report of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) as a natural host plant for Tomato chlorosis virus. Plant Dis. 88, 224.
------- Confirmed host.
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Major host
* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- Confirmed host.

* Wisler GC, Li RH, Liu HY, Lowry DS, Duffus JE (1998) Tomato chlorosis virus: A new whitefly‐transmitted, phloem limited, bipartite closterovirus of tomato. Phytopathology, 88, 402–409.
Alternanthera philoxeroides (ALRPH) Wild/Weed
* Tang X, Shi X, Zhang D, Li F, Yan F, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhou X (2017) Detection and epidemic dynamic of ToCV and CCYV with Bemisia tabaci and weed in Hainan of China. Virology 14, 169.
Amaranthus graecizans subsp. sylvestris (AMAGS) Wild/Weed
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.95
Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Amaranthus viridis (AMAVI) Wild/Weed
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Albuquerque LC (2020) Host range and natural infection of tomato chlorosis virus in weeds collected in Central Brazil. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 84–90.
Aralia nudicaulis (ARLNU) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Calotropis procera (CTRPR) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Cardamine flexuosa (CARFL) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Cerastium glomeratum (CERGL) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Chenopodiastrum murale (CHEMU) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Chenopodium album (CHEAL) Wild/Weed
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.104

* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
------- confirmed host
Chenopodium opulifolium (CHEOP) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Cirsium arvense (CIRAR) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Convolvulus arvensis (CONAR) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Conyza sp. (CNDSS) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Datura stramonium (DATST) Wild/Weed
* Alvarez-Ruiz P, Gámez Jimenez C, Leyva-López NE, Méndez-Lozano J (2007) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting tomato crops in Sinaloa, Mexico. Plant Pathology 56(6), p 1043.
------- confirmed host
Erigeron annuus (ERIAN) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Erigeron canadensis (ERICA) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Fumaria officinalis (FUMOF) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Galium aparine (GALAP) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Heliotropium lasiocarpum (HEOLA) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Ipomoea cholulensis (IPOCH) Wild/Weed
* Kil E-J, Lee J-J, Cho S, Auh C-K, Kim D, Lee K-Y, Kim M-K, Choi H-S, Kim C-S, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142, 419–426.
Ipomoea coccinea (IPOCC) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Ipomoea hederacea (IPOHE) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Lactuca saligna (LACSL) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Lactuca serriola (LACSE) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Lysimachia foemina (ANGCO) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Mazus pumilus (MAZJA) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Nicandra physalodes (NICPH) Wild/Weed
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Inoue-Nagata AK (2019) Natural infection of apple-of-Peru (Nicandra physaloides) with Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 103(3), p 593. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-18-0399-PDN 
------- Confirmed host in Brazil.
Nicotiana benthamiana (NIOBE) Wild/Weed
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Albuquerque LC (2020) Host range and natural infection of tomato chlorosis virus in weeds collected in Central Brazil. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 84–90.
Oxalis pes-caprae (OXAPC) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Physalis angulata (PHYAN) Wild/Weed
* Fonseca MEN, Boiteux LS, Abreu H, Nogueira I, Pereira-Carvalho RC (2013) Physalis angulata: a new natural host of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 97(5), p 692.
------- confirmed host
Phytolacca americana (PHTAM) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Phytolacca icosandra (PHTIC) Wild/Weed
* Solorzano-Morales A, Barboza N, Hernandez E, Mora-Umana F, Ramirez P, Hammond RW (2011) Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 95(4), p 497.
Plantago major (PLAMA) Wild/Weed
* Solorzano-Morales A, Barboza N, Hernandez E, Mora-Umana F, Ramirez P, Hammond RW (2011) Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 95(4), p 497.
Ruta chalepensis (RUACH) Wild/Weed
* Solorzano-Morales A, Barboza N, Hernandez E, Mora-Umana F, Ramirez P, Hammond RW (2011) Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 95(4), p 497.
Solanum americanum (SOLAM) Wild/Weed
* Arruabarrena A, Rubio L, González‐Arcos M, Sánchez‐Campos S, Fonseca MEN, Boiteux LS (2015) First report of Solanum sisymbriifolium and S. americanum as natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus (Genus Crinivirus) in South America. Plant Disease  99(6), 895
------- confirmed host
Solanum arcanum (SOLAW) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum chilense (LYPCH) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum chmielewskii (SOLCJ) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum corneliomulleri (SOLKM) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum elaeagnifolium (SOLEL) Wild/Weed
* Gharsallah C, Halima AB, Fakhfakh H, Gorsane F (2015) Insights into the genetic diversity and the phylogenetic analysis of Tunisian isolates of Tomato chlorosis virus. Phytoparasitica 43, 87–96.
Solanum galapagense (SOLGA) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum habrochaites (LYPHI) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum huaylasense (SOLHW) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum jamaicense (SOLJA) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum mammosum (SOLMM) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum neorickii (SOLNE) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum nigrescens (SOLNJ) Wild/Weed
* Alvarez-Ruiz P, Jimenez C, Leyva-López N, Méndez-Lozano J (2007) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting tomato crops in Sinaloa, Mexico. Plant Pathology 56, 1043.
Solanum nigrum (SOLNI) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- confirmed host
Solanum paniculatum (SOLPA) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum pennellii (LYPPN) Wild/Weed
* García-Cano E, Navas-Castillo J, Moriones E, Fernández-Muñoz R (2010) Resistance to Tomato chlorosis virus in wild tomato species that impair virus accumulation and disease symptom expression. Phytopathology 100, 582–592.
Solanum peruvianum (LYPPE) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum retroflexum (SOLRF) Wild/Weed
* Mahlanza T, Pierneef RE, Makwarela L, Roberts R, van der Merwe M (2022) Metagenomic analysis for detection and discovery of plant viruses in wild Solanum spp. in South Africa. Plant Pathology 71(7), 1633-1644.
Solanum scuticum (SOLSK) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum sessiliflorum (SOLTP) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum sisymbriifolium (SOLSI) Wild/Weed
* Arruabarrena A, Rubio L, González‐Arcos M, Sánchez‐Campos S, Fonseca MEN, Boiteux LS (2015) First report of Solanum sisymbriifolium and S. americanum as natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus (Genus Crinivirus) in South America. Plant Disease  99(6), 895
------- confirmed host

* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum stramoniifolium (SOLST) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum subinerme (SOLSV) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Solanum velleum (SOLVM) Wild/Weed
* Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Fonseca MEN, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Silva-Filho JG, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2018) Identification of eight Solanum (subgenus Leptostemonum) species a novel natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. Plant Disease 102, 1673.
Sonchus asper (SONAS) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Stellaria media (STEME) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Tribulus terrestris (TRBTE) Wild/Weed
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Trigonotis peduncularis (TRIPE) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Veronica hederifolia (VERHE) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (VICAN) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------Confirmed host.
Vicia tetrasperma (VICTE) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Youngia japonica (UOUJA) Wild/Weed
* Kil EJ, Lee YJ, Cho S, Auh CK, Kim D, Lee KY, Kim MK, Choi HS, Kim CS, Lee S (2015) Identification of natural weed hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Korea by RT-PCR with root tissues. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(2), 419-426.
-------confirmed host
Abelmoschus esculentus (ABMES) Host
* Shakeel MT, Al-Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al-Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Plant Pathology 99, 415–421.
Abutilon theophrasti (ABUTH) Host
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Acaciella glauca (LUAGL) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.113
Alcea rosea (ALGRO) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.117
Ammi majus (AMIMA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.96
Anadendrum affine (ADUAF) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.99
Bauhinia variegata (BAUVA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.112
Bidens bipinnata (BIDBI) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.101
Brassica (1BRSG) Host
* Solórzano‐Morales, A, Barboza N, Hernández E, Mora‐Umaña F, Ramírez P, Hammond RW (2011) Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Disease. 95, 497.
Brassica oleracea var. capitata (BRSOL) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.102
Cestrum elegans (CEMEL) Host
* Roumi V, Caglayan K, Gazel M, Li S (2021) Tomato chlorosis virus found to infect Cestrum elegans and C. nocturnum in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology 161(1), 247-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-021-02310-y
------- confirmed host (symptomatic).
Cestrum nocturnum (CEMNO) Host
* Roumi V, Caglayan K, Gazel M, Li S (2021) Tomato chlorosis virus found to infect Cestrum elegans and C. nocturnum in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology 161(1), 247-252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-021-02310-y
------- confirmed host (asymptomatic).
Codiaeum variegatum (CDIVA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.108
Corchorus olitorius (CRGOL) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.118
Coriandrum sativum (CORSA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.97
Cucumis melo (CUMME) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.106
Cucumis sativus (CUMSA) Host
* Bello VH,  Gorayeb ES, Watanabe LFM, De Marchi BR, Ribeiro-Junior MR, Vicentin E, da Silva FB, Krause-Sakate R (2020) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting cucumber in Brazil. Plant Disease 104(2), p 603. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-07-19-1490-PDN
------- Confirmed host.
Cucurbita moschata (CUUMO) Host
* Solorzano-Morales A, Barboza N, Hernandez E, Mora-Umana F, Ramirez P, Hammond RW (2011) Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 95(4), p 497.
Cucurbita pepo (CUUPE) Host
* Sun X, Qiao N, Zhang X, Zang L, Zhao D, Zhu X (2021) First report of natural infection of zucchini by tomato chlorosis virus and cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in China. Plant Disease 106(4), 1313. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-20-0932-PDN
Cynanchum rostellatum (METJA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.98
Eranthemum pulchellum (EAUNV) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.94
Eruca vesicaria (ERUVV) Host
* Boiteux LS, Fonseca MEN, Reis A, Costa AF, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2016) Wild radish (Raphanus spp.) and garden rocket (Eruca sativa) as new Brassicaceae hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in South America. Plant Disease 100(5), p 1027.
Euphorbia heterophylla (EPHHL) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.109
Ficus benjamina (FIUBE) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.125
Ficus carica (FIUCA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.124
Glebionis coronaria (CHYCO) Host
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Albuquerque LC (2020) Host range and natural infection of tomato chlorosis virus in weeds collected in Central Brazil. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 84–90.
Glycine max (GLXMA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.114
Gomphrena globosa (GOMGL) Host
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Albuquerque LC (2020) Host range and natural infection of tomato chlorosis virus in weeds collected in Central Brazil. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 84–90.
Gossypium barbadense (GOSBA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.119
Gossypium hirsutum (GOSHI) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.120
Heptapleurum arboricola (SCHAR) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.100
Hibiscus cannabinus (HIBCA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.121
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (HIBRS) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.122
Ipomoea batatas (IPOBA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.105
Jatropha integerrima (IATIN) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.110
Lactuca sativa (LACSA) Host
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Res. 186, 120–129.
------- confirmed host
Luffa aegyptiaca (LUFAE) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.107
Malva parviflora (MALPA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.123
Malva sylvestris (MALSI) Host
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Momordica charantia (MOMCH) Host
* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- confirmed host
Morus alba (MORAL) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.126
Nicotiana tabacum (NIOTA) Host
* Fiallo-Olivé E, Espino AI, Botella-Guillén M, Gómez-González E, Reyes-Carlos JA, Navas-Castillo J (2014) Tobacco: a new natural host of Tomato chlorosis virus in Spain. Plant Disease 98(8), p 1162.
------- confirmed host
Pelargonium auritum (PELAU) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.116
Pentas lanceolata (PNWLA) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.126
Phaseolus vulgaris (PHSVX) Host
* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- confirmed host
Physalis ixocarpa (PHYIX) Host
* Kumar M, Torrance T, McAvoy T, Bag S (2024) Natural occurrence of tomato chlorosis virus on tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica) in the United States. Plant Disease 108(4), 1119.
------- Confirmed host (as Physalis philadelphica)

