EPPO Global Database

Crinivirus lactucachlorosi(LCV000)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Beta vulgaris (BEAVX) Major host
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC, Li R (1996) Lettuce chlorosis virus — A new whitefly-transmitted closterovirus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 591–596.
Lactuca sativa (LACSA) Major host
* Duffus JE, Liu HY, Wisler GC, Li R (1996) Lettuce chlorosis virus — A new whitefly-transmitted closterovirus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 102, 591–596.
Passiflora auriculata (PAQAR) Wild/Weed
* Vidal AH, Felix GP, Abreu EFM, Nogueira I, Alves-Freitas DMT, Faleiro FG, Fontenele RS, Peixoto JR, Lacorte C, Rosa PCC, Nunes de Jesus O, Resende RO, Varsani A, Ribeiro SG (2021) Occurrence of lettuce chlorosis virus in Passiflora spp. in Brazil. Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 443–447.
Calopogonium mucunoides (CLOMU) Host
Filardo F, Waterhouse B, Jones L, Campbell P (2023) Yambean mosaic virus and lettuce chlorosis virus in Australia. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 18, 9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13314-023-00495-1
Cannabis sativa (CNISA) Host
* Hadad L, Luria N, Smith E, Sela N, Lachman O, Dombrovsky A (2019) Lettuce chlorosis virus disease: A new threat to cannabis production. Viruses 11(9), 802. https://doi.org/10.3390/v11090802
Carica papaya (CIAPA) Host
* Alabi OJ, Al Rwahnih M, Jifon JL, Sétamou M, Brown JK, Gregg L, Park JW (2017) A mixed Infection of Lettuce chlorosis virus, Papaya ringspot virus, and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-IL detected in a Texas papaya orchard affected by a virus-like disease outbreak. Plant Disease 101(7), 1094-1102.
Catharanthus roseus (CTURO) Host
* Favara GM, Camelo-Garcia VM, Spadotti DMA, Silva JMF, Nagata T, Kitajima EW, Rezende JAM (2020) First report of Lettuce chlorosis virus infecting periwinkle in Brazil. Plant Disease 104(4), p 1263.

* Tian X, Tian Y, Yu Q, Wang XF, Li ZA, Li RH, Cao MJ, Zhou CY (2018) Periwinkle: A new natural host of Lettuce chlorosis virus in China. Plant Disease 102(2), p 462.
Coriandrum sativum (CORSA) Host
* Alabi OJ, Gaytán BC, Al Rwahnih M, Villegas C (2020) A description of the possible etiology of the cilantro yellow blotch disease. Plant disease 104(3), 630-633.
Passiflora alata (PAQAA) Host
* Vidal AH, Felix GP, Abreu EFM, Nogueira I, Alves-Freitas DMT, Faleiro FG, Fontenele RS, Peixoto JR, Lacorte C, Rosa PCC, Nunes de Jesus O, Resende RO, Varsani A, Ribeiro SG (2021) Occurrence of lettuce chlorosis virus in Passiflora spp. in Brazil. Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 443–447.
Passiflora edulis (PAQED) Host
* Vidal AH, Felix GP, Abreu EFM, Nogueira I, Alves-Freitas DMT, Faleiro FG, Fontenele RS, Peixoto JR, Lacorte C, Rosa PCC, Nunes de Jesus O, Resende RO, Varsani A, Ribeiro SG (2021) Occurrence of lettuce chlorosis virus in Passiflora spp. in Brazil. Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 443–447.
Phaseolus vulgaris (PHSVX) Host
* Chatzivassiliou EK (2021) An annotated list of legume-infecting viruses in the light of metagenomics. Plants 10(7):1413. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10071413
Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Host
* Zhang SB, Zhang DY, Liu Y, Luo XW, Liu MY, Du J, Wang MC (2017) First report of Lettuce chlorosis virus infecting tomato in China. Plant Disease 101(5), p 846.