* Bishop GC (1978) Studies on silver leaf disease of stone and pome fruit trees (Doctoral dissertation, Adelaide, Australia), 155 pp. https://digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2440/20649/2/02whole.pdf
* Moore WC (1959) British Parasitic Fungi. Cambridge University Press, 430 pp.
* Prentice RM (1966) Volume 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Department of Forestry, Canada, Publication 1142 (1965), 543–840.
* Food Plant Database for the Leafrollers of the World (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). http://www.tortricidae.com/foodplantreferences.asp
------- LACM Index. Records from the card file at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, California; transcribed by Gaeden Robinson (BMNH).
* Prentice RM (1966) Vol. 4. Microlepidoptera. In: Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Department of Forestry Canada, Publication 1142 (1965), 543–840.
* Doering KC (1942) Host plant records of Cercopidae in North America, North of Mexico (Homoptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 15(2), 65-72.
------- Adult feeding.
* Hamilton KGA (1982) The spittlebugs of Canada. Homoptera: Cercopidae. The Insects and arachnids of Canada, Part 10. Agriculture Canada, Publication 1740, 102 pp.
------- Taken from Acer (citing Doering, 1942), but probably strays from Carya.
* Doering KC (1942) Host plant records of Cercopidae in North America, North of Mexico (Homoptera) (continued). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 15(3), 73-92.
------- Nymphs found feeding on this plant.
* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching I, Beccaloni GW, Hernández LM (2023). HOSTS (from HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants). Natural History Museum. https://data.nhm.ac.uk/dataset/hosts/resource/877f387a-36a3-486c-a0c1-b8d5fb69f85a
------- Probably feeding host only
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp
* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching IJ, Beccaloni GW, Hernández LM (2010) HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts.