Nepovirus lycopersici(TORSV0)
Distribution details in Italy
Pest status declared by NPPO: Absent, eradicated (2018-07)
From CABI Disease map 771 (2015): Present, few occurrences
EPPO Reporting Service (2015/194) : detected in Punica granatum trees (which had been imported from the USA) in Emilia-Romagna. Under eradication. Earlier records of ToRSV in Italy are considered either invalid or corresponded to an isolated finding which was not followed by establishement.
EPPO Reporting Service (2018/187) : the above outbreak was successfully eradicated in 2018.
EPPO Reporting Service (2018/187) : the above outbreak was successfully eradicated in 2018.
* Bellardi, M. G.; Nanni, G.; Bertaccini, A. (2002) Acta Horticulturae No. 568 pp 215-220.
* Canova & Betti (1983) Le virosi delle piante ortive. Italia Agricola (REDA).
------- Refers only to symptoms, now considered unreliable.
* NPPO of Italy (1993, 2015-10, 2018-07).
* Poggi Pollini C, Giunchedi L (1984) [Virus and virus-like diseases in the cultivated Rubus species]. Informatore Fitopatologico 34 (5), 59-63 (in Italian).
------- First record, in raspberries, but not followed by establishment.
* Canova & Betti (1983) Le virosi delle piante ortive. Italia Agricola (REDA).
------- Refers only to symptoms, now considered unreliable.
* NPPO of Italy (1993, 2015-10, 2018-07).
* Poggi Pollini C, Giunchedi L (1984) [Virus and virus-like diseases in the cultivated Rubus species]. Informatore Fitopatologico 34 (5), 59-63 (in Italian).
------- First record, in raspberries, but not followed by establishment.
Country | State | Status | |
France | Present, no details | ||
Slovenia | Absent, confirmed by survey |