Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry.
They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only. Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
* Venkataravanappa V, Reddy CNL, Saha S & Reddy MK (2018) Recombinant Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of okra in India. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 104, 108-118.
------- confirmed host.
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Dhkal M, Sharma A, Kaur G (2020) First report of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting Tinda (Benincasa fistulosa) in India.Journal of Plant Pathology.
------- confirmed host.
* Ito T, Sharma P, Kittipakorn K, Ikegami M (2008) Complete nucleotide sequence of a new isolate of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting cucumber, bottle gourd and muskmelon in Thailand. Archives of Virology 153(3), 611-613.
------- confirmed host.
* Zaidi SS, Shakir S, Malik HJ, Farooq M, Amin I, Mansoor S (2017) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on Calotropis procera, a weed as potential reservoir begomovirus host in Pakistan. Plant Disease 101(6), p 1071.
------- confirmed host.
* Khan MS, Raj SK, Singh R (2005) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting chilli in India. New Disease Reports 11, 41
------- confirmed host.
* Luigi M, Bertin S, Manglli A, Troiano E, Davino S, Tomassoli L, Parrella G (2019) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus causing yellow leaf curl of pepper in Europe. Plant Disease 103(11), p 2970.
* Ruiz L, Simon A, Velasco L, Janssen D (2017) Biological characterization of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus from Spain. Plant Pathology, 66, 376–382.
------- infected with viruliferous whiteflies in laboratory studies
* Reddy M K, Venkataravanappa V, Madhuvanthi B, Jalali S (2010) Molecular characterization of begomoviruses associated with papaya leaf curl disease in India. Acta Horticulturae. 465-472.
------- confirmed host.
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
------- uncertain host. noted as "Aleyrodes brassicae infecting Catharanthus roseus"
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host as C. amaranticolor.
* Ashwathappa KV, Venkataravanappa V, Lakshminarayana Reddy CN, Krishna Reddy M (2020) Association of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus with mosaic and leaf curl disease of Chrysanthemum and its whitefly cryptic species. Indian Phytopathology, 73, 533–542.
* Venkataravanappa V (2020) Characterization of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus associated with leaf curl and yellowing disease of Watermelon and development of LAMP assay for its detection, 3 Biotech, 10 (6) DOI: 10.1007/s13205-020-02245-x
------- confirmed host.
* Venkataravanappa V, Reddy LRCN, Saha S, Subbanna SK, Manem KR (2018) Detection and characterization of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus association with mosaic disease of ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt) in North India. Archives of Biological Sciences. 70 (2), 339-347. DOI:10.2298/ABS170616051V
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Deepan Sundararaj, Michael Immanuel Jesse Denison, Dharanivasan Gunasekaran, Mohammed Riyaz Savas Uma, Raja Muthuramalingam Thangavelu, Krishnan Kathiravan (2020) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting Crossandra infundibuliformis in India. Plant Disease 104(3), p 999.
* Ito T, Sharma P, Kittipakorn K, Ikegami M (2008) Complete nucleotide sequence of a new isolate of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting cucumber, bottle gourd and muskmelon in Thailand. Archives of Virology 153(3), 611-613.
------- confirmed host.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Gu Q, Yan L, Liu L, Bao W, Fang H, Xu J, Li J, Kang B, Wu H, Wang K, Tao X (2023) First report of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting several cucurbit plants in China. Plant Disease (early view).
* Gu Q, Yan L, Liu L, Bao W, Fang H, Xu J, Li J, Kang B, Wu H, Wang K, Tao X (2023) First report of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting several cucurbit plants in China. Plant Disease (early view).
------- muskmelon (Cucumis melo subsp. melo).
* Ito T, Sharma P, Kittipakorn K, Ikegami M (2008) Complete nucleotide sequence of a new isolate of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting cucumber, bottle gourd and muskmelon in Thailand. Archives of Virology 153(3), 611-613.
------- confirmed host.
* Juarez M, Rabadan MP, Martinez LD, Tayahi M, Grande-Perez A, Gomez P (2019) Natural hosts and genetic diversity of the emerging Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Spain. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 140.
------ confirmed host.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Sáez C, Martínez C, Ferriol M, Manzano S, Velasco L, Jamilena M, Lopez c, Pico B (2016). Resistance to tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Cucurbita spp. Annals of Applied Biololy 169, 91–105. doi: 10.1111/aab.12283
------- inoculation studies as C. ockeechobeensis
* Espino de Paz AI, Botella-Guillén M, Otazo-González HC, Alfaro-Fernández A, Font-San-Ambrosio I, Galipienso L, Rubio L (2019) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting cucurbits in the Canary Islands. Plant Disease 103(7), p 1798.
* Phaneendra C, Rao KRSS, Jain RK, Mandal B (2012) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is associated with pumpkin leaf curl: a new disease in Northern India. Indian Journal of Virology 23(1), 42-45.
------- confirmed host.
* Juarez M, Rabadan MP, Martinez LD, Tayahi M, Grande-Perez A, Gomez P (2019) Natural hosts and genetic diversity of the emerging Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Spain. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 140.
------ confirmed host.
* Panno S, Iacono G, Davino M, Marchione S, Zappardo V, Bella P, Tomassoli L, Accotto GP, Davino S (2016) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting zucchini squash in an important horticultural area of southern Italy. New Disease Reports 33, 6
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Moriones E, Praveen S, Chakraborty S (2017) Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus: an emerging virus complex threatening vegetable and fiber crops. Viruses 9(10), 264;
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Sivalingam PN, Sumiya KV, Malathi VG (2011) Carrot as a new host for a begomovirus: yellow mosaic disease of carrot reported in India. New Disease Reports 23, 34. []
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Jamil N, Rehman A, Hamza M, Hafeez A, Ismail H, Zubair M, Mansoor S, Amin I (2017) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, a bipartite begomovirus, infecting soybean (Glycine max). Plant Disease 101(5), p 845.
