EPPO Global Database

Tetragonia tetragonoides(TEATE)

Code created in: 2002-02-23

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: TEATE
  • Preferred name: Tetragonia tetragonoides
  • Authority: (Pallas) Kuntze


Native to China, Japan, Korea,  Australia, New Zealand. Widely cultivated as a vegetable in  Europe, North and South America and elsewhere.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Demidovia tetragonoides Pallas
Tetragonia expansa Murray
Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pallas) Kuntze

Common names
Name Language
New Zealand iceplant English
New Zealand spinach English
turtle weed English
Neuseeländerspinat German
Neuseeländischer Spinat German
bette French
épinard de Nouvelle-Zélande French
tétragone French
tétragone cornue French
espinaca de Nueva Zelandia Spanish
spinacio di Nuova-Zelanda Italian
Nieuw-Zeelandse spinazie Dutch
espinafre-da-nova-zelândia Portuguese
nyseeländsk spenat Swedish
tsuru-na Japanese
ツルナ Japanese
новозеландский шпинат Russian
тетрагония тетрагониевая Russian
Nyzeelandsk spinat Danish
newzealand-spinat Norwegian
lamopinaatti Finnish
szpinak nowozelandzki Polish
tetragonia czterorożna Polish
trętwian czterorożny Polish
új-zélandi spenót Hungarian
fān xìng shǔ Chinese
番杏属 Chinese
novozelandski špinat Croatian
čtyřboč rozložitá Czech
번행초 Korean
beon haeng cho Korean
špenát novozélandský Slovak