EPPO Global Database

Potyvirus trompetae(CDV000)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Alkekengi officinarum (PHYAL) Host
* Salamon P, Pájtli E, Palkovics L (2015) First report on natural infection of Colombian datura virus (CDV) in Chinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi). Plant Disease 99(6), p 898.
Brugmansia (1BGMG) Host
Brugmansia hybrids (BGMHY) Host
* Lesemann DE, Preissel HG, Verhoeven JTJ (1996) Detection of Colombian datura potyvirus and two unidentified potyviruses in Brugmansia hybrids. Acta Horticulturae 432, 346-353.

* Salamon P, Palkovics L (2005) Occurrence of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia hybrids, Physalis peruviana L. and Solanum muricatum Ait. in Hungary. Acta Virologica. 49, 117- 122.
Brugmansia sanguinea (DATSA) Host
* Chellemi DO, Webster CG, Baker CA, Annamalai M, Achor D, Adkins S (2011) Widespread occurrence and low genetic diversity of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia suggest an anthropogenic role in virus selection and spread. Plant Disease 95(6), 755-761.
Brugmansia suaveolens (DATSU) Host
* Kwak HR, Byun HS, Hong SB, Lee JY, Kim HR, Choi HS, Back E, Han J, Kim M (2021) First report of Colombian Datura virus in Brugmansia suaveolens in Korea. Plant Disease 105(7), 2024-2025.
Brugmansia x candida (DATCA) Host
* Chellemi DO, Webster CG, Baker CA, Annamalai M, Achor D, Adkins S (2011) Widespread occurrence and low genetic diversity of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia suggest an anthropogenic role in virus selection and spread. Plant Disease 95(6), 755-761.
Datura innoxia (DATIN) Host
* Kumar Verma R, Mishra R, Gaur RK (2014) First Report of Colombian datura virus in India. New Disease Reports 30, 29. http://dx.doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2014.030.029
Datura metel (DATME) Host
* Chellemi DO, Webster CG, Baker CA, Annamalai M, Achor D, Adkins S (2011) Widespread occurrence and low genetic diversity of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia suggest an anthropogenic role in virus selection and spread. Plant Disease 95(6), 755-761.
Juanulloa aurantiaca (IUAAU) Host
* Chellemi DO, Webster CG, Baker CA, Annamalai M, Achor D, Adkins S (2011) Widespread occurrence and low genetic diversity of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia suggest an anthropogenic role in virus selection and spread. Plant Disease 95(6), 755-761.

* Salamon P, Pájtli E, Palkovics L (2015) First report on natural infection of Colombian datura virus (CDV) in Chinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi). Plant Disease 99(6), p 898.
Mandragora autumnalis (MNDAU) Wild/Weed
* Pacifico D, Crucitti D, Stigliano E, Ciuffo M, Vallino M, Carimi F (2016) First report of Colombian datura virus in Mandragora autumnalis in Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease 100(11), p 2338. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-16-0445-PDN
Nicotiana tabacum (NIOTA) Host
* Schubert J, Doroszewska T, Chrzanowska M, Sztangret-Wisniewska J (2006) Natural infection of tobacco by Colombian datura virus in Poland, Germany and Hungary. Journal of Phytopathology 154, 343-348.

* Strumpf T, Buckhorn R, Lesemann DE (2005) [Occurrence of the Colombian datura virus on tobacco in Germany]. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutz 57, 1-3 (in German).
Petunia hybrids (PEUHY) Host
* Chellemi DO, Webster CG, Baker CA, Annamalai M, Achor D, Adkins S (2011) Widespread occurrence and low genetic diversity of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia suggest an anthropogenic role in virus selection and spread. Plant Disease 95(6), 755-761.
Physalis peruviana (PHYPE) Host
* Salamon P, Palkovics L (2005) Occurrence of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia hybrids, Physalis peruviana L. and Solanum muricatum Ait. in Hungary. Acta Virologica. 49, 117- 122.
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Host
* Tomitaka Y, Usugi T (2014) First report of mosaic disease caused by Colombian datura virus on Solanum lycopersicum plants commercially cultivated in Japan. Plant Disease 98(5), p 698.

* Verhoeven, JTJ, Lesemann DE, Roenhorst JW (1996) First report of Colombian datura potyvirus in tomato. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 895-898.
Solanum muricatum (SOLMU) Host
* Salamon P, Palkovics L (2005) Occurrence of Colombian datura virus in Brugmansia hybrids, Physalis peruviana L. and Solanum muricatum Ait. in Hungary. Acta Virologica. 49, 117- 122.
Spiranthes cernua (SQTCE) Host
* Fry CR, Zimmerman MT, Scott SW (2004) Occurrence of Colombian datura virus in the terrestrial orchids, Spiranthes cernua. Journal of Phytopathology 152, 200-203.