EPPO Global Database

Ipomovirus cucumisvenaflavi(CVYV00)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Cucumis sativus (CUMSA) Major host
* Louro D, Quinot A, Neto E, Fernandes JE, Marian D, Vecchiati M, Caciagli P, Vaira AM (2004) Occurrence of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucurbitaceous species in southern Portugal. Plant pathology 53(2), 241.

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
Convolvulus arvensis (CONAR) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E, Cuadrado IM. (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Ecballium elaterium (ECAEL) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E,  Cuadrado I M (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Malva parviflora (MALPA) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E, Cuadrado IM. (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Sonchus asper (SONAS) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E, Cuadrado IM. (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Sonchus oleraceus (SONOL) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E, Cuadrado IM. (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Sonchus tenerrimus (SONTE) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E, Cuadrado IM. (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Citrullus colocynthis (CITCO) Host
* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
Citrullus lanatus (CITLA) Host
* Louro D, Quinot A, Neto E, Fernandes JE, Marian D, Vecchiati M, Caciagli P, Vaira AM (2004) Occurrence of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucurbitaceous species in southern Portugal. Plant pathology 53(2), 241.

* Luria N, Smith E, Sela N, Koren A, Lachman O, Dombrovsky A (2019) Insights into a watermelon virome contribute to monitoring distribution of whitefly-borne viruses. Phytobiomes Journal 3(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.1094/PBIOMES-07-18-0034-R

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
------- as Citrullus vulgaris.
Cucumis melo (CUMME) Host
* Louro D, Quinot A, Neto E, Fernandes JE, Marian D, Vecchiati M, Caciagli P, Vaira AM (2004) Occurrence of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucurbitaceous species in southern Portugal. Plant pathology 53(2), 241.

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
Cucumis melo var. flexuosus (CUMMF) Host
* Desbiez C, Caciagli P, Wipf‐Scheibel C, Millot P, Ruiz L, Marian D, Dafalla G, Lecoq H (2019) Evidence for long‐term prevalence of cucumber vein yellowing virus in Sudan and genetic variation of the virus in Sudan and the Mediterranean Basin. Plant Pathology 68(7), 1268-1275.

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
Cucurbita pepo (CUUPE) Host
* Louro D, Quinot A, Neto E, Fernandes JE, Marian D, Vecchiati M, Caciagli P, Vaira AM (2004) Occurrence of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucurbitaceous species in southern Portugal. Plant pathology 53(2), 241.

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.

* Mohammed MS & Lahuf AA (2023) First report of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in Iraq. New Disease Reports, 47, e12183. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.12183
Cucurbita pepo var. giromontiina (CUUPG) Host
* Mohammed MS, Lahuf AA (2023) First report of cucumber vein yellowing virus in Iraq. New Disease Reports 47, e12183. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.12183
Lagenaria siceraria (LGNSI) Host
* Desbiez C, Caciagli P, Wipf‐Scheibel C, Millot P, Ruiz L, Marian D, Dafalla G, Lecoq H (2019) Evidence for long‐term prevalence of cucumber vein yellowing virus in Sudan and genetic variation of the virus in Sudan and the Mediterranean Basin. Plant Pathology 68(7), 1268-1275.

* Mansour A,  Al‐Musa A (1993) Cucumber vein yellowing virus; host range and virus vector relationships. Journal of Phytopathology, 137(1), 73-78.
Luffa sp. (LUFSS) Host
* Desbiez C, Caciagli P, Wipf‐Scheibel C, Millot P, Ruiz L, Marian D, Dafalla G, Lecoq H (2019) Evidence for long‐term prevalence of cucumber vein yellowing virus in Sudan and genetic variation of the virus in Sudan and the Mediterranean Basin. Plant Pathology 68(7), 1268-1275.
------- as 'loofah' (no species name given).
Cucurbita foetidissima (CUUFO) Experimental
* Al-Musa AM, Qusus SJ & Mansour AN (1985) Cucumber vein yellowing virus on cucumber in Jordan. Plant Disease 69, 361.
Cucurbita moschata (CUUMO) Experimental
* Al-Musa AM, Qusus SJ & Mansour AN (1985) Cucumber vein yellowing virus on cucumber in Jordan. Plant Disease 69, 361.