EPPO Global Database

Aculops lycopersici(VASALY)

Vector of

Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Organism Type
Blunervirus solani (TOFBV0) Potential vector
* Luigi M, Tiberini A, Taglienti A, Bertin S, Dragone I, Sybilska A, Tarchi F, Goggioli D, Lewandowski M, Simoni S, Faggioli F (2024) Molecular methods for the simultaneous detection of Tomato Fruit Blotch Virus and identification of tomato russet mite, a new potential virus–vector system threatening Solanaceous crops worldwide. Viruses 16(5), 806. https://doi.org/10.3390/v16050806