------- confirmed host.
* Zaidi SSEA, Shafiq M, Amin I, Scheffler BE, Scheffler JA, Briddon RW & Mansoor S (2016) Frequent occurrence of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus in Cotton Leaf Curl Disease affected cotton in Pakistan. Plos One 11(5).
------- confirmed host
* Moriones E, Praveen S, Chakraborty S (2017) Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus: an emerging virus complex threatening vegetable and fiber crops. Viruses 9(10), 264;
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Nagendran K, Kumar S, Mohan, Manoranjitham SK, Karthikeyan G (2014) Molecular detection and characterization of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus causing mosaic disease on bitter gourd in Tamil Nadu, India. Trends in Biosciences 7(23), 3925-3931.
------- confirmed host.
* Rajeshwari R, Reddy MK (2014) Biological characterisation of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) from Karnataka. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 48(3), 387-393.
* Troiano E, Parrella G (2023) First report of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Lagenaria siceraria var. longissima in Italy. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 62(1), 17-24.
------- Lagenaria siceraria var. longissima.
* Kumar R, Esakky R, Acharya S (2019) Molecular evidence of occurrence of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus infecting cucurbits in several states in India, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2019.1668108
------- confirmed host.
* Sohrab SS, Mandal B, Pant RP, Varma A (2003) First report of association of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus with the yellow mosaic disease of Luffa cylindrica. Plant Disease 87(9), p 1148.
------- confirmed host (as L. cylindrica).
* Krishnan N, Kumari S, Chaubey T, Kumar RV, Chinnappa M, Dubey V, Pandey KK, Singh J, Singh AK (2023). Study on mosaic disease of sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica L.) caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. Journal of Plant Pathology. 105, 573–580.
------- confirmed host (as L. cylindrica).
* Tahir M, Haider MS (2005) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting bitter gourd in Pakistan. Plant Pathology, 54: 807-807. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01215.x
----- confirmed host.
* Venkataravanappa V, Lakshminarayana Reddy CN, Shankarappa KS and Krishna Reddy M, 2019. Association of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus,betasatellite, and alphasatellite with mosaic disease of spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb. Willd) in India. Iranian Journal of Biotechology, 17, e2134.
------- confirmed host.
* Srivastava A, Lumar S, Jaidi M, Raj SK, Shukla SK (2016) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) in India. Plant Disease 100(1), p 232.
------- confirmed host.
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Zubair M, Ali Khan RA, Ali A, Ullah N, Ahmad S, Hyder M, Ahmad M, Mushtaq A, Akhtar KP (2020) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Physalis minima in Pakistan. Plant Disease 104(6), p 1878.
------- In Pakistan, in the vicinity of Luffa acutangula crops also affected by the virus.
Sharma J, Lager P, Kumar Y (2021) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting Ricinus communis. New Disease Report. 44:e12053.
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Nagendran K, Mohankumar S, Mohammed Faisal P, Bagewadi B, Karthikeyan G (2017) Molecular evidence for the occurrence of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on chayote (Sechium edule) in southern India. VirusDisease. 28, 425–429 (2017).
------- confirmed host.
Damage on tomato is high for strains other than strain Es.
* Padidam M, Beachy RN and Fauquet CM, 1995. Tomato leaf curl geminivirus from India has a bipartite genome and coat protein is not essential for infectivity. Journal of General Virology, 76, 25–35.
------- confirmed host (first description of the virus)
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
------- Low incidence.
* Ruiz ML, Simon A, Velasco L, Garcia MC, Janssen D (2015) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting tomato in Spain. Plant Disease 99, 894-894.
* Parrella G, Troiano E, Lee S, Kil EJ (2020) Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus found associated with eggplant yellowing disease in Italy
Plant Disease.
------- confirmed host
* Pratap D, Kashikar AR, Mukherjee SK (2011) Molecular characterization and infectivity of a Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus variant associated with newly emerging yellow mosaic disease of eggplant in India. Virology Journal 8(305)
* Ansar M, Agnihotri AK, Ranjan T, Karn M, Srinivasaraghavan A, Kumar RR, Bhagat AP (2021) Nightshade (Solanum nigrum), an intermediate host between tomato and cucurbits of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 60(3), 409-419.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
------- Low incidence.
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Usharani KS, Surendranath B, Paul-Khurana SM, Garg ID, Malathi VG (2004) Potato leaf curl - a new disease of potato in northern India caused by a strain of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. Plant Pathology 53, 235-235.
* Kumar R, Tiwari RK, Jeevalatha A, Siddappa S, Shah MA, Sharma S, Sagar V, Kumar M, Chakrabarti SK (2021) Potato apical leaf curl disease: current status and perspectives on a disease caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 128, 897-911.
------- major host in India.
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no. 306, 18-25.
------- Low incidence.
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Moriones E, Praveen S, Chakraborty S (2017) Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus: an emerging virus complex threatening vegetable and fiber crops. Viruses 9(10), 264;
* Zaidi SSEA, Martin DP, Amin I, Farooq M, and Mansoor S (2017) Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus: a widespread bipartite begomovirus in the territory of monopartite begomoviruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18, 901–911. (online supplemental material)
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.
* Naimuddin K, Akram M, Agnihotri AK (2016) Molecular characterization of a first begomovirus associated with lentil (Lens culinaris) from India. Acta virologica 60(3), 217-223.
* Pant RP, Anuj B and Murari L (2018) Role of alternate host plants in the transmission of apical leaf curl disease of potato caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus - potato (ToLCNDV-pot.) in Northern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88, 1258–1262
------- confirmed host.