Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(BURSXY)
Links to other EPPO databases
Important note about this page:
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
- EPPO documents
- EPPO PRA for Bursaphelenchus xylophilus [EPPO, 2009-09-30]
- non-EPPO documents
- Assessing the confidence in pest freedom gained in the past pine wood nematode surveys [Finland, 2023-12-04]
- A strategy for delimitation survey in case of an introduction of the pine wood nematode in Sweden [Sweden, 2014-01-01]
- Avis de l'Anses relatif « aux connaissances nécessaires à la gestion du risque des écorces sensibles au nématode du pin » [France, 2019-07-25]
- AVIS et rapport de l'Anses relatifs à « Évaluation des mesures d’urgence destinées à prévenir la propagation du nématode du pin dans l’Union européenne » [France, 2015-09-24]
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ̶ Pest Report and Datasheet to support ranking of EU candidate priority pests [EU, 2019-06-03]
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Pest Report to support the ranking of EU candidate priority pests [EU, 2025-03-13]
- Commodity risk assessment of black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) bonsai from Japan [EU, 2019-03-28]
- Commodity risk assessment of bonsai plants from China consisting of Pinus parviflora grafted on Pinus thunbergii [EU, 2021-12-16]
- Commodity risk assessment of debarked conifer wood chips fumigated with sulfuryl fluoride from the US [EU, 2024-12-11]
- Delimiting of biological invasions – an overview of strategies and tools with pine wood nematode as a case study [Sweden, 2020-01-01]
- Pathway-analysis for pine wood nematode in bark from Portugal into the Netherlands [Netherlands, 2013-04-01]
- Saisine relative aux dispositifs de transport, stockage et traitement des bois ou des véhicules de transport des bois ou écorces sensibles au nématode du pin, en cas de déclaration de foyer [France, 2019-12-19]
- Scientific Opinion on comments provided by Portugal on the phytosanitary risk associated with Pinus pinea for the spread of pine wood nematode [EU, 2013-03-20]
- Scientific Opinion on the phytosanitary risk associated with some coniferous species and genera for the spread of pine wood nematode [EU, 2011-12-22]
- Statement on a study proposal prepared by US to support a derogation request from the EU import requirements for wood packaging material used to pack and transport military ammunition [EU, 2010-01-26]
- Strategies for detection and delimitation surveys of the pine wood nematode in Sweden [Sweden, 2012-01-01]