EPPO Global Database

Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(BURSXY)

Distribution details in France

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2023: Absent, confirmed by survey
First recorded in: 1992
Pest status declared by NPPO: Absent, intercepted only (2011-06)
From CABI Disease map 789 (2015): Absent, invalid record
Reporting Service 520/17 of 1992-02: intercepted in "kiln-dried" conifer wood from CA.

There were published records of B. xylophilus in France, Baujard et al. (1979) and de Guiran (1990) , but these were misidentifications of B. mucronatus.

From the NPPO: annual surveys have been conducted since 2000, and B. xylophilus has never been detected (only on imported consignments from infested countries).
* Mariette N, Hotte H, Chappé AM, Grosdidier M, Anthoine G, Sarniguet C, Colnard O, Kersaudy E, Paris MT, Koen E, Folcher L (2023) Two decades of epidemiological surveillance of the pine wood nematode in France reveal its absence despite suitable conditions for its establishment. Annals of Forest Science 80(1), 1-24.

* NPPO of France (2011-06).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belgium Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Germany Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Italy Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Spain Present, few occurrences view...
Switzerland Absent, confirmed by survey view...