EPPO Global Database

Ceratitis capitata(CERTCA)

Distribution details in Mexico

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Absent, pest eradicated
First recorded in: 1970s
Eradication in: 2014
From CABI Pest map 001 (2016): Absent, pest eradicated
First record of spread from Central America in 1977 (found in Chiapas state). Incursions have been occasionaly reported in the extreme south, but the pest was subject to eradication measures whenever found. Declared eradicated in October 2014.

EPPO Reporting Service 512/17: absent from Sonora state (pest-free area for USA).

NAPPO Annual Meeting 2004: small outbreak in home gardens in Tijuana (Baja California state ) in 2004-09, under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2005/123) : 4 males caught in Campeche state (adjoining Guatemala in Yucatan peninsula), under eradication.

From NPPO (IPPC website, 2006): eradication from Campeche state was officially declared successful in January 2006.

EPPO Reporting Service (2015/035) : in October 2014, official authorities declared the successful eradication of the pest.

NAPPO (2019): an outbreak was detected in April 2019 in Port of Manzanillo (Colima). Eradicated in April 2020.
* Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey & NAPIS (1999) Mediterranean fruit fly: Ceratitis capitata. WWW at http://ceris.purdue.edu/napis/pests/ffmd/index.html#regs.
------- Subject to recurrent invasion in the extreme South. Under eradication.

* Enkerlin, W.; Gutierrez-Ruelas, J. M.; Villasenor Cortes, A.; Cotoc Roldan, E.; Midgarden, D.; Lira, E.; Zavala Lopez, J. L.; Hendrichs, J.; Liedo, P.; Trujillo Arriaga, F. J. (2015) Florida Entomologist 98(2), 665-681.

* Hendrichs, J.; Ortiz, G.; Liedo, P.; Schwarz, A. (1983) Fruit flies of economic importance. Proceedings of the CEC/IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982, 353-365.
------- Declared eradicated in 1982.

* NAPPO Phytosanitary Alert System. Official Pest Reports.
- Mexico (2020-04-27) Eradicated Mediterranean fruit fly - Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/eradicated-mediterranean-fruit-fly-ceratitis-capitata-wiedemann-manzanillo
- Mexico (2019-04-30) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) detected in the municipality of Manzanillo, Colima. https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/ceratitis-capitata-wiedemann-detected-municipality-manzanillo-colima

- IPPC website. Official Pest Reports – Mexico, Publicación oficial de la erradiccación de C. capitata en Campeche (2006-01-20). https://www.ippc.int/index.php
- SAGARPA. Declara SAGARPA libre de mosca del Mediterraneo al territorio mexicano (dated 2014-10-30). http://www.sagarpa.gob.mx/saladeprensa/2012/Paginas/2014B852.aspx

* Manoukis, N. C.; Siderhurst, M.; Jang, E. B. (2015) Environmental Entomology 44 (3), 695-703

* USDA (1977) Co-operative Plant Pest Report 2 (6), 54.
------- First record, Chiapas State.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belize Transient view...
Guatemala Present, restricted distribution view...
United States of America California Absent, pest eradicated view...
United States of America Present, restricted distribution view...
United States of America Hawaii Present, widespread view...
United States of America Florida Absent, pest eradicated view...
United States of America Texas Absent, pest eradicated view...