EPPO Global Database

Corylus avellana(CYLAV)


Organism Type
Acanalonia conica (ACNLCO) Host
* D’Urso V , Uliana M (2006) Acanalonia conica (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Acanaloniidae), a nearctic species recently introduced in Europe. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 53(1), 103–107.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AGRBTU) Host
'Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae' (PHYPFG) Host
* Gentili A, Donati L, Bertin S, Manglli A, Ferretti L (2022) First report of  ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae’ infecting hazelnut in Italy. Plant Disease 106(8), 2254. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-21-2566-PDN

* Hodgetts J, Flint L, Davey C, Forde S, Jackson L, Harju V, Skelton A, Fox A (2015) Identification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae’ (16Sr XII-E) infecting Corylus avellana (hazel) in the United Kingdom. New Disease Reports 32, 3-3. https://doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2015.032.003

* Mehle N, Ravnikar M, Dermastia M, Solar A, Matko B, Mešl M (2018) First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae’ infection of Corylus avellana (Hazelnut) in Slovenia. Plant Disease 102(12), 2636
------- Confirmed host.
'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' (PHYPMA) Host
* Marcone C, Ragozzino A, Seemuller E (1986) Association of phytoplasmas with the decline of European hazel in southern Italy. Plant Pathology 45(5),  857-863.
-------- Phytoplasmas belonging to the apple proliferation group.
Choristoneura rosaceana (CHONRO) Host
* AliNiazee MT (1986) Seasonal history, adult flight activity, and damage of the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in filbert orchards. Canadian Entomologist 118, 351–359.

* Chapman PJ, Lienk SE (1971) Tortricid fauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae); including an account of apple's occurrence in the state, especially as a naturalized plant. Special Publication Geneva, NY, New York Agricultural Experiment Station, 122 pp.

* Walton VM, Chambers U, Olsen JL (2009) The current status of the newly invasive hazelnut aphid in Oregon hazelnut orchards. Acta Horticulturae 845, 479–486.
Chrysobothris mali (CHRBMA) Host
* EPPO (2021) EPPO Technical Document No. 1083. Pest risk analysis for Chrysobothris femorata and C. mali. EPPO, Paris. Available at https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/CHRBMA/documents
------- confirmed true host of Chrysobothis mali

* Wiman N, Andrews H, Mugica A, Rudolph E & Chase T (2019) Pacific Flatheaded Borer Ecology and Knowledge Gaps in western Oregon orchard crops. In Flatheaded Borer Workshop. Tennessee State University, Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center, McMinnville, TN July 1-2 (p. 28)
Clover yellow edge phytoplasma (PHYP19) Host
* Jomantiene R, Postman JD, Montano HG, Maas JL, Davis RE, Johnson KB (2007) First Report of Clover Yellow Edge Phytoplasma in Corylus (Hazelnut). Plant Disease 84(1), 102.
Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato (COLLAC) Host
Comstockaspis perniciosa (QUADPE) Host
* Ben-Dov Y, German V (2003) A systemic catalogue of the Diaspididae (armoured scale insects) of the world, subfamilies Aspidiotinae, Comstockiellinae and Odonaspidinae. Intercept Ltd, Andover UK, 1111 pp.
Corythucha arcuata (CRTHAR) Host
* Csóka G, Hirka A, Mutun S, Glavendekić M, Mikó Á, Szőcs L, Paulin M, Eötvös CB, Gáspár C, Csepelényi M, Szénási Á, Franjević M, Gninenko Y, Dautbašić M, Muzejinović O, Zúbrik M, Netoiu C, Buzatu A, Bălăcenoiu F, Jurc M, Jurc D, Bernardinelli I, Streito JC, Avtzis D, Hrašovec B (2020), Spread and potential host range of the invasive oak lace bug [Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) – Heteroptera: Tingidae] in Eurasia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 22: 61-74. https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12362
------- confirmed host.
Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi (GNMPCA) Host
* Lione G, Danti R, Fernandez-Conradi P, Ferreira-Cardoso JV, Lefort F, Marques G, Meyer JB, Prospero S, Radocz L, Robin C, Turchetti T, Vettraino AM, Gonthier P (2019) The emerging pathogen of chestnut Gnomoniopsis castanaeae: the challenge posed by a versatile fungus. European journal of Plant Pathology 153(3), 671-685.
------- In Sicilia, weak pathogen (cankers on twigs and branches).
Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma (PHYP64) Host
* Casati P, Jermini M, Quaglino F, Corbani G, Schaerer S, Passera A, Bianco PA, Rigamonti IE (2017) New insights on Flavescence dorée phytoplasma ecology in the vineyard agro-ecosystem in southern Switzerland. Annals of Applied Biology, 71(1), 37-51. 

* Mehle N, Jakoš N, Mešl M, Miklavc J, Matko B, Rot M, Rus AF, Brus R, Dermastia M (2019) Phytoplasmas associated with declining of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in Slovenia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 155(4), 1117–1132.
Halyomorpha halys (HALYHA) Host
* Bosco L, Moraglio ST, Tavella L (2018) Halyomorpha halys, a serious threat for hazelnut in newly invaded areas.  Journal of Pest Science 91(2), 661-670.

* Hedstrom CS, Shearer PW, Miller JC, Walton VM (2014) The effects of kernel feeding by Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on commercial hazelnuts. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(5), 1858-1865 .
Hyphantria cunea (HYPHCU) Host
* Kaçar G, Koca AS, Şahin B, Yildiz F (2019) [The distribution area, damage rate and some bio-ecological characters of American the fall webworm in hazelnut orchards in Bolu and Düzce]. Uluslararasi Tarim ve Yaban Hayati Bilimleri Dergisi 5(2), 266-272 (in Turkish). https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/881189
Ilarvirus ApMV (APMV00) Host
Aramburu J, Rovira M (2001) Incidence and natural spread of apple mosaic ilarvirus in hazel in north‐east Spain. Plant Pathology 49(4), 423-427.

