Xylella fastidiosa(XYLEFA)
Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Organism | Type | |
Acrogonia citrina (ACRGCI) | Potential vector | |
* Alves E, Leite B, Marucci RC, Pascholati SF, Lopes JR, Andersen PC (2008) Retention sites for Xylella fastidiosa in four sharpshooter vectors (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Current Microbiology 56(5), 531-538. * Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Santos D, Siqueira DL, Picanço MC (2005) Flutuação populacional de espécies de cigarrinhas transmissoras da clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) em Viçosa-MG Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, Jaboticabal - SP 27(2), 211-214. ------- citrus variegated chlorosis | ||
Aphrophora angulata (APHRAN) | Potential vector | |
* Severin HHP (1950) Spittle-insect vectors of Pierce’s disease virus. II. Life history and virus transmission. Hilgardia 19, 357-382. | ||
Aphrophora permutata (APHRPE) | Potential vector | |
* Beal DJ, Adams AG, Cooper ML, Varela LG, Smith RJ, Kron CR, Almeida RP, Daugherty MP (2021) Assessment of nymphal ecology and adult Xylella fastidiosa transmission biology of Aphrophora Nr. Permutata (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in California Vineyards. Environmental Entomology 50(6), 1446-1454. ------- poor vector in experiments. * Severin HHP (1950) Spittle-insect vectors of Pierce’s disease virus. II. Life history and virus transmission. Hilgardia 19, 357-382. ------- experimental transmission | ||
Bucephalogonia xanthophis (BUCLXA) | Potential vector | |
* Alves E, Leite B, Marucci RC, Pascholati SF, Lopes JR, Andersen PC (2008) Retention sites for Xylella fastidiosa in four sharpshooter vectors (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Current Microbiology 56(5), 531-538. * Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Sales TM, Oliveira TP, De Lara IAR, Almeida RPP, Coletta-Filho HD, Lopes JRS (2019) Transmission efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca sequence types by sharpshooter vectors after in vitro acquisition. Phytopathology 109, 286-293. ------- experimental transmission * Marucci RC, Lopes JRS, Cavichioli RR (2008) Transmission Efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa by Sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Coffee and Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(4), 1114-1121. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis and Coffea arabica * Yamamoto P, Pria Júnior W, Roberto S, Felippe M & Freitas E (2001) Flutuação populacional de cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) em pomar cítrico em formação. Neotropical Entomology 30, 175-177. | ||
Clastoptera achatina (CLASAC) | Potential vector | |
* Sanderlin RS, Melanson RA (2010) Insect transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to pecan. Plant Disease 94(4), 465-470. ------- Pecan leaf scorch. Experimental transmission. | ||
Clastoptera brunnea (CLASBR) | Potential vector | |
* Severin H (1950) Spittle-insect vectors of Pierce’s disease virus. II. Life history and virus transmission. Hilgardia 19, 357-382. | ||
Dechacona missionum (ONCMMI) | Potential vector | |
* Remes Lenicov AM, Paradell S, De Coll O, Agostini J (1999) Cicadelinos asociados a citrus afectados por clorosis variegada (CVC) en la República Argentina (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 58(3-4), 211-225. | ||
Dilobopterus costalimai (DLBPCO) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Marucci RC, Lopes JRS, Cavichioli RR (2008) Transmission Efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa by Sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Coffee and Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(4), 1114-1121. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis and Coffea arabica * Roberto SR, Coutinho A, Lima JEO, Miranda VS, Carlos EF (1996) Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa pelas cigarrinhas Dilobopterus costalimai, Acrogonia terminalis e Oncometopia facialis em citros. Fitopatologia Brasileira 21(4), 517-518. | ||
Ferrariana trivittata (FRRATR) | Potential vector | |
