EPPO Global Database

Potexvirus pepini(PEPMV0)

Distribution details in France

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2006: Present, few occurrences
First recorded in: 2000
Eradication in: 2001
From CABI Disease map 856 (2022): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2000/062) : first found in one tomato glasshouse in Bretagne. Affected plants were destroyed.

EPPO Reporting Service (2002/092) : second find in a tomato glasshouse in Pays de Loire. Detected in consignments from Spain (Islas Canarias) and Morocco. Eradication action taken. Not found again in surveys in 2001 or 2002.

In 2003, outbreaks were observed in glasshouse tomatoes in Bretagne (Bosseur et al., 2004).
* Bosseur S, Robin TG, Le Corre D, Monier C (2004) La lutte contre le virus de la mosaïque du pépino passe par le lavage et la désinfection. Phytoma – La Défense des Végétaux no. 572, 4-8.
------- In 2003, 55 ha of glasshouse tomatoes infected in Bretagne.

* Cotillon, A. C.; Girard, M.; Ducouret, S. (2002) Archives of Virology 147, 2231-2238.

* Dufour, O.; Gros, C.; Ferrieu, D. (2006) PHM Revue Horticole 482, 22-24.

* Jorda, C.; Lazaro Perez, A.; Martinez-Culebras, P.; Abad, P.; Lacasa, A.; Guerrero, M. M. (2001) Plant Disease 85 (12), 1292.

* NPPO of France (2000-03, 2002-06).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belgium Present, restricted distribution view...
Germany Present, few occurrences view...
Italy Present, few occurrences view...
Italy Sicilia Present, widespread view...
Italy Sardegna Present, few occurrences view...
Spain Islas Baleares Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Spain Present, widespread view...
Spain Islas Canárias Present, restricted distribution view...
Switzerland Present, restricted distribution view...