EPPO Global Database

Abies balsamea(ABIBA)


Organism Type
Choristoneura rosaceana (CHONRO) Doubtful host
* Prentice RM (1966) Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Department of Forestry Canada, Publication 1142 (1965), 543–840.
Melampsora medusae (as Abies) (MELMME) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidis (as Abies) (MELMMD) Experimental
* Pinon J (1986) Situation de Melampsora medusae en Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 16, 547-551.
------- infection reported after following inoculation studies.
Allantophomopsiella pseudotsugae (as Abies) (POTECO) Host
Arceuthobium abietinum (as Abies) (AREAB) Host
Arceuthobium douglasii (as Abies) (AREDO) Host
Arceuthobium laricis (as Abies) (ARELA) Host
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (BURSXY) Host
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (as Abies) (BURSXY) Host
Chionaspis pinifoliae (PHECPI) Host
ScaleNet. Chionaspis pinifoliae. http://scalenet.info/catalogue/Chionaspis%20pinifoliae/

* Liu T (1987) Biosystematics of the genus Chionaspis (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Diaspididae) of North America, with emphasis on polymorphism. Masters Theses. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 305 p.; Magasi, 1992
Chionaspis pinifoliae (as Abies) (PHECPI) Host
ScaleNet. Chionaspis pinifoliae. http://scalenet.info/catalogue/Chionaspis%20pinifoliae/
Chondrostereum purpureum (STERPU) Host
* Bishop GC (1978) Studies on silver leaf disease of stone and pome fruit trees (Doctoral dissertation, Adelaide, Australia), 155 pp. https://digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2440/20649/2/02whole.pdf
Choristoneura fumiferana (as Abies) (CHONFU) Host
* Furniss RL, Carolin VM (1977) Western Forest Insects. USDA , Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication no. 1339, 654 pp.
Chrysomyxa abietis (as Abies) (CHMYAB) Host
Crisicoccus pini (as Abies) (DACLPI) Host
* Ben-Dov Y (1994) A systematic catalogue of the mealybugs of the world (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae and Putoidae) with data on geographical distribution, host plants, biology and economic importance. Intercept Limited Andover, 686 pp.

* Wang TC (1981) [Homoptera: Coccoidea.]. Insects of Xizang [=Tibet] 1, 283-294.
Dendrolimus spectabilis (as Abies) (DENDSC) Host
Dothistroma septosporum (SCIRPI) Host
* Drenkhan R et al. (2016) Global geographic distribution and host range of Dothistroma species: a comprehensive review. Forest Pathology 46, 408-442.
Dryocoetes confusus (as Abies) (DRYOCN) Host
Gilpinia hercyniae (GILPPO) Host
* Browne FG (1968) Pests and diseases of forest plantation trees: an annotated list of the principal species occurring in the British Commonwealth. Oxford, UK, Clarendon Press, 1330.
------- Rare host.
Gnathotrichus sulcatus (as Pinaceae) (GNAHSU) Host
* Furniss RL, Carolin VM (1977) Western forest insects (Scolytidae, Platypodidae). Miscellaneous Publications, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service No. 1339, pp. 1-654
Gremmeniella abietina (GREMAB) Host
* Sinclair WA & Lyon HH (2005) Diseases of Trees and Shrubs (No. Ed. 2). Comstock Publishing Associates. 650 pp.
Heterobasidion irregulare (as Abies) (HETEIR) Host
Ips subelongatus (as Abies) (IPSXFA) Host
Leptoglossus occidentalis (as Abies) (LEPLOC) Host
Monochamus impluviatus (as Abies) (MONCIM) Host
* Pavlovskii EN, Shtakelberg AA (Eds.) (1955) Forest pests. Guide. V 2, p. 422–1097. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow-Leningrad (URSS) (in Russian). 

* Plavilshchikov NN (1958) Monochamus impluviatus Motsch. Siberian speckled sawyer. In Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera. V. XXIII. Part I. Longhorn Beetles. Part 3. Sub-family Lamiinae. Part I., pp. 526–528. Nauka Publishing House, Leningrad (URSS) (in Russian).  
Monochamus marmorator (MONCMR) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x

* Baker WL (1972) Eastern Forest Insects. Miscellaneous Publication no. 1175. USDA, Forest Service, 642 pp.