* Lopes SA, Marcussi S, Torres SCZ, Souza V, Fagan C, França SC, Fernandes NG, Lopes JRS (2003) Weeds as alternative hosts of the citrus, coffee, and plum strains of Xylella fastidiosa in Brazil. Plant Disease 87, 544-549. ------- experimental transmission between citrus plants, but citrus is a poor host | ||
Fingeriana dubia (FINGDU) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Yamamoto PT, Felippe MR, Caetano AC, Sanches AL, Lopes JRS (2007) First Report of Fingeriana dubia Cavichioli Transmitting Xylella fastidiosa to Citrus. Fitopatologia Brasileira 32(3), 266. ------- experimental transmission of X. fastidiosa to Citrus sinensis | ||
Homalodisca ignorata (HOMLIG) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Marucci RC, Lopes JRS, Cavichioli RR (2008) Transmission Efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa by Sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Coffee and Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(4), 1114-1121. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis and Coffea arabica * Yamamoto PT, Roberto SR, Praia-Júnior WD, Felippe MR, Miranda VS, Teixeira DC, Lopes JRS (2002) Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa pelas cigarrinhas Acrogonia virescens e Homalodisca ignorata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) em plantas cítricas. Summa Phytopathology 26(1), 128. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis | ||
Lepyronia quadrangularis (LEPOQU) | Potential vector | |
* Sanderlin, R. S., and R. A. Melanson (2010) Insect transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to pecan. Plant Disease 94, 465-470. ------- Pecan bacterial leaf scorch. In experiments where Lepyronia quadrangularis specimens were caged on pecan trees, one out of six trees tested with two specimens became infected. The authors conclude that L. quadrangularis could be an occasional vector. | ||
Macugonalia cavifrons (MAGOCA) | Potential vector | |
* Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Sales TM, Oliveira TP, De Lara IAR, Almeida RPP, Coletta-Filho HD, Lopes JRS (2019) Transmission efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca sequence types by sharpshooter vectors after in vitro acquisition. Phytopathology 109, 286-293. ------- experimental transmission, with low transmission efficiency * Müller C, Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Nondillo A, Botton M, Spotti Lopes JR (2021) First sharpshooter species proven as vectors of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in Prunus salicina trees in Brazil. Tropical plant pathology 46, 386-391. ------- experimental transmission | ||
Macugonalia leucomelas (MAGOLE) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Sales TM, Oliveira TP, De Lara IAR, Almeida RPP, Coletta-Filho HD, Lopes JRS (2019) Transmission efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca sequence types by sharpshooter vectors after in vitro acquisition. Phytopathology 109, 286-293. ------- experimental transmission * Müller C, Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Nondillo A, Botton M, Spotti Lopes JR (2021) First sharpshooter species proven as vectors of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in Prunus salicina trees in Brazil. Tropical plant pathology 46, 386-391. ------- experimental transmission | ||
Molomea consolida (MOLMCO) | Potential vector | |
* De Coll OR, Agostini JP, Timmer LW, Brlansky RH (1993) Survey of Sharpshooters in Citrus Orchards with Decline Diseases in Misiones, Argentina. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Conference Proceedings 12, 320-326. ------- potential vector | ||
Oncometopia facialis (ONCMFA) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Marucci RC, Lopes JRS, Cavichioli RR (2008) Transmission Efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa by Sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Coffee and Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(4), 1114-1121. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis and Coffea arabica * Roberto SR, Coutinho A, Lima JEO, Miranda VS, Carlos EF (1996) Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa pelas cigarrinhas Dilobopterus costalimai, Acrogonia terminalis e Oncometopia facialis em citros. Fitopatologia Brasileira 21(4), 517-518. | ||
