EPPO Global Database

Pyricularia oryzae(PYRIOR)

Code created in: 2001-02-23

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Pyricularia oryzae
  • Authority: Cavara


One of the 'top ten' fungi in molecular plant pathology

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Dactylaria oryzae (Cavara) Sawada
Magnaporthe oryzae Couch

Common names
Name Language
blast of rice English
blast of wheat English
gray leaf spot of ryegrass English
Johnson spot of banana English
oval leaf spot English
pitting disease of banana English
rice blast English
rotten neck of rice English
seedling blight of rice English
wheat blast English
Brusone-Krankheit: Reis German
Fleckenkrankheit: Reis German
Reisbräune German
Reisbrennen German
brunissure du riz French
pitting de la banane French
pyriculariose du ray-grass French
pyriculariose du riz French
anublo del arroz Spanish
mancha Johnson del plátano Spanish
quema del arroz Spanish