Ips sexdentatus(IPSXSE)
Distribution details in Moldova, Republic of
From CABI Pest map 648 (2003): Present, no details
* Izhevsky SS, Nikitsky NB, Volkov OG and Dolgin MM (2005) Illyustrirovannyy spravochnik zhukov-ksilofagov - vrediteley lesa i lesomaterialov Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Illustrated guide to coleopteran - xylophagous pests of forests and timber of Russia] Tula, Grif and Co, 220 pp. (in Russian).
* Zubov PA (1988) Zashchita Lesa ot Vreditelei i Boleznei, Agropromizdat, Moscow, Russia.
* Zubov PA (1988) Zashchita Lesa ot Vreditelei i Boleznei, Agropromizdat, Moscow, Russia.
Country | State | Status | |
Romania | Present, no details | ||
Ukraine | Present, widespread |