EPPO Global Database

Triticum durum(TRZDU)


Organism Type
Atherigona oryzae (as Triticum) (ATHEOZ) Host
Cicadulina mbila (as Triticum) (CICDMB) Host
Claviceps purpurea (as Triticum) (CLAVPU) Host
Delia arambourgi (as Triticum) (HYLEAR) Host
Epilachna similis similis (as Triticum) (EPILSI) Host
Erwinia rhapontici (ERWIRH) Host
* Huang HC, Hsieh TF, Erickson RS (2003) Biology and epidemiology of Erwinia rhapontici, causal agent of pink seed and crown rot of plants. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12, 69-76.
Maize streak virus (as Triticum) (MSV000) Host
Meloidogyne chitwoodi (as Triticum) (MELGCH) Host
* Santo GS, O'Bannon JH, Finley AM, Golden AM (1980) Occurrence and host range of a new root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in the Pacific northwest. Plant Disease 64, 951-952.
Porphyrophora tritici (PORPTR) Host
* Kaydan MB (2014) Türkiye’de yeni ve az bilinen Margarodidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) türleri [New and little known Margarodidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) species in Turkey]. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 4(1), 41-46.
Puccinia graminis (as Triticum) (PUCCGR) Host
Pyricularia oryzae (as Triticum) (PYRIOR) Host
Sclerophthora macrospora (as Triticum) (SCPHMA) Host
Sitodiplosis mosellana (as Triticum) (SITDMO) Host
Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (as Triticum) (SBWMV0) Host
Tenuivirus eurotritici (as Triticum) (EWSMV0) Host
Tenuivirus zeae (as Triticum) (MSPV00) Host
Tilletia caries (as Triticum) (TILLCA) Host
Tilletia controversa (as Triticum) (TILLCO) Host
Tilletia indica (NEOVIN) Host
* Kumar S, Singroha G, Singh GP, Sharma P (2021) Karnal bunt of wheat: etiology, breeding and integrated management. Crop Protection 139, 105376.
Urocystis agropyri (as Triticum) (UROCAG) Host
Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa (XANTTU) Host
* Bragard C, Verdier V, Maraite H (1995) Genetic diversity among Xanthomonas campestris strains pathogenic for small grains. Applied and environmental microbiology 61(3), 1020-1026. 
Meloidogyne naasi (MELGNA) Major host
Orgyia leucostigma (as Triticum) (HEMELE) Major host
* Belton EM (1988) Lepidoptera on fruit crops in Canada, Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Pest Management Program, Burnaby, BC. 105 pp