EPPO Global Database

Capillovirus mali(ASGV00)

Distribution details in China

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2023: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 810 (2023): Present, widespread
EPPO Reporting Service (2020/137) : found infecting loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) in Chongqing, China.
* James, D. (1999) Journal of Virological Methods 83 (1-2), 1-9.

* James, D.; Hadidi, A. (1998) Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on virus and virus like diseases of temperate fruit crops, fruit tree diseases, Bethesda, MD, USA, 23 27 June, 1997, volume 1. Acta Horticulturae No. 472, 119-124.

* Jia X-J, Zhang Z-P, Fan X-D, Ren F, Dong Y-F, Hu G-J (2022) Detection and genetic variation analysis of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and apple stem grooving virus in wild apple (Malus sieversii) from Xinjiang, China. Forest Pathology 52, e12771. https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12771

* Hong, Ni; Wang, GuoPing; Yu, JiMing; Dong, YiaFeng; Zhang, ZunPing; Hong, N.; Wang, G. P.; Yu, J. M.; Dong, Y. F.; Zhang, Z. P. (1997) Scientia Agricultura Sinica 30 (5), 6-12.

* Liu KH, Song Z, Zhou Y, Li ZA, Zhou CY (2011) Detection of Citrus tatter leaf virus by Real-Time RT-PCR. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of IOCV, 18(18), 3 pp.

* Liu P, Zhang L, Zhang H, Jiao H, Wu Y (2013) Detection and molecular variability of Apple stem grooving virus in Shaanxi, China. Journal of Phytopathology 161(6), 445-449.
------- Shaanxi.

* Ma L, Zeng Q, Huang W, Wang S, Zhang Y, Cheng Y, Zhang Q, Wang S, Hao L, Xu C, Yu Y (2021) Incidence of major pome fruit tree viruses and viroids in commercial pear orchards in China and in Pyrus betulifolia seedlings. Plant Pathology 70(6), 1467-1475.

* Takahashi, T.; Saito, N.; Goto, M.; Kawai, M. (1990) Research Bulletin of the Plant Protection Service, Japan 26, 15-21.
------- In exports to Japan.

* Waterworth, H. E. (1972) Phytopathology 62, 695-699.

* Xuan ZY, Zhang S, Ping LI, Yang FY, Chen HM, Liu KH, Yan ZH, Li ZA, Zhou CY, Cao MJ (2022) Apple stem grooving virus is associated with leaf yellow mottle mosaic disease on Citrus grandis cv. Huangjinmiyou in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 21(7), 2031-2041. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2095-3119(21)63823-6

* Zhang TM, Liang XY, Roistacher CN (1988) Occurrence and detection of citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV) in Huangyan, Zhejiang province, China. Plant Disease 72(6), 543-545.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
India Madhya Pradesh Present, no details view...
India Present, restricted distribution view...
India Himachal Pradesh Present, no details view...
India Jammu & Kashmir Present, no details view...
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Present, no details view...
Lao People's Democratic Republic Present, few occurrences view...
Nepal Present, no details view...
Pakistan Present, no details view...
Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Southern Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Central Russia Present, no details view...