'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'(PHYPSO)
Distribution details in Serbia
From NPPO: Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2008/013) : 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' is consistently associated with a disease called maize redness in Serbia. Maize redness was first observed in 1957 in the Banat region, and epidemic phases were observed in the late 1950s-early 1960s, and 40 years later in the late 1990s-early 2000s. It is suspected that Reptalus panzeri is a vector.
EPPO Reporting Service (2012/035) : details about maize redness in Serbia.
EPPO Reporting Service (2015/119) : found in Phaseolus vulgaris and Dianthus barbatus.
EPPO Reporting Service (2018/114) : found on parsnip (Pasticana sativa) in South Bačka, Vojvodina, in Serbia.
Ćurčić et al. (2021): on sugarbeet.
* Adamovic D, Djalovic I, Mitrovic P, Kojic S, Pivic R, Josic D (2014) First report on natural infection of Paeonia tenuifolia by 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' in Serbia. Plant Disease 98(4), p 565.
------- On Paeonia tenuifolia.
* Ćurčić Ž, Stepanović J, Zübert C, Taški-Ajduković K, Kosovac A, Rekanović E, Kube M, Duduk B (2021) Rubbery taproot disease of sugar beet in Serbia associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Plant Disease 105(2), 255-263.
------- on Beta vulgaris.
* Duduk B, Bertaccini A (2006) Corn with symptoms of reddening: new host of Stolbur phytoplasma. Plant Disease 90(10), 1313-1319.
* Jovic J, Cvrkovic T, Mitrovic M, Krnjanjic S, Petrovic A, Redingbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Hogenhout AS, Tosevski I (2007) Maize redness in Serbia caused by stolbur phytoplasma is transmitted by Reptalus panzeri. Bulletin of Insectology 60(2), 397-398. http://www.bulletinofinsectology.org/pdfarticles/vol60-2007-397-398jovic.pdf
* Jovic J, Cvrkovic T, Mitrovic M, Krnjanjic S, Redingbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Gingery RE, Hogenhout AS, Tosevski I (2007) Roles of stolbur phytoplasma and Reptalus panzeri (Cixiinae, Auchenorrhyncha) in the epidemiology of Maize redness in Serbia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118(1), 85-89.
* Jović J, Cvrković T, Mitrović M, Krnjajić S, Petrović A, Redinbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Hogenhout SA, Toševski I (2009) Stolbur phytoplasma transmission to maize by Reptalus panzeri and the disease cycle of maize redness in Serbia. Phytopathology 99(9), 1053-1061.
* Jović J, Cvrković T, Mitrović M, Krnjajić S, Krstić O, Redinbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Toševski I (2011) Hosts of stolbur phytoplasmas in maize redness affected fields. Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Suppl.), 155-156.
* Jović J, Ember I, Mitrović M, Cvrković T, Krstić O, Krnjajić S, Acs Z, Kölber M, Toševski I (2011) Molecular detection of potato stolbur phytoplasma in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Suppl.), S83-S84.
------- On potato in 3 localities in Vojvodina, in August 2010.
* Medić Pap S, Gvozdanović Varga J, Červenski J, Stepanović J, Rekanović E, Stepanović M, Duduk B (2018) First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infecting parsnip in Serbia. Plant Disease 102(5), p 1026.
-------- On Pastinaca sativa.
* Mitrovic J, Pavlovic S, Duduk B (2013) Survey and multigene characterization of stolbur phytoplasma on various plant species in Serbia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 52(3), 434-441.
------- On several plant species (Capsicum, Daucus carota, Nicotiana tabacum, Petroselinum crispum, Valeriana officinalis, Vinca, Vitis vinifera, Zea mays).
* Mitrović M, Cvrković T, Jović J, Krstić O, Jakovljević M, Kosovac A, Toševski I (2015) First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infecting garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris in Serbia. Plant Disease 99(4), p 551.
------- On Phaseolus vulgaris.
* Pavlovic S, Starovic M, Stojanovic SD, Kojic K, Marinkovic J, Josic D (2014) First report of stolbur phytoplasma affecting Cichorium intybus in Serbia. Plant Disease 98(6), 839-840.
