EPPO Global Database

Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca(XYLEFP)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Olea europaea (OLVEU) Major host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Acacia saligna (ACASA) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11)

* EFSA (2020) Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2019. EFSA Journal 18(4), 6114, 61 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6114
Asparagus acutifolius (ASPAC) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Castanea sativa (CSNSA) Host
* Greco D, Sabella E, Carluccio G, Delle Donne AG, De Bellis L, Luvisi A (2023) Xylella fastidiosa, possible new threat to chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Italy. Horticulturae 9(12), 1315. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9121315
Catharanthus (1CTUG) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Chenopodium album (CHEAL) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Cistus creticus (CSTIC) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Citrus (1CIDG) Host
Coffea (1COFG) Host
Dimorphotheca fruticosa (OSPFR) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11)

* EFSA (2020) Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2019. EFSA Journal 18(4), 6114, 61 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6138
Dodonaea viscosa (DODVI) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Eremophila maculata (EMHMA) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Erigeron bonariensis (ERIBO) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Erigeron sp. (ERISS) Host
* EFSA (2020) Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2019. EFSA Journal 18(4), 6114, 61 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6126
Erigeron sumatrensis (ERISU) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Euphorbia chamaesyce (EPHCH) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11)

* EFSA (2020) Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2019. EFSA Journal 18(4), 6114, 61 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6118
Euphorbia terracina (EPHTE) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Grevillea juniperina (GREJU) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Heliotropium europaeum (HEOEU) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Hibiscus sp. (HIBSS) Host
* EFSA (2020) Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2019. EFSA Journal 18(4), 6114, 61 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6132
Laurus nobilis (LURNO) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Lavandula angustifolia (LAVAN) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Lavandula stoechas (LAVST) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Myoporum insulare (MYMIN) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Myrtus communis (MYVCO) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Nerium oleander (NEROL) Host
Pelargonium x fragrans (PELFR) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Phillyrea latifolia (PLRLA) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Polygala myrtifolia (POGMY) Host
Prunus avium (PRNAV) Host
Prunus dulcis (PRNDU) Host
Rhamnus alaternus (RHAAL) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Salvia rosmarinus (RMSOF) Host
Spartium junceum (SPUJU) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Vinca (1VING) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Westringia fruticosa (WESRO) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
Westringia glabra (WESGL) Host
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).