* Trenado HP, Fortes IM, Louro D, Navas‐Castillo J (2007) Physalis ixocarpa and P. peruviana, new natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118, 193–196.
------- Confirmed host (as Physalis ixocarpa).
Physalis peruviana (PHYPE) Host
* Trenado HP, Fortes IM, Louro D, Navas‐Castillo J (2007) Physalis ixocarpa and P. peruviana, new natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118, 193–196.
------- confirmed host
Physalis pubescens (PHYPU) Host
* Souza TA, Macedo MA, Albuquerque LC (2020) Host range and natural infection of tomato chlorosis virus in weeds collected in Central Brazil. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 84–90.
Portulaca oleracea (POROL) Host
* Orfanidou CG, Dimitriou C, Papayiannis LC, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2014) Epidemiology and genetic diversity of criniviruses associated with tomato yellows disease in Greece. Virus Research 186, 120–129.
Raphanus raphanistrum (RAPRA) Host
* Boiteux LS, Fonseca MEN, Reis A, Costa AF, Fontes MG, González-Arcos M (2016) Wild radish (Raphanus spp.) and garden rocket (Eruca sativa) as new brassicaceae hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in South America. Plant Disease 100, 1027.
Ricinus communis (RIICO) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.111
Sisymbrium irio (SSYIR) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.103
Solanum aethiopicum (SOLAE) Host
* Fonseca MEN, Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Fontes MG, Costa H, González-Arcos M (2016) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting eggplant and scarlet eggplant in Brazil. Plant Disease 100(4), p 867.
------- confirmed host
Solanum melongena (SOLME) Host
* Fonseca MEN, Boiteux LS, Lima MF, Mendonça JL, Costa AF, Fontes MG, Costa H, González-Arcos M (2016) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting eggplant and scarlet eggplant in Brazil. Plant Disease 100(4), p 867.

* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- Confirmed host.
Solanum pimpinellifolium (LYPPI) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.126
Solanum tuberosum (SOLTU) Host
* Fortes IM, Navas-Castillo J (2012) Potato, an experimental and natural host of the crinivirus Tomato chlorosis virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 134(1), 81-86.
------- confirmed host
Tectona grandis (TCTGR) Host
* Borges RCF, Fontes MG, Macedo MA, Lima F, Boiteux LS, Fonseca MEN (2019) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus infecting Tectona grandis associated with infestation of Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean in Central Brazil. Plant Disease 103(10), p 2704-2705.
------- In Brasilia DF, Brazil.
Vicia faba (VICFX) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.115
Vigna unguiculata (VIGSI) Host
* Wang XY, Feng J, Zang LY, Yan YL, Yang YY, Zhu, X.P. (2018) Natural occurrence of Tomato chlorosis virus in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in China. Plant Disease (102) 254.
Withania somnifera (WITSO) Host
* Mamoun Abdel-Salam AM, Rezk AA, Dawoud RA (2019) Biochemical, serological, molecular and natural host studies on Tomato chlorosis virus in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22, 83-94. https://doi.org/10.3923/pjbs.2019.83.126
Zinnia (1ZIIG) Host
* Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK, Hanson P, Liu HY (2004) First report of the occurrence of Tomato chlorosis virus and Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease, 88(3), p 311.
------- confirmed host