EPPO Global Database

Picea sitchensis(PIESI)


Acleris gloverana (ACLRGL) Host
*Hard JS (1974) Budworm in coastal Alaska. Journal of Forestry 72, 26-31.

* Powell JA (1962) Taxonomic studies on the Acleris gloverana - variana complex, the black-headed budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist 94, 833-840.
Allantophomopsiella pseudotsugae (as Picea) (POTECO) Host
Arceuthobium americanum (as Picea) (AREAM) Host
Arceuthobium douglasii (as Picea) (AREDO) Host
Arceuthobium laricis (as Picea) (ARELA) Host
Arceuthobium pusillum (as Picea) (AREPU) Host
Arceuthobium tsugense (ARETS) Host
* Hawksworth FG, Wiens D (1996) Dwarf mistletoes: Biology, pathology, and systematics. USDA - Forest Service. Agriculture Handbook 709, 429 pp.
------- Rare host for A. tsugense subsp. tsugense.
Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (as Picea) (BURSMU) Major host
Chionaspis pinifoliae (as Picea) (PHECPI) Host
ScaleNet. Chionaspis pinifoliae. http://scalenet.info/catalogue/Chionaspis%20pinifoliae/
Choristoneura fumiferana (as Picea) (CHONFU) Host
* Furniss RL, Carolin VM (1977) Western Forest Insects. USDA , Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication no. 1339, 654 pp.
Choristoneura fumiferana (CHONFU) Host
* Llewellyn-Jones JRJ (1935) Some food plants of lepidopterous larvae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 31, 28-32.
Choristoneura orae (CHONOR) Host
* Furniss RL, Carolin VM (1977) Western Forest Insects. USDA , Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication no. 1339, 654 pp.
Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli (CHMYAR) Host
* Sinclair WA, Lyon HH (2005) Diseases of trees and shrubs (2nd ed.). Comstock Publishing Associates, 650 pp.
Chrysomyxa himalensis (as Picea) (CHMYHI) Host
Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri (as Picea) (CHMYRH) Host
Dendroctonus micans (DENCMI) Host
* Grégoire JC (1988) The greater European spruce beetle. In: Dynamics of forest insect populations (Ed. by Berryman A) Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, USA. pp. 455-478.
Dendroctonus rufipennis (as Picea) (DENCRU) Host
Dendroctonus rufipennis (DENCRU) Host
* Holsten EH, Thier RW, Schmid JM (1989) The spruce beetle. USDA Forest Service, Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet 127, 12 pp.

* Werner R, Holsten EH (1995) Current status of research with the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis., pp 23-39. In: Salom SM, Hobson KR (eds) Application of Semiochemicals for Management of Bark Beetle Infestations - Proceedings of and Information Conference. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America (1993-12-12/16), USDA-Forest Service, 54 pp.
Dendrolimus sibiricus (DENDSI) Experimental
* Kirichenko NI, Flament J, Baranchikov YN, Grégoire JC (2008) Native and exotic coniferous species in Europe – possible host plants for the potentially invasive Siberian moth, Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschtv. (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). EPPO Bulletin 38, 259-263.
------- Artificial / potentially intermadiate host in Europe (laboratory trial).
Dothistroma septosporum (SCIRPI) Host
* Drenkhan R et al. (2016) Global geographic distribution and host range of Dothistroma species: a comprehensive review. Forest Pathology 46, 408-442.
------- Slightly susceptible.
Gilpinia hercyniae (GILPPO) Host
* Billany DJ (1978) Gilpinia hercyniae (Hertig): a pest of spruce. Forest Record No.117, 11 pp.

