EPPO Global Database

'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'(PHYPSO)

Distribution details in Türkiye

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2011: Present, restricted distribution
From NPPO: Present, restricted distribution
* Canik D, Topkaya X, Bayram S, Soylemezoglu G, Ertunc F (2011) Occurrence and distribution of bois noir phytoplasma in Turkey. Petria 21(2/3), 118-119.
------- On grapevine (bois noir).

* Citir A (1985) J. Turk. Phytopath. 14(2), 53-63.

* Guclu S, Ozbek H (1988) Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 12 (2), 103-111.

* NPPO of Turkey (1993).

* Ozbek H, Alaoglu O, Guclu S (1987) I. Turkish National Congress of Entomology, Bornoca, Turkey, 13-16 October 1987, pp. 215-228.

* Ozdemir N, Saygili H, Sahin F, Karsavuran Y, Bayrak OF, Oral B (2009) Host range and genetic characterization of a phytoplasma causing tomato stolbur disease in Turkey. Acta Horticulturae no. 808, 255-261.
------- Marmara, 'Western Anatolia'.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Armenia Present, no details view...
Azerbaijan Present, no details view...
Bulgaria Present, restricted distribution view...
Georgia Present, no details view...
Greece Present, restricted distribution view...
Iran, Islamic Republic of Present, no details view...
Syrian Arab Republic Absent, unreliable record view...