EPPO Global Database

Tilletia laevis(TILLFO)

Code created in: 2002-02-06

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Tilletia laevis
  • Authority: Kühn

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Tilletia foetens (Berkeley & Curtis) Trelease
Tilletia foetida (Wallroth) Liro

Common names
Name Language
bunt of wheat English
smooth-spored bunt of wheat English
stinking smut of wheat English
Schmierbrand: Weizen German
Steinbrand: Weizen German
Stinkbrand: Weizen German
carie commune du blé French
carie du blé French
carie lisse du blé French
caries del trigo Spanish
tizón del trigo Spanish
kietosios kūlės Lithuanian