EPPO Global Database

Erwinia amylovora(ERWIAM)

Distribution details in Korea, Republic of

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2023: Transient
First recorded in: 2015
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present: transient (2020-07)
From CABI Disease map 002 (2017): Present, few occurrences
EPPO Reporting Service 512/06. Doubtful record.

EPPO Reporting Service (1998/204) : a new Erwinia described from Pyrus pyrifolia. Closely related to, but distinct from, E. amylovora. Named E. pyrifoliae. Earlier doubtful records could refer to this.

EPPO Reporting Service (2015/089) : first found in May 2015 in 3 adjacent pear orchards in the cities of Anseong and Cheonan, under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2016/162) : also found in June/July 2015 in 2 commercial apple orchards in the cities of Anseong and Jecheon.

In 2015, E. amylovora was detected in 1,092 trees (768 pear trees, 324 apple trees) in 46 orchards in the southern part of Han river. Eradication continues (all infected orchards have been destroyed).

EPPO Reporting Service (2017/053) : observed in July 2015 on Chinese quince (Chaenomeles sinensis) in a nursery in Cheonan. Eradication continues.

EPPO Reporting Service (2017/206) : in August 2017, the bacterium was confirmed by molecular techniques in 18 pear orchards and 4 apple orchards. These orchards are located within an area of 16 km diameter in Anseong and Cheonan. Eradication continues.

EPPO Reporting Service (2019/149) : fireblight was found in 17 pear and 99 apple orchards in Anseong and Cheonan, as well as in 2 pear and 49 apple orchards in Jecheon. New outbreaks (6 apple orchards) were found in Eumseong. Eradication continues.

From NPPO (2020): official surveys detected E. amylovora in 462 pear and apple orchards [Chungju (300 orchards), Jecheon (105), Eumseong (10), Jincheon (2), Anseong (26), Paju (2), Icheon (2), Yeoncheon (2), Pyeongchang (2), Cheonan (6), Iksan (2), Yangju (1), Gwangju (Gyeonggi province) (2)]. Most infected orchards (98%) are located within 50 km radius.

From Jik Lee et al. (2022): in 2020, 744 orchards were found infected. The main pathways for disease spread are considered to be movements of infected planting material and use of contaminated pruning tools.
* Jik Lee H, Woo Lee S, Suh S-J, Hyun I-H (2022) Recent spread and potential pathways for fire blight in South Korea. EPPO Bulletin, 52, 135– 140.

* IPPC website
- Republic of Korea (KOR-09/1 of 2019-07-02) Report of outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2020. https://www.ippc.int/fr/countries/republic-of-korea/pestreports/2020/06/report-of-outbreak-of-erwinia-amylovora-in-rep-of-korea-in-2020/
- Republic of Korea (KOR-09/1 of 2019-07-02) Report of outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2019. https://www.ippc.int/en/countries/republic-of-korea/pestreports/2019/07/report-of-outbreak-of-erwinia-amylovora-in-rep-of-korea-in-2019/
- Republic of Korea (KOR-05/2 of 2017-08-24) Report of Outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2017. https://www.ippc.int/en/countries/republic-of-korea/pestreports/2017/08/report-of-outbreak-of-erwinia-amylovora-in-rep-of-korea-in-2017/
- Republic of Korea (KOR-02/2 of 2016-09-07) Update on "First report of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea". https://www.ippc.int/en/countries/republic-of-korea/pestreports/2015/12/update-on-first-report-of-erwinia-amylovora-in-rep-of-korea/
- Republic of Korea (2015-05-29) First outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea.

* Kim WS, Rhim SL, Volksch B, Gardan L, Paulin JP, Jock S, Geider K (1998) Characterization of a new Erwinia species affecting Asian pear trees. 8th International Workshop on fireblight, Kusadasi, TR, 1998-10-12/15.

* Lim YJ, Ham H, Lee MMH, Park DS, Roh E, Park DH, Lee YH (2023) First report of fire blight on Chinese hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge) caused by Erwinia amylovora in Korea. Plant Disease (early view). https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-23-0703-PDN
------- Found during the 2021 survey on Crataegus pinnatifida (near an infected pear orchard) in Icheon (Gyeonggi province).

* Lee MH, Ji SH, Ham H, Kong HG, Park DS, Lee YH (2021) First report of fire blight of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) caused by Erwinia amylovora in Korea. Plant Disease 105(3), p 696. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-20-1973-PDN

* Myung IS, Lee JY, Yun MJ, Lee YH, Lee YK, Park DH, Oh CS (2016) Fire blight of apple, caused by Erwinia amylovora, a new disease in Korea. Plant Disease 100(8), 1774-1774.

* Myung IS, Yun MJ, Lee YH, Kim GD, Lee YK (2016) First report of fire blight caused by Erwinia amylovora on Chinese quince in South Korea. Plant Disease 100(12), p 2521.

* Park DH, Yu JG, Oh EJ, Han KS, Yea MC, Lee SJ, Myung IS, Shim HS, Oh CS (2016) First report of fire blight disease on Asian pear caused by Erwinia amylovora in Korea. Plant Disease 100(9), p 1946.