Potexvirus pepini(PEPMV0)
Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism | Type | |
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) | Major host | |
* Van der Vlugt RAA, Stijger CCMM, Verhoeven JThJ, Lesemann DE (2000) First report of Pepino mosaic virus on tomato. Plant Disease 84, 103. | ||
Solanum muricatum (SOLMU) | Major host | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Amaranthus graecizans (AMAGR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Amaranthus sp. (AMASS) | Wild/Weed | |
* Jordá C, Lázaro Pérez A, Martinez PV, Lacasa A (2001) First report of Pepino mosaic virus on natural hosts. Plant Disease 85, 1292. | ||
Amaranthus viridis (AMAVI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Bassia scoparia (KCHSC) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Calendula arvensis (CLDAR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Calystegia sepium (CAGSE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Chenopodiastrum murale (CHEMU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Convolvulus althaeoides (CONAL) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Convolvulus arvensis (CONAR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Convolvulus humilis (CONHU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Datura innoxia (DATIN) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Diplotaxis erucoides (DIPER) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Echium creticum (EHICR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Echium humile (EHIHU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Erigeron sumatrensis (ERISU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- As Conyza albida. No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Glebionis segetum (CHYSE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. -------- As Chrysanthemum segetum. | ||
Heliotropium europaeum (HEOEU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Lepidium sp. (LEPSS) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- As Coronopus sp. No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Malva neglecta (MALNE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Malva nicaeensis (MALNI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Malva parviflora (MALPA) | Wild/Weed | |
* Jordá C, Lázaro Pérez A, Martinez PV, Lacasa A (2001) First report of Pepino mosaic virus on natural hosts. Plant Disease 85, 1292. | ||
Malva sylvestris (MALSI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Moricandia arvensis (MOCAR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Nicotiana glauca (NIOGL) | Wild/Weed | |
* Jordá C, Lázaro Pérez A, Martinez PV, Lacasa A (2001) First report of Pepino mosaic virus on natural hosts. Plant Disease 85, 1292. | ||
Oloptum miliaceum (ORZMI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- As Piptatherum multiflorum. No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Onopordum cyprium (ONRCP) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Onopordum sp. (ONRSS) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Plantago afra (PLAAF) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Plantago lagopus (PLALG) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Plantago major (PLAMA) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Rumex sp. (RUMSS) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Sisymbrium irio (SSYIR) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Solanum americanum (SOLAM) | Wild/Weed | |
* Stobbs LW, Greig N, Weaver S, Shipp L, Ferguson G (2009) The potential role of native weed species and bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) on the epidemiology of Pepino mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 31, 254-261. ------- As Solanum ptychanthum. | ||
Solanum chilense (LYPCH) | Wild/Weed | |
* Soler S, Prohens J, Diez MJ, Nuez F (2002) Natural occurrence of pepino mosaic virus in Lycopersicon species in Central and Southern Peru. Journal of Phytopathology 150, 49-53. -------- Symptomless, natural host. | ||
Solanum chmielewskii (SOLCJ) | Wild/Weed | |
* Soler S, Prohens J, Diez MJ, Nuez F (2002) Natural occurrence of pepino mosaic virus in Lycopersicon species in Central and Southern Peru. Journal of Phytopathology 150, 49-53. -------- Symptomless, natural host. | ||
Solanum dulcamara (SOLDU) | Wild/Weed | |
* Stobbs LW, Greig N, Weaver S, Shipp L, Ferguson G (2009) The potential role of native weed species and bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) on the epidemiology of Pepino mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 31, 254-261. | ||
Solanum nigrum (SOLNI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Solanum peruvianum (LYPPE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Soler S, Prohens J, Diez MJ, Nuez F (2002) Natural occurrence of pepino mosaic virus in Lycopersicon species in Central and Southern Peru. Journal of Phytopathology 150, 49-53. -------- Symptomless, natural host. | ||
Solanum pimpinellifolium (LYPPI) | Wild/Weed | |
* Soler S, Prohens J, Diez MJ, Nuez F (2002) Natural occurrence of pepino mosaic virus in Lycopersicon species in Central and Southern Peru. Journal of Phytopathology 150, 49-53. -------- Symptomless, natural host. | ||
Sonchus asper (SONAS) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) | Wild/Weed | |
* Jordá C, Lázaro Pérez A, Martinez PV, Lacasa A (2001) First report of Pepino mosaic virus on natural hosts. Plant Disease 85, 1292. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Sonchus tenerrimus (SONTE) | Wild/Weed | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. ------- No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Taraxacum officinale (TAROF) | Wild/Weed | |
* Córdoba MC, Martínez-Priego LI, Jordá C (2004) New natural hosts of Pepino mosaic virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, 906. ------- As Taraxacum vulgare. No data is given on the possible presence of symptoms. | ||
Solanum melongena (SOLME) | Host | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. ------- Mostly symptomless | ||
