EPPO Global Database

Strobilomyia viaria(STRMVI)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Larix gmelinii (LAXGM) Major host
* Michelsen V (1988) A world revision of Strobilomyia Generaln. the anthomyiid seed pests of conifers. Systematic Entomology 13, 271–314.
Larix gmelinii var. gmelinii (LAXKA) Major host
* Roques A, Sun JH, Sachet JM & Pan YZ (2003) Review of cone fly species, Strobilomyia spp., affecting conifer natural regeneration in the Far East. Acta Entomologia Sinica 46, 363–381.
Larix gmelinii var. olgensis (LAXOL) Major host
* Roques A, Sun JH, Sachet JM & Pan YZ (2003) Review of cone fly species, Strobilomyia spp., affecting conifer natural regeneration in the Far East. Acta Entomologia Sinica 46, 363–381.
Larix laricina (LAXLA) Major host
* McClure M, Quiring DT & Turgeon JJ (1996) Oviposition, temporal distribution and potential impact of Strobilomyia laricis and S. viaria on Larix laricina. Canadian Entomologist 128, 67–78.

* Michelsen V (1988) A world revision of Strobilomyia Generaln. the anthomyiid seed pests of conifers. Systematic Entomology 13, 271–314.
Larix x lubarskii (LAXLU) Major host
* Roques A, Sun JH, Sachet JM & Pan YZ (2003) Review of cone fly species, Strobilomyia spp., affecting conifer natural regeneration in the Far East. Acta Entomologia Sinica 46, 363–381.