* Belyea RM (1952) Death and deterioration of balsam fir weakened by spruce budworm defoliation in Ontario: Part II. An assessment of the role of associated insect species in the death of severely weakened trees. Journal of Forestry 50 (10), 729-738. 

* Kukor JJ, Martin MM (1986) Cellulose digestion in Monochamus marmorator Kby (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - role of acquired fungal enzymes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 12(5), 1057-1070. 

* Linsley EG, Chemsak JA (1984) The Cerambycidae of North America, Part VII, No. 1: taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Lamiinae, tribes Parmenini through Acanthoderini. University of California Publications in Entomology 102, 258 pp.

* Wingfield MJ, Blanchette RA (1983) The pine-wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Minnesota and Wisconsin - insect associates and transmission studies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière 13(6), 1068-1076. 
Monochamus marmorator (as Abies) (MONCMR) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x
Monochamus nitens (as Abies) (MONCNI) Host
* Akbulut S, Togashi K & Linit MJ (2017) Cerambycids as plant disease vectors with special reference to pine wilt. In Cerambycidae of the world, pp. 209-252. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

* Bates HW (1884) Longicorn beetles of Japan. Additions, chiefly from the later collections of Mr. George Lewis; and notes on the synonymy, distribution, and habits on the previously known species. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 18,205-262.
------- On Abies newly felled.
Monochamus notatus (MONCNO) Host
* Baker WL (1972) Eastern Forest Insects. Miscellaneous Publication no. 1175. USDA, Forest Service, 642 pp.

* Monné MA, Nearns EH (2021) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Canada and United States of America. Part IV. Subfamily Lamiinae. https://cerambycids.com/catalog/Monne&Nearns_2021_NearcticCat_part_IV.pdf
Monochamus obtusus (as Abies) (MONCOB) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x

* Keen FP (1952) Insect Enemies of Western Forests. Miscellaneous Publication no. 273. USDA, 209 pp.
Monochamus saltuarius (as Abies) (MONCSL) Host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
Monochamus scutellatus (MONCST) Host
* Wingfield MJ, Blanchette RA (1983) The pine-wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Minnesota and Wisconsin - insect associates and transmission studies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière 13(6), 1068-1076. 
Monochamus scutellatus (as Abies) (MONCST) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x

* Lindquist EE, Wu KW (1991) Review of mites of the genus Mucroseius (Acari, Mesostigmata, Ascidae) associated with sawyer beetles (Cerambycidae, Monochamus and Mecynippus) and pine wood nematodes Aphelenchoididae, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner And Buhrer) Nickle, with descriptions of 6 new species from Japan and North-America, and notes on their previous misidentification. Canadian Entomologist 123(4), 875-927.
Monochamus sutor (as Abies) (MONCSU) Host
Monochamus titillator (MONCTI) Host
* Monné MA, Nearns EH (2021) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Canada and United States of America. Part IV. Subfamily Lamiinae. https://cerambycids.com/catalog/Monne&Nearns_2021_NearcticCat_part_IV.pdf
Monochamus titillator (as Abies) (MONCTI) Host
* Akbulut S, Stamps WT (2012) Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species. Forest Pathology 42(2), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2011.00733.x

* Duffy EAJ (1960) A monograph of the immature stages of neotropical timber beetles. London: British Museum (Natural History), 327 pp.
Monochamus urussovii (as Abies) (MONCUR) Host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
Orgyia leucostigma (as Abies) (HEMELE) Host
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp

* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching IJ, Beccaloni GW & Hernández LM (2010) HOST - A database of the world's Lepidopteran hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. https://www.nhm.ac.uk (Accessed on 7 December 2020 and 21 March 2021)
Phaeocryptopus nudus (PHARNU) Host
Phytophthora cinnamomi (as Pinaceae) (PHYTCN) Host
Polygraphus proximus (POLGPR) Host
* Chilahsaeva EA (2008) [First record of Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Moscow Province]. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists 113(6), 39-42 (in Russian).
------- Confirmed host.

* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp. 652-655.
------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
Sirex noctilio (as Abies) (SIRXNO) Host
Tetropium gracilicorne (as Abies) (TETOGR) Host
Trichoferus campestris (as Abies) (HESOCA) Host
* Iwata R, Yamada F (1990) Notes on the biology of Hesperophanes campestris, a drywood borer in Japan. Material und Organismen 25, 305–313.
Acleris variana (ACLRVA) Major host
* Fye RE (1965) An additional record of Acleris variana Fern. from black spruce club tops. Bi-monthly Progress Report of the Canadian Department of Forestry 21, 2-3.

* Miller CA (1966) The black-headed budworm in eastern Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 98, 592-613.

* Morris RF (1958) A review of the important insects affecting the spruce - fir forest in the Maritime Provinces. The Forestry Chronicles 34(2), 159-189.
Choristoneura fumiferana (CHONFU) Major host
* Nealis VG (2016) Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The Canadian Entomologist 25, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.4039/tce.2015.15
Cinara curvipes (TODOCU) Major host
Heterobasidion irregulare (HETEIR) Major host
* Dumas MT, Laflamme G (2013) Pinus banksiana, a new primary host of the pathogen Heterobasidion irregulare in Eastern Canada. In Canadian Plant Disease Survey - Disease Highlights, The Canadian Phytopathological Society.
------- confirmed host
Lambdina fiscellaria (LAMBFI) Major host
* Iqbal J, MacLean SA and Kershaw JA (2011) Impacts of hemlock looper defoliation on growth and survival of balsam fir, black spruce and white birch in Newfoundland, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1106-1114. 
------- Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria

* Hérbert C, Berthiaume R, Bauce É and Brodeur J (2006) Geographic biotype and host-associated local adaptation in a polyphagous species, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) feeding on balsam fir on Anticosti Island, Canada. Bulletin of Entomological Research 96: 619-627. 
Neodiprion abietis (NEODAB) Major host
* Bird RD (1930) Notes on the fir sawfly Neodiprion abietis Harris. 60th Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1929, 76-82 (abst.).
Neonectria neomacrospora (NECTMA) Major host
Nielsen UB, Xu J, Nielsen KN, Talgø V, Hansen OK, Thomsen IM (2017) Species variation in susceptibility to the fungus Neonectria neomacrospora in the genus Abies. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 32(5), 421–431. doi:10.1080/02827581.2017.1287300
------- confirmed host
Orgyia leucostigma (HEMELE) Major host
* Ferguson DC (1978) Noctuoidea, Lymantriidae. In: Dominick RB et al., eds. The moths of America north of Mexico (including Greenland), Vol. 22.2. London, UK: E.W. Classey.

* Van Driesche RG, LaForest JH, Bargeron CT, Reardon RC, Herlihy M (2012) Forest Pest Insects in North America: a Photographic Guide. USDA Forest Service. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. Morgantown, WV. FHTET-2012-02.

* van Frankenhuyzen K, Ebling P, Thurston G, Lucarotti C, Royama T, Guscott R, Georgeson E, Silver J (2002) Incidence and impact of Entomophaga aulicae (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) and a nucleopolyhedrosis virus in an outbreak of the whitemarked tussock moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The Canadian Entomolologist. 134: 825–845.
Lymantria mathura (LYMAMA) Non-host
* Zlotina MA (1999) Biology and behavior of Lymantria mathura Moore (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). (1999). Doctoral Dissertations 1896 - February 2014. 5673. Accessed 9 June 2023 from: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations_1/5673
------- Indoor test, very low larval survival (<1%), unsuitable host.

* Zlotina MA, Mastro VC, Leonard DE, Elkinton JS (1998) Survival and development of Lymantria mathura on North American, Asian, and European tree species. Journal of Economic Entomology 91, 1162–1166.
------- Indoor test, very low larval survival (<1%), unsuitable host.