EPPO Global Database

Phaseolus coccineus(PHSCO)


Organism Type
Acanthoscelides obtectus (ACANOB) Host
Begomovirus costai (as Phaseolus) (BGMV00) Host
Ditylenchus dipsaci (DITYDI) Host
* Goodey JB, Franklin MT, Hooper DJ (1965) T. Goodey's: The Nematode Parasites of Plants Catalogued Under Their Hosts. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, Bucks, England. Third edition, 214 pp.
Helicoverpa zea (as Phaseolus) (HELIZE) Host
* Matthews M (1991) Classification of the Heliothinae. Bulletin of the Natural Resources Institute No. 44. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Liriomyza huidobrensis (LIRIHU) Host
* Musundire R, Chabi-Olaye A, Kruger K (2012) Host plant effects on morphometric characteristics of Liriomyza huidobrensis, L. sativae and L. trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 136, 97-108.
Liriomyza trifolii (LIRITR) Host
Phakopsora pachyrhizi (PHAKPA) Host
* Lynch TN, Marois JJ, Wright DL, Harmon PF, Harmon CL, Miles MR (2006) First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Phaseolus spp. in the United States. Plant Disease 90(7), p 970.
Pseudocercospora griseola (PHAIGR) Host
Pseudocercospora griseola (as Phaseolus) (PHAIGR) Host
Spodoptera praefica (as Phaseolus) (PRODPR) Host
* Berry RE (1998) Western yellowstriped armyworm. Spodoptera praefica. Insects and Mites or Economic Importance in the Northwest. Oregon State University Bookstore, p 221 (online modified version). http://uspest.org/potato/wystriparmyworm.pdf

* British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture. Western yellowstriped armyworm (Spodoptera praefica). https://rdno.civicweb.net/document/127358/western-yellowstriped-armyworm.pdf?handle=3CD053B4F8D54F9CBB93F8D6D5572C27
Tetranychus evansi (TETREV) Host
* Ho CC, Wang SC (2007) [Addendum on the records of Tetranychus evansi in Taiwan.] Plant Protection Bulletin (Taipei) 49(2), 167-168
Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. phaseoli (XANTPH) Host
* Zaumeyer WJ & Thomas HR (1957) A monographic study of bean diseases and methods for their control. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. phaseoli (as Phaseolus) (XANTPH) Host
Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (CORBFL) Major host
* Osdaghi E, Young AJ, Harveson RM (2020) Bacterial wilt of dry beans caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens: A new threat from an old enemy. Molecular Plant Pathology 21, 605-621. https://doi.org/10.1111/mpp.12926.