Oragua discoidula (ORAGDI) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Lopes JRS, Krugner R (2016) Chapter 14: Transmission ecology and epidemiology of the Citrus Variegated Chlorosis strain of Xylella fastidiosa. In: Brown JK (ed.). Vector-mediated transmission of plant pathogens. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, USA, pp 195–208. ------- cited by others as the source of vector record for O. discoidula | ||
Pagaronia confusa (PGARCO) | Potential vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- reported as a vector in transmission experiments (Frazier and Freitag, 1946; Severin, 1949). Considered an unimportant vector of Pierce's disease of grapevine | ||
Pagaronia furcata (PGARFU) | Potential vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- reported as a vector in transmission experiments (Frazier and Freitag, 1946). Considered an unimportant vector of Pierce's disease of grapevine | ||
Pagaronia tredecimpunctata (PGARTR) | Potential vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- reported as a vector in transmission experiments (Frazier and Freitag, 1946), with transmission from alfalfa to alfalfa. Transmission unconfirmed, and considered an unimportant vector for the spread of Pierce's disease. | ||
Pagaronia triunata (PGARTN) | Potential vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- reported as a vector in transmission experiments (Frazier and Freitag, 1946; Severin, 1949). Considered an unimportant vector of Pierce's disease of grapevine (lack of association with grape vineyards, poor survival on grape and alfalfa, low transmission efficiency). | ||
Parathona gratiosa (PTHOGR) | Potential vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. | ||
Philaenus signatus (PHILSI) | Potential vector | |
* Kapantaidaki DE, Antonatos S, Evangelou V, Papachristos DP, Milonas P (2021) Genetic and endosymbiotic diversity of Greek populations of Philaenus spumarius, Philaenus signatus and Neophilaenus campestris, vectors of Xylella fastidiosa. Scientific Reports 11(1), 3752. | ||
Plesiommata mollicella (PLSOMO) | Potential vector | |
* Dellapé G, Paradell S, Semorile L, Delfederico L (2016) Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: a study of leafhoppers and treehoppers in citrus agroecosystems affected by Citrus Variegated Chlorosis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 161(2), 92-103. | ||
Poophilus costalis (POOPCO) | Potential vector | |
* Severin H (1950) Spittle-insect vectors of Pierce's disease virus. II. Life history and virus transmission. Hilgardia 19(11), 357-381. | ||
Sonesimia grossa (SONEGR) | Potential vector | |
* Remes Lenicov AM, Paradell S, De Coll O, Agostini J (1999) Cicadelinos asociados a citrus afectados por clorosis variegada (CVC) en la República Argentina (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 58(3-4), 211-225. | ||
Tapajosa rubromarginata (TAPARU) | Potential vector | |
* Dellapé G, Paradell S, Semorile L, Delfederico L (2016) Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: a study of leafhoppers and treehoppers in citrus agroecosystems affected by Citrus Variegated Chlorosis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 1–12. doi: 10.1111/eea.12491 ------- citrus variegated chlorosis | ||
Acrogonia virescens (ACRGVI) | Known vector | |
* Coletta-Filho HD, Castillo AI, Laranjeira FF., Andrade EC, Silva NT, Souza AA, Bossi ME, Almeida RPP, Lopes JRS (2020) Citrus Variegated Chlorosis: an Overview of 30 Years of Research and Disease Management. Tropical Plant Pathology 45, 175-191. * Yamamoto PT, Roberto SR, Praia-Júnior WD, Felippe MR, Miranda VS, Teixeira DC, Lopes JRS (2002) Transmissão de Xylella fastidiosa pelas cigarrinhas Acrogonia virescens e Homalodisca ignorata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) em plantas cítricas. Summa Phytopathology 26(1), 128. ------- experimental transmission to Citrus sinensis, citrus variegated chlorosis disease | ||
Bothrogonia ferruginea (TETTFE) | Known vector | |
* Tuan SJ, Hu FT, Chang HY, Chang PW, Chen YH, Huang TP (2016) Xylella fastidiosa transmission and life history of two Cicadellinae sharpshooters, Kolla paulula and Bothrogonia ferruginea (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in Taiwan. Journal of Economic Entomology 109(3), 1034-1040. | ||
