EPPO Global Database

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides(HYDRA)

Reporting Service articles

Num. Title year-month
2024/143 The economic costs of aquatic and semi-aquatic invasive plants 2024-06
2024/024 Best management guide for invasive alien aquatic and riparian plant species 2024-01
2023/242 Identifying areas threatened by aquatic invasive alien plants 2023-10
2023/192 Use of satellite images to monitor populations of invasive alien plants 2023-08
2023/120 Prioritization of invasive alien plants for biological control 2023-05
2022/223 Biological control of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in the United Kingdom 2022-10
2022/178 Update of the list of invasive alien species of Union concern (European Union) 2022-08
2021/072 Alien Hydrocotyle species in Belgium 2021-03
2019/174 Update of the list of invasive alien species of Union concern (European Union) 2019-08
2016/139 European Union adopt list of invasive species of Union concern 2016-07
2014/176 Update of the Black List and Watch List of invasive alien plants in Switzerland 2014-09
2014/120 Potential for classical biological control of Crassula helmsii and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides 2014-06
2014/079 Q-bank database on invasive alien plants 2014-04
2014/059 An updated guide on invasive waterplants in the Netherlands 2014-03
2013/251 The German lists of invasive alien plants 2013-11
2013/249 The invasion of Eichhornia crassipes in Italy 2013-11
2013/227 Revision of the Spanish legislation on invasive alien species including plants 2013-10
2013/131 A new regulation on invasive alien plants in Wallonie (Belgium) 2013-06
2013/114 First report of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in the Aquitaine region, France 2013-05
2013/074 Top 20 environmental weeds for classical biological control in Europe 2013-03
2013/017 New ban on invasive alien plants in the United Kingdom (England only) 2013-01
2012/198 Recognition and management guides for invasive alien plants in Belgium 2012-09
2012/157 The economic cost of invasive alien species in Great Britain 2012-07
2012/136 New EPPO lists of invasive alien plants 2012-06
2012/044 New decision-support systems for the control of invasive alien macrophytes 2012-02
2012/042 Regulated invasive alien plants in France 2012-02
2011/166 The Netherlands: national initiatives on Code of conduct 2011-07
2011/148 Ireland and Northern Ireland: national initiatives on Codes of conduct 2011-06
2011/123 A new Ordinance on invasive alien plants in Switzerland 2011-05
2011/066 Pest risk analysis on invasive alien plants in the United Kingdom 2011-03
2010/220 Hydrocotyle ranunculoides found in Northern Ireland (GB) 2010-11
2010/168 A new field guide on aquatic invasive alien plants in the Netherlands 2010-09
2010/092 Risk analysis of potential invasive plants in Spain 2010-04
2010/075 A New Code of conduct on aquatic plants in the Netherlands 2010-03
2010/021 New records of alien and invasive plants in Georgia 2010-01
2009/204 Inventory of the non-native flora of Italy 2009-10
2009/186 Invasive aquatic plants in Japan 2009-09
2009/145 New records of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in France 2009-07
2009/058 A leaflet to stop the spread of aquatic invasive plants in Belgium 2009-03
2008/230 Growth and photosynthesis of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in Central Europe 2008-11
2008/208 New regulations on invasive alien plants in Switzerland 2008-10
2008/088 Invasive alien plants in Belgium 2008-04
2007/224 Substitute species to garden pond plants in Scotland, United Kingdom 2007-11
2007/181 Legislation on Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in the Netherlands 2007-09
2007/141 Removal of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides in England (GB) 2007-07
2007/084 Participation of the nursery industry in controlling invasive alien plants in France: a charter with retailers 2007-04
2007/064 Database of alien plants in Ireland 2007-03
2005/140 Recent additions to the EPPO Action List 2005-09
2005/138 The Nature Conservation Act and invasive plants in Scotland (GB) 2005-09
2004/042 Addition of invasive plant species to the EPPO Alert List: Crassula helmsii, Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Solidago nemoralis 2004-03