EPPO Global Database

Ips typographus(IPSXTY)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Picea abies (PIEAB) Major host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Abies alba (ABIAL) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Abies holophylla (ABIHL) Host
Abies nephrolepis (ABINE) Host
Abies nordmanniana (ABINO) Host
Abies sachalinensis (ABISA) Host
Abies sibirica (ABISB) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Larix decidua (LAXDE) Host
Larix sibirica (LAXSI) Host
Picea glehnii (PIEGL) Host
* Kulinich OA, Ryaskin DI, Chalkin AA, Shamaev AV, Shtapova NN, Arbuzova EN (2021) Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and their quarantine phytosanitary importance for exporting and importing forest products. Plant Health and Quarantine (1), 11-23. https://phytosanitary.vniikr.ru/jour/article/view/35

* Pirtskhalava-Karpova NR, Karpov AA, Grishchenko MYu, Kozlovskiy EE (2020) Research of forest sites affected by the influence of eight-dentated bark beetle (Ips typographus) in the Kurilskiy reserve (Kunashir island) [Issledovaniye uchastkov lesa, podverzhennykh vliyaniyu koroyeda-tipografa (Ips typographus) v zapovednike “Kurilskiy” (o. Kunashir)]. Lesotekhnicheskiy zhurnal [Forestry Engineering Journal] 1, 50-59 (in Russian).
Picea jezoensis (PIEJE) Host
* Kulinich OA, Ryaskin DI, Chalkin AA, Shamaev AV, Shtapova NN, Arbuzova EN (2021) Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and their quarantine phytosanitary importance for exporting and importing forest products. Plant Health and Quarantine (1), 11-23. https://phytosanitary.vniikr.ru/jour/article/view/35

* Pirtskhalava-Karpova NR, Karpov AA, Grishchenko MYu, Kozlovskiy EE (2020) Research of forest sites affected by the influence of eight-dentated bark beetle (Ips typographus) in the Kurilskiy reserve (Kunashir island) [Issledovaniye uchastkov lesa, podverzhennykh vliyaniyu koroyeda-tipografa (Ips typographus) v zapovednike “Kurilskiy” (o. Kunashir)]. Lesotekhnicheskiy zhurnal [Forestry Engineering Journal] 1, 50-59 (in Russian).
Picea obovata (PIEOB) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Picea omorika (PIEOM) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Picea orientalis (PIEOR) Host
Pinus cembra (PIUCE) Host
Pinus contorta (PIUCN) Host
* Cocos D, Schroeder M (2024) Weak performance of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle in the non-native lodgepole pine. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 39(7–8), 392–401. https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2024.2438296 
------- I. typographus can colonize weakened lodgepole pines.
Pinus koraiensis (PIUKO) Host
* Chang R, Duong TA, Taerum SJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou X, Yin M, de Beer ZA (2019)  Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with Ips typographus. Persoonia 42, 50–74.
Pinus sibirica (PIUSB) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Pinus strobus (PIUST) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Pinus sylvestris (PIUSI) Host
* Jurc M, Pavlin R, Borkovič D, Pintarič S (2024) The Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia : 6. contribution: Polyphaga: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae. Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2024. 405 str., ilustr. Scopolia, 108, 2024. https://www.pms-lj.si/app/uploads/2024/12/Scopolia_108_web.pdf
Pseudotsuga menziesii (PSTME) Host
Picea sitchensis (PIESI) Experimental
* Inward D, Vuts J, Thomas G, Barnard K, Caulfield JC, Powers SJ, Uglow A, Reed K (2025) Investigating the threat to Sitka spruce from Ips typographus: discrimination and colonization of Britain's principal commercial conifer by a damaging forest pest. Pest Management Science. (early view) https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.8644
------- can colonize cut wood.