Capillovirus mali(ASGV00)
Distribution details in Pakistan
From CABI Disease map 810 (2023): Present, no details
* Howell WE, Mink GI, Hurtt SS, Foster JA, Postman JD (1996) Select Malus clones for rapid detection of apple stem grooving virus. Plant Disease 80(10), 1200-1202.
* James, D. (1999) A simple and reliable protocol for the detection of apple stem grooving virus by RT-PCR and in a multiplex PCR assay. Journal of Virological Methods 83 (1-2), 1-9.
* James, D.; Hadidi, A. (1998) Acta Horticulturae No. 472, 119-124.
* James, D. (1999) A simple and reliable protocol for the detection of apple stem grooving virus by RT-PCR and in a multiplex PCR assay. Journal of Virological Methods 83 (1-2), 1-9.
* James, D.; Hadidi, A. (1998) Acta Horticulturae No. 472, 119-124.
Country | State | Status | |
China | Zhejiang | Present, widespread | |
China | Sichuan | Present, no details | |
China | Fujian | Present, no details | |
China | Guangdong | Present, no details | |
China | Hubei | Present, no details | |
China | Yunnan | Present, no details | |
China | Neimenggu | Present, no details | |
China | Guizhou | Present, no details | |
China | Jiangsu | Present, no details | |
China | Shaanxi | Present, widespread | |
China | Hebei | Present, widespread | |
China | Heilongjiang | Present, widespread | |
China | Henan | Present, widespread | |
China | Jilin | Present, widespread | |
China | Shandong | Present, widespread | |
China | Hunan | Present, no details | |
China | Guangxi | Present, no details | |
China | Xinjiang | Present, no details | |
China | Jiangxi | Present, no details | |
China | Liaoning | Present, widespread | |
China | Shanxi | Present, widespread | |
China | Present, no details | ||
China | Anhui | Present, widespread | |
China | Beijing | Present, widespread | |
China | Chongqing | Present, no details | |
India | Madhya Pradesh | Present, no details | |
India | Present, restricted distribution | ||
India | Himachal Pradesh | Present, no details | |
India | Jammu & Kashmir | Present, no details | |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | Present, no details |