EPPO Global Database

Syzygium buxifolium(SYZBU)


Organism Type
Austropuccinia psidii (PUCCPS) Host
* Ruffner B, Beenken L, Kupper Q, Mittelstrass J, Schuler P, Stewart JE, Caballero JI, Winiger R, Prospero S (2024) First report of Austropuccinia psidii on Syzygium buxifolium grown as indoor bonsai in Europe. New Disease Reports. 50 (2), e70011. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.70011
Austropuccinia psidii (as Syzygium) (PUCCPS) Host
* Soewarto J, Carriconde F, Hugot N, Bocs S, Hamelin C, Maggia L (2017) Impact of Austropuccinia psidii in New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot. Forest Pathology 48(2), e12402.
Meloidogyne enterolobii (as Syzygium) (MELGMY) Host
* NPPO of the Netherlands (2024-11). https://english.nvwa.nl/topics/pest-reporting/documents/plant/plant-health/pest-reporting/documents/close-out-report-eradication-of-meloidogyne-enterolobii-at-12-places-of-production-for-retail-in-the-netherlands
Trichoferus campestris (as Syzygium) (HESOCA) Host
* Iwata R & Yamada F (1990) Notes on the biology of Hesperophanes campestris, a drywood borer in Japan. Material und Organismen 25, 305–313.