EPPO Global Database

Berkeleyomyces basicola(THIEBA)

Code created in: 2003-12-02

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Berkeleyomyces basicola
  • Authority: (Berkeley & Broome) W.J. Nel, Z.W. de Beer, T.A. Duong & M.J. Wingfield


Thielaviopsis basicola was reclassified in 2018 as two cryptic species, Berkeleyomyces basicola and B. rouxiae. The data related to Thielaviopsis basicola remains available under Berkeleyomyces basicola.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Chalara elegans Nag Raj & Kendrick
Thielaviopsis basicola (Berkeley & Broome) Ferraris
Torula basicola Berkeley & Broome
Trichocladium basicola (Berkeley & Broome) Carmichael

Common names
Name Language
black hull disease of groundnut English
black root rot of bean English
black root rot of tobacco English
root rot of citrus seedlings English
root rot of ornamentals English
Schwarzbeinigkeit: Tabak German
Wurzelbräune: Klee German
Wurzelbräune: Tabak German
Wurzelfäule: Bohne German
Wurzelfäule: Lupine German
Wurzelfäule: Zierpflanzen German
Wurzelfäule: Zitrus-Sämlinge German
pied noir du pois French
pourridié noir du mélilot French
pourridié noir du tabac French
pourriture noire des racines du tabac French
enfermedad de las raíces pardas Spanish
podredumbre de las raíces del tabaco Spanish