* Cieślińska M, Valasevich N (2016) Characterization of Apple mosaic virus isolates detected in hazelnut in Poland. Journal of Plant Disease and Protection 123, 187–192.
Lopholeucaspis japonica (LOPLJA) Host
* Moghaddam M (2013) An annotated checklist of the scale insects of Iran (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccoidea) with new records and distribution data. Zookeys 334, 1-92.
Malacosoma americanum (as Corylus) (MALAAM) Host
Malacosoma disstria (as Corylus) (MALADI) Host
Megaplatypus mutatus (PLTPMU) Host
* Allegro G, Griffo R (2008) I rischi di diffusione di Megaplatypus mutatus. L'informatore Agrario no. 13, 73-76.

* Gonzalez-Audino P, Griffo R, Gatti P, Allegro G, Zerba E (2013) Pheromone detection of the introduced forest pest Megaplatypus mutatus (=Platypus mutatus) (Chapuis) (Platypodinae, Curculionidae) in Italy. Agroforestry Systems 87, 109-115.
------ It was observed the the full life cycle could be completed on this host in Italy.
Monilinia fructigena (MONIFG) Host
Orgyia leucostigma (as Corylus) (HEMELE) Host
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp

* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching IJ, Beccaloni GW, Hernández LM (2010) HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts.
Orientus ishidae (ORIEIS) Host
* Lessio F, Picciau L, Gonella E, Mandrioli M, Tota F, Alma A (2016) The mosaic leafhopper Orientus ishidae: host plants, spatial distribution, infectivity, and transmission of 16SrV phytoplasmas to vines. Bulletin of Insectology 69(2), 277-289.
------- Putative host plant (nymphs and adults were collected).

* Jermini M, Schaerer S, Casati P, Corbani G, Quaglino F, Rigamonti I, Bianco P (2017) Orientus ishidae, un nouveau vecteur de la flavescence dorée au Tessin. Viticulture 49(5), 280–288.
------- In Ticino, hazelnut and Salix sp. were the preferred hosts.
Pochazia shantungensis (POCZSH) Host
* Hızal E, Öztemiz S, Gjonov I (2023) Phenology and host preferences of the invasive Pochazia shantungensis (Chou & Lu, 1977) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae), a risk for agriculture and forest areas in the West-Palaearctic Region. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 75(2), 251-258. https://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/2023/002673
Xyleborinus attenuatus (XYBIAL) Host
* Kvamme T, Lindelöw Å, Knizek M (2020) Xyleborinus attenuatus (Blandford, 1894) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Scandinavia. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 67, 19‑30.

* Nikulina T, Mandelshtam M, Petrov A, Nazarenko V, Yunakov N (2015) A survey of the weevils of Ukraine. Bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae and Scolytinae). Zootaxa 3912, 61 pp.
Xylosandrus germanus (XYLBGE) Host
* Kushiyev R, Tunçer C, Özdemir İO, Erper İ, Kalendar R, Alkan M, Özer G (2022) Molecular characterization of native entomopathogenic fungi from ambrosia beetles in hazelnut orchards of Turkey and evaluation of their in vitro efficacy. Insects 13(9), 824. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13090824
------ Confirmed host.

* Tuncer C, Knížek M, Hulcr J (2017) Scolytinae in hazelnut orchards of Turkey: Clarification of species and identification key (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). ZooKeys 710, 65
------- Confirmed host
Anisogramma anomala (CRSPAN) Major host
* Gottwald TR, Cameron HR (1979) Morphology and life history of Anisogramma anomala. Mycologia 71, 1107-1126.

* Muehlbauer MF, Tobia J, Honig JA, Zhang N, Hillman BI, Gold KM, Molnar TJ (2019) Population differentiation within Anisogramma anomala in North America. Phytopathology 109, 1074–1082. 
Anoplophora chinensis (ANOLCN) Major host
* Sjöman H, Östberg J & Nilsson J (2014) Review of host trees for the wood-boring pests Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis: an urban forest perspective. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 40(3), 143–164.
------- Confirmed host (full  pest developement).
Curculio nucum (CURCNU) Major host
Erysiphe corylacearum (ERYSCY) Major host
* Arzanlou M, Torbati M, Golmohammadi H, 2018. Powdery mildew on hazelnut (Corylus avellana) caused by Erysiphe corylacearum in Iran. Forest Pathology 48, e12450. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/efp.12450

* Voglmayr H, Zankl T, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Kirisits T (2020) First report of Erysiphe corylacearum on Corylus avellana and C. colurna in Austria. New Disease Reports 42, 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2020.042.014
Oxycarenus lavaterae (as Corylus) (OXYALV) Major host
Popillia japonica (POPIJA) Major host
Regione Piemonte. Servizio fitosanitario. Lotte obbligatorie - Coleottero scarabeide del Giappone (Popillia japonica Newman). Popillia danni e difesa. https://www.regione.piemonte.it/web/sites/default/files/media/documenti/2019-06/popillia_danni_difesa.pdf
Pseudomonas avellanae (PSDMAL) Major host
Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina (XANTCY) Major host
* Pothier JF, Kałużna M, Prokić A, Obradović A, Rezzonico F (2022) Complete Genome and Plasmid Sequence Data of Three Strains of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina, the Bacterium Responsible for Bacterial Blight of Hazelnut. Phytopathology 112(4), 956-960.