EPPO Global Database

Begomovirus solanumvariati(TOMOV0)

Distribution details in United States of America (Florida)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1995: Present, no details
First recorded in: 1980s
From CABI Disease map 759 (1998): Present, no details
From NPPO: Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (1995/145) : first report in Florida (symptoms had been observed since 1989).
* Gilbertson, R. L.; Hidayat, S. H.; Paplomatas, E. J.; Rojas, M. R.; Hou, Y. M.; Maxwell, D. P. (1993) Journal of General Virology 74 (1), 23-31.

* Mehta, P.; Wyman, J. A.; Nakhla, M. K.; Maxwell, D. P. (1994) Journal of Economic Entomology 87 (5), 1285-1290.

* Polston, J. E.; Chellemi, D. O.; Schuster, D. J.; McGovern, R. J.; Stansly, P. A. (1996) Plant Disease 80 (9), 1022-1028.

* Polston JE, Hiebert E, McGovern RJ, Stansly PA, Schuster DJ (1993) Host range of tomato mottle virus, a new geminivirus infecting tomato in Florida. Plant Disease 77, 1181-1184.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Mexico Present, restricted distribution view...