EPPO Global Database

Nepovirus lycopersici(TORSV0)

Distribution details in United States of America (South Carolina)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2003: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 771 (2015): Present, no details
* Hughes, P. L.; Scott, S. W. (2003) Plant Disease 87 (1), 102.
------- First record on orange eye butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii).

* Reddick, B. B.; Barnett, O. W.; Baxter, L. W., Jr. (1979) Plant Disease Reporter 63 (7), 529-532.
------- In Cornus florida on the Clemson University campus. Serologically similar to the grape strain.

* Scott, S. W.; Barnett, O. W. (1991) Plant Disease 75 (1), 73-77.
------- In Trifolium ambiguum.

* Uyemoto, J. K.; Scott, S. W. (1992) Plant Disease 76 (1), 5-11.
------- In Prunus.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Canada New Brunswick Present, no details view...
Canada Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada Québec Present, no details view...
Canada Ontario Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada British Columbia Present, no details view...
Canada Manitoba Present, no details view...
Mexico Absent, invalid record view...