EPPO Global Database

Crinivirus contagichlorosis(TICV00)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Major host
* Anfoka GH, Abhary MK (2007) Occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) in Jordan. EPPO Bulletin 37, 186–190.
Chenopodiastrum murale (CHEMU) Wild/Weed
* Font MI, Juárez M, Martínez O, Jordá C (2004) Current status and newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus and Tomato chlorosis virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, p 82.
Chenopodium album (CHEAL) Wild/Weed
* Font MI, Juárez M, Martínez O, Jordá C (2004) Current status and newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus and Tomato chlorosis virus in Spain. Plant Disease 88, p 82.
Cynara cardunculus (CYUCA) Wild/Weed
* Wisler GC, Duffus JE, Liu HY, Li RH (1998) Ecology and epidemiology of whitefly-transmitted closteroviruses. Plant Disease 82, 270–280.
Dittrichia viscosa (INUVI) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Maliogka VI, Katis NI (2016) False yellowhead (Dittrichia viscosa), a banker plant as source of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Greece. Plant Disease 100(4), p 869. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-15-1201-PDN
Geranium dissectum (GERDI) Wild/Weed
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Helminthotheca echioides (PICEC) Wild/Weed
* Wisler GC, Duffus JE, Liu HY, Li RH (1998) Ecology and epidemiology of whitefly-transmitted closteroviruses. Plant Disease 82, 270–280.
Nicotiana glauca (NIOGL) Wild/Weed
* Wisler GC, Duffus JE, Liu HY, Li RH (1998) Ecology and epidemiology of whitefly-transmitted closteroviruses. Plant Disease 82, 270–280.
Callistephus chinensis (CSPCH) Host
* Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK, Hanson P (2004) First report of the occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 88, p 311. 

* Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Vecchiati M, Bragaloni M (2002) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus causes leaf yellowing and reddening of tomato in Italy. Phytoparasitica 30, 290 –294.
Cynara scolymus (CYUSC) Host
* Anfoka GH, Abhary MK (2007) Occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) in Jordan. EPPO Bulletin 37, 186–190.

* Minutillo SA, Spanò R, Gallitelli D, Mascia T (2021) Simultaneous detection of 10 viruses in globe artichoke by a synthetic oligonucleotide-based DNA polyprobe. European Journal of Plant Pathology  160, 991–997.
Lactuca sativa (LACSA) Host
* Anfoka GH, Abhary MK (2007) Occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) in Jordan. EPPO Bulletin 37, 186–190.
Petunia hybrids (PEUHY) Host
* Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK, Hanson P (2004) First report of the occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 88, p 311. 

* Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Vecchiati M, Bragaloni M (2002) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus causes leaf yellowing and reddening of tomato in Italy. Phytoparasitica 30, 290 –294.
Physalis ixocarpa (PHYIX) Host
* Anfoka GH, Abhary MK (2007) Occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) in Jordan. EPPO Bulletin 37, 186–190.
Ranunculus asiaticus (RANAS) Host
* Wisler G, Duffus J, Liu H, Li R, Falk B (1997) New whitefly-transmitted closterovirus identified in tomatoes. Calififornia Agriculture 51(2), 24-26. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.v051n02p24
Ranunculus sp. (RANSS) Host
* Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK, Hanson P (2004) First report of the occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 88, p 311. 

* Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Vecchiati M, Bragaloni M (2002) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus causes leaf yellowing and reddening of tomato in Italy. Phytoparasitica 30, 290 –294.
Zinnia elegans (ZIIEL) Host
* Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK, Hanson P (2004) First report of the occurrence of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 88, p 311. 

* Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Vecchiati M, Bragaloni M (2002) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus causes leaf yellowing and reddening of tomato in Italy. Phytoparasitica 30, 290 –294.
Alkekengi officinarum (PHYAL) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Anoda cristata (ANVCR) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Blitum capitatum (CHECA) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Capsella bursa-pastoris (CAPBP) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Conium maculatum (COIMA) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Erodium cicutarium (EROCI) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Nicotiana benthamiana (NIOBE) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Nicotiana clevelandii (NIOCL) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Physalis acutifolia (PHYWR) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Physalis floridana (PHYFL) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Senecio vulgaris (SENVU) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Solanum tuberosum (SOLTU) Experimental
* Wisler GC, Duffus JE, Liu HY, Li RH (1998) Ecology and epidemiology of whitefly-transmitted closteroviruses. Plant Disease 82, 270–280.
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Trifolium subterraneum (TRFSU) Experimental
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC (1996) Tomato infectious chlorosis virus – a new clostero-like virus transmitted by Trialeurodes vaporariorum. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 219–226.
Capsicum annuum (CPSAN) Doubtful host
Datura stramonium (DATST) Doubtful host
Solanum nigrum (SOLNI) Doubtful host