EPPO Global Database

Phytophthora erythroseptica(PHYTER)


All photos included on this page can only be used for educational purposes.
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

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Late stage of pink rot

Courtesy: Maria A. Kuznetsova (All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology)

Late stage of pink rot (high resolution image)

Courtesy: Maria A. Kuznetsova (All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Potato tuber infected with Phytophthora erythroseptica oozing a clear liquid when squeezed.

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms on potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms on potato

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in cut potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in cut potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Phytophthora erythroseptica

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms on a cut potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in cut potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in cut potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Potato tuber infected with Phytophthora erythroseptica oozing a clear liquid when squeezed.

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Internal and external symptoms (Ref SASA 3574)

Courtesy: SASA, UK

Flesh of potato tuber infected with Phytophthora erythroseptica turning pink after air exposure

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms (Ref SASA 3585)

Courtesy: SASA, UK

External symptoms on potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms on a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms on a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External & internal symptoms on a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms on cut potato tubers

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

External symptoms on a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)

Symptoms in a potato tuber

Courtesy: ÇAKIR Emel (TR)