* Williams DT, Straw NA, Day KR (2003) Defoliation of Sitka spruce by the European spruce sawfly, Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig): a retrospective analysis using the needle trace method. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 5(3), 235-245.
Gnathotrichus sulcatus (as Pinaceae) (GNAHSU) Host
* Furniss RL, Carolin VM (1977) Western forest insects (Scolytidae, Platypodidae). Miscellaneous Publications, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service No. 1339, pp. 1-654
Gremmeniella abietina (GREMAB) Host
* Warren GR, Harrison KJ, Laflamme G (2011) New and updated information on Scleroderris canker in the Atlantic Provinces. The Forestry Chronicle 87(3), 382-390.
Grosmannia wageneri (LEPGWA) Experimental
* Webber JF, Hansen EM (1990) Susceptibility of European and N.W. American conifers to the North American vascular pathogen Leptographium wageneri. European Journal of Forest Pathology 20, 347-354.
------- as L. wageneri var. ponderosum and pseudotsugae. In experiments, low levels of infestation
Heterobasidion irregulare (as Picea) (HETEIR) Host
Heterobasidion irregulare (HETEIR) Major host
Ips hauseri (as Picea) (IPSXHA) Host
* Douglas HB, Cognato AI, Grebennikov V, Savard K (2019) Dichotomous and matrix-based keys to the Ips bark beetles of the World (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 38, 234 pp. http://cjai.biologicalsurvey.ca/dcgs_38/factsheets/Ips_hauseri.pdf
Ips plastographus (IPSXPL) Host
Ips subelongatus (as Picea) (IPSXFA) Host
Ips typographus (IPSXTY) Experimental
* Inward D, Vuts J, Thomas G, Barnard K, Caulfield JC, Powers SJ, Uglow A, Reed K (2025) Investigating the threat to Sitka spruce from Ips typographus: discrimination and colonization of Britain's principal commercial conifer by a damaging forest pest. Pest Management Science. (early view) https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.8644
------- can colonize cut wood. 
Lambdina fiscellaria (LAMBFI) Host
* Natural Resource Canada (2015) Western hemlock looper  https://tidcf.nrcan.gc.ca/en/insects/factsheet/1000002 
-------Lambina fiscellaria lugubrosa 
Leptographium ponderosum (LEPGPO) Experimental
* Webber JF, Hansen EM (1990) Susceptibility of European and N.W. American conifers to the North American vascular pathogen Leptographium wageneri. European Journal of Forest Pathology 20, 347-354.
------- as L. wageneri var. ponderosum. In experiments, low levels of infestation
Leptographium pseudotsugae (LEPGPS) Experimental
* Webber JF, Hansen EM (1990) Susceptibility of European and N.W. American conifers to the North American vascular pathogen Leptographium wageneri. European Journal of Forest Pathology 20, 347-354.
------- as L. wageneri var. pseudotsugae. In experiments, low levels of infestation
Melampsora medusae (as Picea) (MELMME) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Melampsora medusae (MELMME) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidis (as Picea) (MELMMD) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidis (MELMMD) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Monochamus galloprovincialis (as Picea) (MONCGA) Host
Monochamus impluviatus (as Picea) (MONCIM) Host
* Pavlovskii EN, Shtakelberg AA (Eds.) (1955) Forest pests. Guide. V 2, p. 422–1097. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow-Leningrad (URSS) (in Russian). 

* Plavilshchikov NN (1958) Monochamus impluviatus Motsch. Siberian speckled sawyer. In Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera. V. XXIII. Part I. Longhorn Beetles. Part 3. Sub-family Lamiinae. Part I., pp. 526–528. Nauka Publishing House, Leningrad (URSS) (in Russian).  
Monochamus marmorator (as Picea) (MONCMR) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x
Monochamus nitens (as Picea) (MONCNI) Host
* Akbulut S, Togashi K & Linit MJ (2017) Cerambycids as plant disease vectors with special reference to pine wilt. In Cerambycidae of the world, pp. 209-252. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Monochamus saltuarius (as Picea) (MONCSL) Major host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
Monochamus scutellatus (as Picea) (MONCST) Host
* Monné MA, Nearns EH (2021) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Canada and United States of America. Part IV. Subfamily Lamiinae. https://cerambycids.com/catalog/Monne&Nearns_2021_NearcticCat_part_IV.pdf
Monochamus sutor (as Picea) (MONCSU) Host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
Monochamus titillator (as Picea) (MONCTI) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x

* Duffy EAJ (1960) A monograph of the immature stages of neotropical timber beetles. London: British Museum (Natural History), 327 pp.
Monochamus urussovii (as Picea) (MONCUR) Major host
Neodiprion abietis (NEODAB) Host
Orgyia leucostigma (as Picea) (HEMELE) Major host
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp

* Maier CT, Lemmon CR, Fengler JM, Schweitzer DF, Reardon RC, (2004) Caterpillars on the Foliage of Conifers in the Northeastern United States. Morgantown, WV. USDA Forest Service. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. FHTET-2004-01. March 2004. 151 p.
Phytophthora cinnamomi (as Pinaceae) (PHYTCN) Host
Phytophthora ramorum (PHYTRA) Host
* O’Hanlon R, Choiseul J, Corrigan M, Catarame T & Destefanis M (2016) Diversity and detections of Phytophthora species from trade and non-trade environments in Ireland. EPPO Bulletin 46(3), 594-602.
Pissodes strobi (PISOST) Major host
* Humble LM, Humphreys N, Van Sickle GA (1994) Distribution and hosts of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck), in Canada. pp. 68-75. In AIfaro RI, Kiss G, Fraser RG (eds) The white pine weevil: biology, damage and management. Proceedings of a symposium held January 19-21, 1994 in Richmond, British Columbia. FRDA Report No. 226. 75 pp.
------- breeding host

* Laffin R, Langor D, Sperling F (2004) Population structure and gene flow in the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (coleoptera: Curculionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97(5), 949-956.

* Whitehill JGA, Bohlmann J (2019) A molecular and genomic reference system for conifer defence against insects. Plant Cell and Environment 42(10), 2844-2859.
Pristiphora abietina (as Picea) (PRISAB) Host
Pucciniastrum areolatum (as Picea) (PUCIAR) Alternate
Sirex noctilio (as Picea) (SIRXNO) Host
Tetropium gracilicorne (as Picea) (TETOGR) Host
Trichoferus campestris (as Picea) (HESOCA) Host
* Iwata R & Yamada F (1990) Notes on the biology of Hesperophanes campestris, a drywood borer in Japan. Material und Organismen 25, 305–313.
------- Living host.