EPPO Global Database

Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex(XYLEFM)

Distribution details in Spain (Islas Baleares)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2024: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Disease map 1216 (2018): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2017/102) : Baleares (Mallorca and Menorca).

EPPO Reporting Service (2017/133) : mainland Spain. Detected in an almond orchard near Alicante (Comunidad Valenciana). Under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2022/112) : contaiment measures applied in Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca islands.
* Beidas Soler O, de Dios Garcia J, Serra AJ, Olmo Garcia D, Closa Salinas AM (2018) Baleares: el ano de la Xylella fastidiosa. Phytoma-Espana no. 296, 18-30.
------- Including a map of the findings made in 2017.

* Olivares-García C, Montes Borrego M, Velasco Amo MP, Navas-Cortés JA, Landa BB (2024) Caracterización de las poblaciones de la bacteria fitopatógena" Xylella fastidiosa" en las Islas Baleares. Phytoma España: La revista profesional de sanidad vegetal 358, 2-9.

Govern Illes Balears (2017-05-09) Confirmados 219 positivos por Xylella fastidiosa en las Illes Balears. http://www.caib.es/govern/pidip/dadesComunicat.do?lang=es&codi=8982890
Govern Illes Balears (2021/08/05) https://www.caib.es/sites/xf/ca/situacioiibb/

* NPPO of Spain (2017-06).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
France Corse Present, widespread view...
France Transient view...
Portugal Present, restricted distribution view...