Solanum tuberosum (SOLTU) | Host | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. ------- Mostly symptomless but some cultivars show clear symptoms, * INTERNET Descriptions of Plant Viruses. Pepino mosaic virus by Mumford RA & Jones RAC (2005). https://www.dpvweb.net/dpv/showdpv/?dpvno=411 ------- Natural infection found on potato cv. Yungay in the Andes. * Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Mostly symptomless but some cultivars show clear symptoms. * Martin J, Mousserion C (2002) Pomme de terre et mosaïque du pépino: sensibilité de la pomme de terre à la 'souche tomate' du pepino mosaïc virus (PepMV). Phytoma no. 552, 26–28. | ||
Allium sativum (ALLSA) | Experimental | |
* Fakhro A, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Büttner C, Franken P, Schwarz D (2011) Susceptibility of different plant species and tomato cultivars to two isolates of Pepino mosaic virus . European Journal of Plant Pathology 129, 579-590. ------- Only infected by Peru strain. | ||
Capsicum annuum (CPSAN) | Experimental | |
* PEPEIRA (2011) Pest risk analysis for Pepino mosaic virus. Pepino mosaic virus: epidemiology, economic impact and pest risk analysis (PEPEIRA). Thematic Priority Sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources. Project n° 044189. -------- No natural infections are known. Inoculated leaves can be infected by different strains of PepMV by mechanical inoculation but with a low success rate (Pepeira final report WP3, 2010). No systemic infection of pepper was observed. | ||
Cucumis sativus (CUMSA) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. ------- Symptomless local infection. | ||
Datura metel (DATME) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. * Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Datura stramonium (DATST) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. * Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Nicandra physalodes (NICPH) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Nicotiana benthamiana (NIOBE) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. | ||
Nicotiana clevelandii (NIOCL) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Nicotiana debneyi (NIODE) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Nicotiana glutinosa (NIOGT) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. | ||
Nicotiana occidentalis (NIOOC) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. | ||
Nicotiana quadrivalvis (NIOBI) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- As Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. bigelovii. | ||
Nicotiana rustica (NIORU) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Nicotiana tabacum (NIOTA) | Experimental | |
* Blystad D-R, Van der Vlugt R, Alfaro-Fernández A, Carmen Córdoba M, Bese G, Hristova D, Pospieszny H, Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Tomassoli L, Varveri C, Nielsen SL (2015) Host range and symptomatology of Pepino mosaic virus strains occurring in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 43-56. ------- As Nicotiana tabacum cv. xanthi | ||
Physalis floridana (PHYFL) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Physalis peruviana (PHYPE) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Solanum boliviense (SOLBV) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. --------- As Solanum megistacrolobum. Symptomless. | ||
Solanum cardiophyllum (SOLCY) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Solanum curtilobum (SOLCT) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Solanum demissum (SOLDS) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Solanum microdontum (SOLMT) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Solanum mochiquense (SOLMQ) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. ------- As Solanum chancayense (symptomless) and S. mochicense (now these 2 species are synonymous). | ||
Solanum oxycarpum (SOLOX) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- As Solanum brachycarpum. Symptomless. | ||
Solanum palustre (SOLPU) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- As Solanum brevidens. Symptomless. | ||
Solanum raphanifolium (SOLRP) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- Symptomless. | ||
Solanum sarrachoides (SOLSA) | Experimental | |
* Stobbs LW, Greig N, Weaver S, Shipp L, Ferguson G (2009) The potential role of native weed species and bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) on the epidemiology of Pepino mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 31, 254-261. | ||
Solanum stenotomum (SOLSN) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Solanum stoloniferum (SOLSF) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. | ||
Tetragonia tetragonoides (TEATE) | Experimental | |
* Jones RAC, Koenig R, Lesemann DE (1980) Pepino mosaic virus, a new potexvirus from pepino (Solanum muricatum). Annals of Applied Biology 94, 61. -------- As Tetragonia expansa. Symptomless local infection. | ||
Vicia faba (VICFX) | Experimental | |
* Fakhro A, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Büttner C, Franken P, Schwarz D (2011) Susceptibility of different plant species and tomato cultivars to two isolates of Pepino mosaic virus . European Journal of Plant Pathology 129, 579-590. | ||
Vigna unguiculata (VIGSI) | Experimental | |
* Papayiannis LC, Kokkinos CD, Alfaro-Fernandez A (2011) Detection, characterization and host range studies of Pepino mosaic virus in Cyprus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132, 1-7. | ||
Ocimum basilicum (OCIBA) | Doubtful host | |
* Davino S, Accotto GP, Masenga V, Torta L, Davino M (2009) Basil (Ocimum basilicum) a new host of Pepino mosaic virus. Plant Pathology 58, 407. * PEPEIRA (2011) Pest risk analysis for Pepino mosaic virus. Pepino mosaic virus: epidemiology, economic impact and pest risk analysis (PEPEIRA). Thematic Priority Sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources. Project n° 044190. -------- Attempts to inoculate other isolates of PepMV onto basil did not result in infected basil. |