* Trkulja V, Adamović D, Đalović I, Mitrović P, Kovačić-Jošić D, Lukač Z, Komić J (2016) First report of Stolbur phytoplasma associated with Anethum graveolens in Serbia. Plant Disease 100(2), p 516.
------- On Paeonia tenuifolia.
* Ćurčić Ž, Stepanović J, Zübert C, Taški-Ajduković K, Kosovac A, Rekanović E, Kube M, Duduk B (2021) Rubbery taproot disease of sugar beet in Serbia associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Plant Disease 105(2), 255-263.
------- on Beta vulgaris.
* Duduk B, Bertaccini A (2006) Corn with symptoms of reddening: new host of Stolbur phytoplasma. Plant Disease 90(10), 1313-1319.
* Jovic J, Cvrkovic T, Mitrovic M, Krnjanjic S, Petrovic A, Redingbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Hogenhout AS, Tosevski I (2007) Maize redness in Serbia caused by stolbur phytoplasma is transmitted by Reptalus panzeri. Bulletin of Insectology 60(2), 397-398. http://www.bulletinofinsectology.org/pdfarticles/vol60-2007-397-398jovic.pdf
* Jovic J, Cvrkovic T, Mitrovic M, Krnjanjic S, Redingbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Gingery RE, Hogenhout AS, Tosevski I (2007) Roles of stolbur phytoplasma and Reptalus panzeri (Cixiinae, Auchenorrhyncha) in the epidemiology of Maize redness in Serbia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118(1), 85-89.
* Jović J, Cvrković T, Mitrović M, Krnjajić S, Petrović A, Redinbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Hogenhout SA, Toševski I (2009) Stolbur phytoplasma transmission to maize by Reptalus panzeri and the disease cycle of maize redness in Serbia. Phytopathology 99(9), 1053-1061.
* Jović J, Cvrković T, Mitrović M, Krnjajić S, Krstić O, Redinbaugh MG, Pratt RC, Toševski I (2011) Hosts of stolbur phytoplasmas in maize redness affected fields. Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Suppl.), 155-156.
* Jović J, Ember I, Mitrović M, Cvrković T, Krstić O, Krnjajić S, Acs Z, Kölber M, Toševski I (2011) Molecular detection of potato stolbur phytoplasma in Serbia. Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Suppl.), S83-S84.
------- On potato in 3 localities in Vojvodina, in August 2010.
* Medić Pap S, Gvozdanović Varga J, Červenski J, Stepanović J, Rekanović E, Stepanović M, Duduk B (2018) First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infecting parsnip in Serbia. Plant Disease 102(5), p 1026.
-------- On Pastinaca sativa.
* Mitrovic J, Pavlovic S, Duduk B (2013) Survey and multigene characterization of stolbur phytoplasma on various plant species in Serbia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 52(3), 434-441.
------- On several plant species (Capsicum, Daucus carota, Nicotiana tabacum, Petroselinum crispum, Valeriana officinalis, Vinca, Vitis vinifera, Zea mays).
* Mitrović M, Cvrković T, Jović J, Krstić O, Jakovljević M, Kosovac A, Toševski I (2015) First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infecting garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris in Serbia. Plant Disease 99(4), p 551.
------- On Phaseolus vulgaris.
* Pavlovic S, Starovic M, Stojanovic SD, Kojic K, Marinkovic J, Josic D (2014) First report of stolbur phytoplasma affecting Cichorium intybus in Serbia. Plant Disease 98(6), 839-840.
* Trkulja V, Adamović D, Đalović I, Mitrović P, Kovačić-Jošić D, Lukač Z, Komić J (2016) First report of Stolbur phytoplasma associated with Anethum graveolens in Serbia. Plant Disease 100(2), p 516.
Country | State | Status | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Present, no details | ||
Bulgaria | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Croatia | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Hungary | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Montenegro | Present, widespread | ||
North Macedonia | Present, widespread | ||
Romania | Present, no details |