EPPO Global Database

Agrilus planipennis(AGRLPL)

Distribution details in United States of America

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2022: Present, widespread
First recorded in: 2002
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present in some parts of the United States (2020-12)
From CABI Pest map 675 (2006): Present, no details
First recorded in 2002 in Michigan and then in other states, under official control to prevent any further spread.

EPPO Reporting Service (2003/147) : Ohio and Maryland

EPPO Reporting Service (2004/032) : Virginia

EPPO Reporting Service (2004/160) : Indiana

EPPO Reporting Service (2006/126) : Illinois

EPPO Reporting Service (2008/158) : Missouri and Wisconsin.

EPPO Reporting Service (2010/117) : West Virginia, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York and Iowa.

EPPO Reporting Service (2013/165) : Connecticut, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee.

EPPO Reporting Service (2014/063) : Colorado and Georgia.

EPPO Reporting Service (2018/002) : South Carolina.

EPPO Reporting Service (2018/187) : found in South Dakota.

EPPO Reporting Service (2021/001) : considering that the pest is now widespread in the USA, the domestic quarantine measures have been lifted

EPPO Reporting Service (2022/143) : found in Oregon.

EPPO Reporting Service (2025/001) : found in North Dakota.
* Cipollini D (2015) White fringetree as a novel larval host for emerald ash borer. Journal of Economic Entomology 108(1), 370-375.

* Herms DA, McCullough DG (2014) Emerald ash borer invasion of North America: history, biology, ecology, impacts and management. Annual Review of Entomology 59, 13-30.

- Emerald ash borer. Where is EAB? http://www.emeraldashborer.info
- Kansas Department of Agriculture (2013-07-15) Temporary Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine. https://agriculture.ks.gov/docs/default-source/pp-emerald-ash-borer/emerald-ash-borer-.pdf?sfvrsn=0
- KCTV News – Kansas City. Tree-killing beetle found in Johnson county. http://www.kctv5.com/story/22850701/tree-killing-beetle-found-in-johnson-county
- Massachusetts introduced pests outreach project (2012-08-01) Pest Alert: Emerald ash borer in Connecticut. http://www.massnrc.org/pests
- Massachusetts introduced pests outreach blog. Emerald ash borer found in Massachusetts (2012-09-12). http://massnrc.org/pests/blog/2012/09/emerald-ash-borer-found-in-massachusetts.html
- NC State University. Extension Forestry – Woodland owners update. Emerald ash borer identified in Granville county, NC. http://cnr.ncsu.edu/blogs/wou/2013/06/17/emerald-ash-borer-identified-in-granville-county-nc/
- NHBugs. Protecting trees and forests. Damaging insects and diseases. http://nhbugs.org/
- University of New Hampshire. Cooperative Extension (2013-04-05) Invasive emerald ash borer detected in New Hampshire. http://extension.unh.edu/articles/Invasive-emerald-ash-borer-detected-New-Hampshire

* NAPPO Phytosanitary Alert System - see also individual state records.
- USA (2019-01-02). Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS updates regulated area in the United States. https://www.pestalerts.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=779
- USA (2014-05-22) Updated regulated areas for the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) in the United States. http://www.pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID=581
- USA (2020-12-14). APHIS changes approach to fight Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). https://www.pestalerts.org/official-pest-report/aphis-changes-approach-fight-emerald-ash-borer-eab

* Stock SD (2012) Additional counties in Kentucky and New York have been added to the emerald ash borer regulated area. NPDN First Detector Network News 7(5), p 3.
------- 15 states in Northeastern USA have detected A. planipennis, it is estimated that it has already killed more than 60 million ash trees.

* Stock SD (2014) Recent reports on the spread of emerald ash borer regulated area. NPDN First Detector Network News 9(1), p 1.
------- 22 states have detected A. planipennis.

* USDA (2022-07-15) USDA statement of confirmation of emerald ash borer in Oregon. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/newsroom/stakeholder-info/stakeholder-messages/plant-health-news/eab-or
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Canada Ontario Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada Manitoba Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada New Brunswick Present, few occurrences view...
Canada Nova Scotia Present, few occurrences view...
Canada Québec Present, few occurrences view...
Canada British Columbia Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada Present, restricted distribution view...