Cuerna costalis (CUERCO) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae): taxonomy, biology, and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin 1382. 384 pp. ------- phony peach disease, Pierce's disease | ||
Cuerna occidentalis (CUEROC) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- Pierce's disease | ||
Cyphonia clavigera (CYPACG) | Known vector | |
* Dellapé G, Paradell S, Semorile L, Delfederico L (2016) Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: a study of leafhoppers and treehoppers in citrus agroecosystems affected by Citrus Variegated Chlorosis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 161(2), 92-103. | ||
Draeculacephala minerva (DRAEMI) | Known vector | |
* Purcell AH, Frazier NW (1985) Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce's disease bacterium in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 53(4), 1-32. | ||
Friscanus friscanus (FRISFR) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- Pierce's disease of grapevine. Not an important vector | ||
Graphocephala atropunctata (GRCPAT) | Known vector | |
* Daugherty MP, Cooper ML, Smith RJ, Varela LG, Almeida RP (2024) Revisiting the epidemiological role of a native vector in Northern California vineyards. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, saae033. * Purcell AH, Frazier NW (1985) Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce's disease bacterium in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 53(4), 1-32. | ||
Graphocephala confluens (GRCPCF) | Known vector | |
* Freitag JH, Frazier NW (1954) Natural infectivity of leafhopper vectors of Pierce’s disease virus of grape in California. Phytopathology 44, 7-11. * Freitag JH, Frazier NW (1952) Six new leafhopper vectors of Pierce’s disease virus. Phytopathology 42, 533-534. * Redak RA, Purcell AH, Lopes JRS, Blua MJ, Mizell III RF, Andersen PC (2004) The biology of xylem fluid-feeding insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and their relation to disease epidemiology. Annual Review of Entomology 49, 243-270. | ||
Graphocephala versuta (GRCPVE) | Known vector | |
* Ball JC (1979) Seasonal patterns of activity of adult leafhopper vectors of phony peach disease in north Florida. Environmental Entomology 8(4), 686-689. * Myers AL, Sutton TB, Abad JA, Kennedy GG (20007) Pierce’s disease of grapevines: Identification of the primary vectors in North Carolina. Phytopathology 97, 1440–1450. | ||
Helochara delta (HELHDE) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- Pierce's disease * Raju BC, Goheen AC, Frazier NW (1983) Occurrence of Pierce's disease bacteria in plants and vectors in California. Phytopathology 73, 1309-1313. | ||
Homalodisca insolita (HOMLIN) | Known vector | |
* Turner WF, Pollard HN (1959) Insect transmission of phony peach disease. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1193. 27 pp. ------- vector of phony peach disease | ||
Homalodisca vitripennis (HOMLTR) | Known vector | |
* Almeida RP, Purcell AH (2003) Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to grapevines by Homalodisca coagulata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 96(2), 264-271. * Damsteegt VD, Brlansky RH, Phillips PA, Roy A (2006) Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa, causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis by the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata. Plant Disease 90(5), 567-570. | ||
Kolla paulula (KOLLPA) | Known vector | |
* Tuan SJ, Hu FT, Chang HY, Chang PW, Chen YH, Huang TP (2016) Xylella fastidiosa transmission and life history of two Cicadellinae sharpshooters, Kolla paulula and Bothrogonia ferruginea (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in Taiwan. Journal of Economic Entomology 109(3), 1034-1040. | ||
Mesoptyelus impictifrons (MESTIM) | Known vector | |
* Tomer M, Gidron-Heinemann L, Chiel E, Sharon R (2024) A new vector of Xylella fastidiosa: the role of Mesoptyelus impictifrons as a vector in Israel. Phytopathology (early view) | ||
