EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 2013 Num. article: 2013/017

New ban on invasive alien plants in the United Kingdom (England only)

A new law in the United Kingdom (England only) is expected to come into force in April 2014, targeting six invasive non-native aquatic plants under Section 14Z(a) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, because of their negative impacts on biodiversity and the economy.
The invasive alien plants to be regulated are: Crassula helmsii (Apiaceae, EPPO A2 List), Hydrocotyle ranunculoides (Apiaceae, EPPO A2 List), Ludwigia grandiflora and Ludwigia peploides (Onagraceae, EPPO A2 List), Myriophyllum aquaticum (Haloragaceae, EPPO List of IAP) and Azolla filiculoides (Salviniaceae, EPPO Observation list).

The ban means that all retailers will not be able to sell these plants or face a fine of up to 5;000 GBP, and possibly up to six months in prison.;Retailers have a year to adjust to the ban. The UK Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra), trade representatives and conservation bodies, have also been working to raise awareness of garden owners and horticulturists to the dangers of spreading alien species through the ‘Be Plant Wise’ campaign and have given widespread support to the ban.


Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (2013) Sale of invasive water plants banned to protect wildlife.

Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs Website, Be Plant Wise