Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism |
Type |
Abies balsamea (ABIBA) | Host | |
* Chilahsaeva EA (2008) [First record of Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Moscow Province]. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists 113(6), 39-42 (in Russian). ------- Confirmed host. * Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp. 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. | ||
Abies concolor (ABICO) | Host | |
* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. | ||
Abies firma (ABIFI) | Major host | |
* Niisima Y (1910) Die borkenkaefer Nord-und Mittel- Japans. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 3, 1-18 (in German) . * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. * Takagi E (2022) Host preference of the tree‐killing bark beetle Polygraphus proximus across a geographic boundary separating host species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 170, 1001-1007. * Tokuda M, Shoubu M, Yamaguchi D, Yukawa J (2008) Defoliation and dieback of Abies firma (Pinaceae) trees caused by Parendaeus abietinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) on Mount Unzen, Japan. Applied entomology and zoology 43, 1–10. ------- Confirmed host in Japan. | ||
Abies fraseri (ABIFR) | Host | |
* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Siences in Moscow. | ||
Abies grandis (ABIGR) | Host | |
* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. | ||
Abies holophylla (ABIHL) | Major host | |
* Baranchikov Y, Akulov E, Astapenko S (2010) Bark beetle Polygraphus proximus: a new aggressive far eastern invader on Abies species in Siberia and European Russia. USDA Research Forum on Invasive Species GTR-NRS-P-75 ------ Confirmed host. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. * Takagi E (2022) Host preference of the tree‐killing bark beetle Polygraphus proximus across a geographic boundary separating host species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 170, 1001-1007. ------- Confirmed host, but less attacked than A. firma and A. veitchii. | ||
Abies homolepis (ABIHO) | Major host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. * Yamaoka Y, Masuya H, Ohtaka N, Goto H, Kaneko S, Kuroda Y (2004) Ophiostoma species associated with bark beetles infesting three Abies species in Nikko, Japan. Journal of Forest Research 9, 67–74. | ||
Abies koreana (ABIKO) | Host | |
* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. | ||
Abies lasiocarpa (ABILA) | Host | |
* Seraya LG, Pashenova NV, Mukhina LN, Dymovich AV, Alexandrova MS, Baranchikov YN (2014) The damage of Abies Mill. species at the main botanical garden RASc by four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Bland. and associated fungi. Lesniye biogeotsenozy borealnoy zony : geographiya, struktura, funksii, dinamica [Forest biogeocoenosises of the Boreal zone: geography, structure, functions, dynamics]. Novosibirsk: SB RASc Publ.House, pp 652-655. ------- Observed in the collection of fir species at the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. | ||
Abies mariesii (ABIMR) | Major host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. * Yamaoka Y, Masuya H, Ohtaka N, Goto H, Kaneko S, Kuroda Y (2004) Ophiostoma species associated with bark beetles infesting three Abies species in Nikko, Japan. Journal of Forest Research 9, 67–74. | ||
Abies nephrolepis (ABINE) | Major host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. * Baranchikov Y, Akulov E, Astapenko S (2010) Bark beetle Polygraphus proximus: a new aggressive far eastern invader on Abies species in Siberia and European Russia. USDA Research Forum on Invasive Species GTR-NRS-P-75 ------ Confirmed host. | ||
Abies sachalinensis (ABISA) | Major host | |
* Baranchikov Y, Akulov E, Astapenko S (2010) Bark beetle Polygraphus proximus: a new aggressive far eastern invader on Abies species in Siberia and European Russia. USDA Research Forum on Invasive Species GTR-NRS-P-75 ------ Confirmed host. * Kôno H, Tamanuki K (1939) Die Ipiden, schädlich an Sachalintannen und Ezofichten in Sachalin. Insecta matsumurana 13(2-3), 88-96. * Niisima Y (1910) Die borkenkaefer Nord-und Mittel- Japans. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 3, 1-18 (in German) . * Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. * Takagi E (2022) Host preference of the tree‐killing bark beetle Polygraphus proximus across a geographic boundary separating host species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 170, 1001-1007. ------- In Japan, less attacked than A. veitchii. | ||
Abies sachalinensis var. mayriana (ABISM) | Host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. | ||
Abies sibirica (ABISB) | Major host | |