Neokolla hieroglyphica (GRCPHI) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- Pierce's disease * Redak RA, Purcell AH, Lopes JRS, Blua MJ, Mizell III RF, Andersen PC (2004) The biology of xylem fluid-feeding insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and their relation to disease epidemiology. Annual Review of Entomology 49, 243-270. ------- Pierce's disease of grapevine | ||
Neokolla severini (NKOLSE) | Known vector | |
* Delong DM, Severin HH (1949) Characters, distribution, and food plants of leafhopper vectors of virus causing Pierce's disease of grapevines. Hilgardia 19(6), 171-186. * Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin no. 1382, 386 pp. ------- Not considered to be an important vector of Pierce's disease. | ||
Neophilaenus campestris (NEOPCA) | Known vector | |
* Rabella Sabaté J, Llompart Cifre M (2024) Insectos vectores de" Xylella fastidiosa" en las islas Baleares: distribución, ciclo, huéspedes vegetales e infectividad. Phytoma España 358, 24-29. | ||
Oncometopia nigricans (ONCMNI) | Known vector | |
* Adlerz WC (1980) Ecological observations on two leafhoppers that transmit the Pierce's disease bacterium. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 93, 115-120. * Brlansky RH, Damsteegt VD, Hartung JS (2002) Transmission of the citrus variegated chlorosis bacterium Xylella fastidiosa with the sharpshooter Oncometopia nigricans. Plant Disease 86, 1237-1239. ------- in experiments | ||
Oncometopia orbona (ONCMUN) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission. Technical Bulletin No. 1392. USDA Agricultural Research Service. 386 pp. ------- phony peach disease, Pierce's disease | ||
Philaenus spumarius (PHILSU) | Known vector | |
* Saponari M, Loconsole G, Cornara D, Yokomi RK, De Stradis A, Boscia D, Bosco D, Martelli GP, Krugner R, Porcelli F (2014) Infectivity and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Apulia, Italy. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(4), 1316-1319. | ||
Plesiommata corniculata (PLSOCO) | Known vector | |
* Dellapé G, Paradell S, Semorile L, Delfederico L (2016) Potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa: a study of leafhoppers and treehoppers in citrus agroecosystems affected by Citrus Variegated Chlorosis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 161(2), 92-103. * Redak RA, Purcell AH, Lopes JRS, Blua MJ, Mizell III RF, Andersen PC (2004) The biology of xylem fluid-feeding insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa and their relation to disease epidemiology. Annual Review of Entomology 49, 243-270. | ||
Sibovia sagata (SIBOSA) | Known vector | |
* Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Sales TM, Oliveira TP, Lara IAR, Almeida RPP, Coletta-Filho HD, Lopes JRS (2019) Transmission Efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca Sequence Types by Sharpshooter Vectors after In Vitro Acquisition. Phytopathology 109, 286-293. ------- experimental transmission * Kleina HT, Kudlawiec K, Esteves MB, Dalbó MA, Oliveira TP, Maluta N, Lopes JRS, May-De-Moi LL (2020) Settling and feeding behavior of sharpshooter vectors of Xylella fastidiosa on plum genotypes resistant to leaf scald disease. European Journal of Plant Pathology 158, 633-644. * Müller C, Esteves MB, Kleina HT, Nondillo A, Botton M, Spotti Lopes JR (2021) First sharpshooter species proven as vectors of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in Prunus salicina trees in Brazil. Tropical plant pathology 46, 386-391. | ||
Xyphon flaviceps (CARNFL) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae): taxonomy, biology, and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin 1382. 384 pp. ------- as Carneocephala flaviceps | ||
Xyphon fulgidum (CARNFU) | Known vector | |
* Purcell AH, Frazier NW (1985) Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce's disease bacterium in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 53(4), 1-32. * Severin HHP (1949) Transmission of the virus of Pierce's disease of grapes by leafhoppers. Hilgardia 19, 190-206. | ||
Xyphon triguttatum (CARNTR) | Known vector | |
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae): taxonomy, biology, and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin 1382. 384 pp. ------- as Carneocephala triguttata |