EPPO Global Database

Tulipa sp.(TULSS)


Nepovirus nicotianae (TRSV00) Host
* Samuitienė M, Navalinskienė M (2001) Nepoviruses and their influence on field floriculture. Biologija 4, 43-45.

* Schoen R, de Krom CE, Westenberg M, Botermans M, van Bruggen AS, Meekes ET, Didden L, Hooftman M, Roenhorst JW (2024) Findings of tobacco ringspot virus in ornamentals in the Netherlands from 1997 to 2020 indicate a need for evaluation of its European Union quarantine status. European Journal of Plant Pathology. (early view) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-024-02957-3.
Orthotospovirus impatiensnecromaculae (INSV00) Host
* Stanković I, Vučurović A, Zečević K, Petrović B, Ristić D, Vučurović I, Krstić B (2020) Occurrence and molecular characterization of Impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus in ornamentals in Serbia. Journal of Plant Pathology 102,787–797.