EPPO Global Database

Ceratitis capitata(CERTCA)

Distribution details in Chile

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2015: Transient
First recorded in: 1963
From CABI Pest map 001 (2016): Present, few occurrences
Arica, N. Chile, where under eradication, together with adjoining Tacna Valley of Peru (EPPO Reporting Service 512/17). Absent from southern Chile.

In 1996-02, the Chilean NPPO declared that, after a successful eradication campaign, the last larvae were observed in 1995-04 and the last adult fly was caught in 1995-05. Though temperature sums would have allowed two generations since then, no more were trapped. So eradication declared successful.

EPPO Reporting Service (2015/049) : the pest was found again in several sites at the beginning of 2015. Under eradication.
* Anon. (1997) IAEA Insect and Pest Control Newsletter 50, 12.

* Gonzalez, J.; Troncoso, P. (2007) Area-wide control of insect pests: from research to field implementation. Springer SBM, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 641-651.
------- The preventive release of sterile males in northern Chile helped to keep the pest-free status.

* Harris, E. J.; Olalquiaga, G. (1991) Environmental Entomology 20 (1), 174-178.
------- Desert area near border with Peru.

Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) website
- SAG declara brote de mosca de la fruta en Iquique (2015-02-06). http://www.sag.cl/noticias/sag-declara-brote-de-mosca-de-la-fruta-en-iquique
- SAG detecta ejemplar de mosca del Mediterráneo en zona urbana de Talca (2015-03-10). http://www.sag.cl/noticias/sag-detecta-ejemplar-de-mosca-del-mediterraneo-en-zona-urbana-de-talca
- SAG despliega campaña de erradicación ante detección de mosca de la fruta, Ceratitis capitata en La Serena (2015-03-23). http://www.sag.cl/noticias/sag-despliega-campana-de-erradicacion-ante-deteccion-de-mosca-de-la-fruta-ceratitis
- Director Nacional del SAG anuncia que más de 90 personas están trabajando para el control de mosca de la fruta (2015-03-30).http://www.sag.cl/noticias/director-nacional-del-sag-anuncia-que-mas-de-90-personas-estan-trabajando-para-el-control.

* IPPC website. Official Pest Reports – Chile. Erradicación Brotes de Mosca del Mediterráneo (2010-08-26). https://www.ippc.int/index.php

* Lobos A., C. (1996) Agricultura Tecnica (Santiago) 56 (2), 75-81.
------- Restricted to an area of Arican Province.

* Olalquiaga F., G.; Lobos A., C. (1993) La mosca del Mediterraneo en Chile, introduccion y erradicacion, 268 pp. Servicio Agricola y Ganadero, Ministerio de Agricultura, Santiago, Chile.
------- First recorded in 1963; eradicated 19 times since 1964.

* Servicio Agricola y Ganadera, Chile (1990) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 38 (1), 48.
------- 1 individual detected in Los Andes Province.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Argentina Present, restricted distribution view...
Bolivia Present, no details view...
Peru Present, no details view...