*Baranchikov Y, Akulov E, Astapenko S (2010) Bark beetle Polygraphus proximus: a new aggressive far eastern invader on Abies species in Siberia and European Russia. USDA Research Forum on Invasive Species GTR-NRS-P-75 ------- Confirmed host in Siberia. * Chilahsaeva EA (2008) [First record of Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Moscow Province]. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists 113(6), 39-42 (in Russian). ------- Confirmed host in Moscow region. | ||
Abies veitchii (ABIVE) | Major host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. *Ohtaka N, Masuya H, Kaneko S, Yamaoka Y, Ohsawa M (2002) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with bark beetles on Abies veitchii in wave-regenerated forests. Journal of Forest Research 7, 145-151. * Takagi E, D. Masaki D, Köbayashi K, Takei S (2021) Trunk diameter influences attack by Polygraphus proximus and subsequent mortality of Abies veitchii. Forest Ecology and Management 479(1), 118617. * Takagi E (2022) Host preference of the tree‐killing bark beetle Polygraphus proximus across a geographic boundary separating host species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 170, 1001-1007. ------- Preferred host. | ||
Larix gmelinii (LAXGM) | Host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. | ||
Larix gmelinii var. gmelinii (LAXKA) | Host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. ------- As Larix dahurica. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. ------- As Larix dahurica. | ||
Larix kaempferi (LAXLE) | Host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Larix sibirica (LAXSI) | Experimental | |
* Kerchev IA (2012) [Experimental study on the occurence of new probable trophic links for Polygraphus proximus Blandf. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Western Siberia]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology 3(19), 169-177 (in Russian with English summary). ------- Only in experimental conditions. | ||
Picea abies (PIEAB) | Doubtful host | |
* Chilahsaeva EA (2008) [First record of Polygraphus proximus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Moscow Province]. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists 113(6), 39-42 (In Russian). ------- This paper does not confirm that P. proximus can breed on Picea abies. | ||
Picea glehnii (PIEGL) | Host | |
* Bright DE, Skidmore RE (1997) A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera)., Supplement 1. National Research Council of Canada (NRC). * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Picea jezoensis (PIEJE) | Host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Picea obovata (PIEOB) | Host | |
* Kerchev IA (2012) [Experimental study on the occurence of new probable trophic links for Polygraphus proximus Blandf. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Western Siberia]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology 3(19), 169-177 (in Russian with English summary). ------- Only in experimental conditions. * Kerchev (2014) Ecology of four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandford (Coleoptera; Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the West Siberian region of invasion. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 5(3), 176–185. ------- In experimental and field conditions. | ||
Pinus densiflora (PIUDE) | Host | |
* Niijima Y (1941) Revision und Neubeschreibung der Polygraphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Ipidae) in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 15(4), 123-135. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Pinus koraiensis (PIUKO) | Host | |
* Gninenko YI, Cheelakhsaeva EA, Klukin MS (2010) New risk for European forests - ussuryjsky bark beetle Polygraphus proximus. Proceedings of the first Serbian forestry Congress - Future with Forests (Belgrade, SR, 2010-11-11/13), pp 171–172. * Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Pinus parviflora (PIUPF) | Host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Pinus pumila (PIUPU) | Host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. | ||
Pinus sibirica (PIUSB) | Host | |
* Kerchev (2014) Ecology of four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandford (Coleoptera; Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the West Siberian region of invasion. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 5(3), 176–185. | ||
Pinus sylvestris (PIUSI) | Host | |
* Kerchev (2014) Ecology of four eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandford (Coleoptera; Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the West Siberian Region of Invasion. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 5(3), 176–185. -------- Observed once on a storm-damaged branch of Pinus sylvestris. * Personal communication with Ivan Kerchev (2024-07) confirmed that infestation of Pinus sylvestris is considered to be exceptional (e.g. on trees damaged by storms or weakened by other factors). | ||
Tsuga sieboldii (TSUSI) | Host | |
* Nobuchi A (1979) Bark beetles of tribe Polygraphini in Japan (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 308, 1-14. |