EPPO Global Database

Orthotospovirus arachinecrosis(GBNV00)


Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Organism Type
Scirtothrips dorsalis (SCITDO) Known vector
* Meena RL, Ramasubramanian T, Venkatesan S and Mohankumar S (2005) Molecular characterization of Tospovirus transmitting thrips populations from India. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1, 167–172.
Thrips palmi (THRIPL) Known vector
* Jones DR (2005) Plant viruses transmitted by thrips. European Journal of Plant Pathology 113(2), 119-157.

* Lakshmi KV, Wightman JA, Reddy DV, Rao GV, Buiel AA, Reddy DD (1995) Transmission of peanut bud necrosis virus by Thrips palmi in India. In Thrips biology and management, pp. 179-184. Springer, Boston, MA.